New Portals of Enlightenment Opening 11/11 Gateway

hqdefaultNew Portals of Enlightenment 11/11 Gateway


New Portals of enlightenment are now opening up for us all with the 11/11 Gateway. Each one of us is a portal for Source Energy and as we move closer to Source, more portals within us will open up.


A few days ago my daughter and I were driving back home from going out to dinner. We had the windows rolled down in the car … yes, it is still 85 degrees here in Florida.  As we were driving we came to an area with no cars around, so it was very quiet. There was no noise in the car and no other cars around us for some distance. All of the sudden I heard this INCREDIBLE WOOSH sound right outside my window, then an earth type whirling sound I have experienced a few times now. This stunned me, as this is not the kind of noise you hear coming from outside your window.  I have never heard a sound like this in my life. I looked all around  the car to see if there was any other explanation and there was not. Just complete silence all around the car. This was a portal that opened right next to me.  My daughter also experienced the same thing as she was driving the car. I experienced something like this a few years back when a portal opened up above my head while I was in a retail store. None of the other customers experienced this or knew what was going on. At that time I was literally paralyzed and could not move until the portal moved on. This time was different, there was a giddiness that occurred afterwards. This can also happen after contact with UFO’s or Star Beings.

What does this mean? This is a brand new development in our reality. We are NOW merging more and more into 5D as the realms merge. I have talked in my recent articles about how for the past 2 weeks the energy has increased and now more and more other dimensional experiences are taking place.  The realms will continue to merge and odd happenings like this one will continue to happen to not just me, but everyone.

What can you do as we merge with 5D and the higher realms?

  • Seek the truth
  • Go within to find yourself
  • Align with your higher self
  • Work on your own development each day
  • Do what you can to limit the 3D world
  • Find others that are experiencing things not of this dimension and cultivate friendships with them
  • Learn how to live without fear
  • Learn how to handle other dimensional experiences

As these new portals continue to open for each one of us the vibration of GAIA continues to increase. As she increases in vibration, we continue to increase in vibration. Some of these waves we are experiencing of the increased vibrations are pleasant and some are not so much. We continue to honor, respect and adapt to all the processes happening for us and with us as we are also co-creating these experiences for ourselves and all of humanity. We uplift all of humanity each time we reach a new level of consciousness.

A portal can open physically or through consciousness or both. Consciousness portals have been opening these past 2 weeks with new insights and new knowledge coming in. We can now understand why things happened the way they did in the past and we can now see clearly our way forward. Don’t worry if you are not there yet, you will be. Everyone will get there eventually. Just keep seeking truth and working to evolve yourself. The energies lend themselves to a much smoother ride to evolution for those that now choose this path.

I love you all!
Diane Canfield
Ascension Teacher-Psychic Clairvoyant Medium -Star Races Face to Face Contactee
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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.


Ascension Update, Timeline Movements, Frequency Increases

By Diane Canfield

Current Energy

The last few days have been filled with fatigue and movements within other timelines. We are adapting to the energies brought in from last week. Last week we were right in the middle of timeline changes. Time line changes are when we peak and move to a different and new timeline or reality. Some of the signs of this occurring are earth changes ( earthquakes, hurricanes ) and increased psychic occurrences including seeing objects or people from other dimensions. Last week I saw two things moving in my house that are supposed to be solid and secure. The first was I was in the living room talking to my daughter when I looked past her at the porcelain doll that used to belong to my Aunt (who has passed) and the face started moving. The second incident involved a potato peeler sitting on the kitchen counter that I had used earlier in the night. I walked into the kitchen and it moved for just a split second. Obviously both these items should not be moving on their own. 

Tonight I had a spirit that was literally standing next to me in my kitchen. I saw a movement from the corner of my eye towards the kitchen counter, it was a wispy movement that spirits make. As I focused on it, it kept coming closer to me until it was right next to me. No space between us. Then a while later, while outside I saw a being whiz past me at a fast rate. Earlier I had seen an energy ball/orb hanging around my computer. You see, spirits reside in the higher planes as many star beings do also. Their frequency is much higher than ours, they are literally vibrating much faster. This is why in order to see them we have to match their frequency.

When we have this inter dimensional bleed through or interface, all kinds of realities and beings can pop in. Seeing spirits and beings from other dimensions are regular occurrences for me, but now, as I said in my last article about the 2 solid men I saw from other dimensions, things are upgrading and other dimensions are coming more clear. I am seeing more, they are more visible and many times more solid than they used to be in years past. This is an indication the energy is high and we are experiencing frequency changes.

Time Losses 

A few times this week I have been experiencing loses in time. Time lapses. One of the times I literally lost one hour. I was getting ready to go to an appointment and I ended up being late because one hour just disappeared. I got into the shower when the clock said 1:00 and when I got out of the shower it was 2:15  ( it takes me about 15 minutes to take a shower). There were other smaller ones during the week of about 20 minutes each time. This is taking place as we move up in frequency and come into the moment of NO Time. We are now approaching this timeline more rapidly.


Our dreams are becoming more  like we are awake and our waking life is becoming more like a dream. My dreams and others are so intense and lucid right now filled with messages.  We are shifting through the next realm to move even higher. We need to pass through the dream realm in order to do this. This is the 4th dimension leading to the 5th dimension. We don’t actually go through it, we just pass by. As we go through this realm things get confusing because we feel many times like we don’t know if we are dreaming or not while awake. We are feeling lighter and as if we are hovering above our body many times. We don’t feel as secure to the ground as we used to. One of my dreams was about me picking out certain people to work with on raising vibration projects I was working on. I was picking these people out from something like a netflix screen. Each person had their profile on netflix, so instead of picking out a movies or series, I was actually going through each one and picking out my soul group to work with. Right now as I have discussed in my other articles, we are meeting and teaming up with our soul group members and twin souls. Ascension brings us together in a way that was not possible before. There is a magnetic pull now towards others who we are destined to be teamed up with.

We Our Creating our New Reality NOW 

We are creating our new reality in 5D every moment of NOW. I was told in May of this year by the higher realms and source energy that we have actually moved out of 3D and so has the Earth. All we need to do now is visualize 5D and we can move into it. We are doing this and manifesting 5D now.  All we need to do is visualize all the things we WANT in the higher realms. We can manifest this reality and create it for ourselves now. How do we do this? We continually focus on creating the reality we want and not what we do not want. So that means we do not put any energy at all into negative ideas, the dark side of ourselves ( unless we are transmuting this to light ) or any fear based energies. I will go into more detail in my next article.

3D Disappearing 

You may feel as though you are loosing your 3D self these days. We are in the process of completely recalibrating who we are, as we turn into the crystalline aspects of ourselves and replace the old matrix ways of being. This may manifest is not remembering how to do mundane things that we have been doing for years. You may go to do them and you find, you just don’t remember. This is about raising to a higher frequency where these mundane 3D aspects don’t exist any more. Everything is done by thought and manifestation. Not by physical labor. Don’t worry, this is a good sign for our Ascension.

Raise your Vibration

The 3D world is filled with untruths. Almost all business run this way so employees are forced to follow suit. This happens because most business put the priority on making money above all else.  The truth can set us free. This is not just a cute cliche but actually true.

To raise your vibration be truthful  in every moment. To be in truth means to be tuned into your own energy and your own vibration and feelings. The more we are tuned into feelings, the more truth will surface for us. How do we tap into our feelings? We honestly feel and might want to express every emotion we have, all the time. YES all the time.

To honestly express every emotion is to find our soul tribe and soul mate/twin soul. Our twin can take the truth and this lets them express their truth too. We mirror this way of being for them.  I always advise to spend time doing the inner work that is needed to be a be able to handle these truthful situations as they arise. We need to own who we are and take responsibility for ourself 100 percent of the time without passing the blame onto someone else. We are responsible for our feelings.If we don’t like the way someone else makes us feel, that can be a sign from the Universe they are not in our tribe.  It just takes making choices about our life and being in empowerment to lead us down the path of our choosing, happiness and purpose.

To honor ones feelings is to honor life itself. Feelings are the guideposts of our soul. They are everything, yet not honored by 3D society. Intensely honored though by the higher realms. Feelings are much more dramatic and expressed fully with no holding back outside of this dimension. Did you ever notice in the dream state how full feelings are and intense? They are also this way in the higher realms where people go when they pass from here. When I give mediumship readings for the ones who have passed on loved ones,  the energy I feel coming into my body from them is overwhelming and the love they have for their loved ones that are still here. It is 1000 times stronger than anything that can be felt here in this reality. Feelings are real and they transcend dimensions.

The shawdow side in 3d, this dark side is not to be embraced in this reality. It is to be worked through and evolved out of. The dark side is the lower frequencies of the lower dimensions. The ascension process is all about transmuting and discarding the lower aspects of ourselves. The lower aspects are the selfish aspects that don’t care about others or their feelings. We all know how these aspects play out in 3d society. Enlightened souls know this is not the path for them. To be caring, loving, nurturing to others and also to maintain our self love at the same time is the way to 5D aand above.

Some do not want to give up their dark side, they don’t see the benefit to them to give it up. They won’t see the benefit until they give it up. This is how things work in this reality. The Universe does not work with dark aspects of anyone. The Universe and Source energy only work to bring in more light. This leaves the person that hangs onto their dark aspects not getting the guidance they need from the higher realms. The dark is a block for LIGHT to get through.

The benefits to carrying more light are tremendous. We are no longer stuck in the limited world of 3D. We can then acquire new gifts and abilities. We can see beyond the seen world. We can know beyond what is known. We are in harmony with source and the creator. The more we merge with Creator energy, the more gifts we can acquire.

As the energy of the shift increases, we are given more and more glimpse of the dark side and we must make our choice to transform the dark into light. We see what darkness does and where it leads and we are given opportunities to come into the LIGHT through the ascension process.

Our Star Council want us to know there is always a choice to ascend and come into the light and out of the darkness of fear. There will be choices all through this process. The sooner everyone chooses, the faster the process can evolve.

The shift continues into November and December with 11/11 being the next  major gateway. I will update everyone with my next article about what to expect from this gateway and upgrade. Dates coming up to take note of 11/11, 12/12 and 12/21. I will be posting articles to update everyone on all the waves coming in and what to expect.

I love you all!
Diane Canfield
Ascension Teacher-Psychic Clairvoyant Medium -Star Races Face to Face Contactee
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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.


Waves of  TRUTH, Timeline Shifts, Dimensional Doorways Opening

by Diane Canfield

The past week has been intense with some wild upgrades. The 21st and 22nd we had unbalanced energies coming in which I talked about on my Facebook page here. What does unbalanced mean? It means the energy is not balanced and anything can take place that is out of the ordinary and out of this timeline. The Huge hurricane then hit Mexico on the 23rd.

We were then hit last night with a HUGE wave that made me almost fall off my chair. The dizziness that came with it was off the charts. A second later I was hit with shimmers/goosebumps covering my entire body. This very much reminded me of my near ascension experience back in 2013. I would not have been surprised to ascend into the complete light body last night. The intensity of the Wave was that striking.

These energies are the Waves of Truth. What happens is we are being upgraded with Truth codes. These truth codes align us even more with the Creator and work to rebalance us into our higher selves and our soul awareness.

During this time there has been a lot of crankiness and on edge feelings. This happens because many times we are put in situations where truth is not being told. We are interacting with others still in 3D who are playing the game of the Matrix. We know this is not resonanting with the shift into 5D  and we become out of synch with their energy.

Also during these shifts and high energy fluctuations we will experience much more inspired thoughts that can be put into action. These thoughts come in straight from Source and our higher selves. We can then use this time to write down these inspirations so we can act on them once the wave has passed. We can then manifest them into our reality by acting on them.

It is more important now than ever to find and be with others who we resonate with on an energy level. As more step into awareness and out of the 3D matrix this becomes easier. Our Twin souls are ready to merge with us as this awakening begins. The matrix no longer holds the enticement it once did.

I had two different experiences during this time of dimensional doorways being opened. I saw two men in different locations, one in my yard and one in my house that showed themselves to me and then disappeared. What does this mean to me as a psychic clairvoyant that sees beings including ET’s and things from other dimensions all the time? These men were very solid and their energy was different from spirits I see everyday. These men looked as if they were in another reality and me being able to see them was a bleed-over from their reality to mine. It looked as if they were also able to see me for that split second that I caught their energy. It was very interesting as I saw them both in motion, walking and fully dressed. Time line bleed over.

Then I also had a plate that I had just put on the counter to put my food on crack as I turned away to get my food. This is evidence of time line shifting. In a different dimension this plate was cracked so in this moment we changed timelines. Many reports have come in with others experiencing loss of time, their watches showing different times and days than what it is, all evidence pointing to the same thing.


Last night before the Wave came in there was Bliss in the energy field. This bliss comes in many times after a cleansing period or a time of upgrades.

The continued weakening of the magnetic shield is partially responsible for many of these timeline changes and earth changes taking place. The magnetic shield is connected to the earth resonance and time line shift anomalies as in more people being able to see beings from other dimensions.

As the ascension process continues, all of these things will continue. The ascension process is not stopping, it is in full force going forward. More and more will join this process to create the 5D reality we are all heading for.

I have included a new video about how to process and get through the ascension waves.

I love you all!
Diane Canfield
Ascension Teacher-Psychic Clairvoyant Medium -Star Races Face to Face Contactee
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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.



October-Moving Frequencies, Attaining More Light

By Diane Canfield

September came in with a bang and the energies that were brought in with WAVE X are still here. These waves are more subtle than in the past as I have talked about in my other articles. These are waves of higher awareness. Each wave brings us closer to our authentic self and who we really are. Each wave breaks down more of the matrix so we can see the truth of what is taking place and what has gone on. As we align with the TRUTH, we then align even more with our higher selves and Christ Ascending Consciousness.

The Gap

There exists A GAP now as these waves come in. The ones who have committed to the ascension process versus the ones who have not joined the party yet. With some we can see this gap widely. With others, the gap is smaller and even though they may not outwardly have joined ascension there is still common ground. Some of this happens because as we raise our consciousness we see the best version of some of the people. We no longer have to lower our vibration all the time now to talk to a person still in the Matrix. We now can find common ground with everyone yet we are aware there is still a gap to contend with. We are more compassionate now when faced with the gap in consciousness.

Higher Awareness

This higher awareness of New Wave frequencies takes us to places we could not have imagined in the past. We now think back to the past and wonder, was that really me that lived that life? Why didn’t I handle things differently? It seems bizarre to think back and remember the person we used to be. It seems so long ago and in a different reality, not this one. We have elevated to a new awareness now as the higher frequencies continue to bombard us with New Light Waves.


Our waking moments have taken on a dream like quality to them. Everything is possible in dreams and now in our waking life, it seems the same way. It is similar to having a lucid dream where we get to control the dream and manifest the best outcome for us. All of our dreams can now come true. We now have the reality upon us, that with inspired action we can manifest our dreams.

Now Moment in Time

As I said earlier, it seems like the person that we were in the past is not us anymore. This is happening because we are accelerating NOW into the moment of now. Now is all there is. What does it mean to be fully in the moment of Now? It means the past and future do not exist and all we have is the present moment. We are not upset over anything in the past because we have done the inner work required and eliminated the karma attached to our past experiences with others. To be fully in the present moment also means we do not multi task. If we are talking to someone we put everything else aside and give that person our full attention. This is the way of the higher realms, to show gratitude and respect for others beings. When we are in the NOW moment we are focused on only that moment and what it will bring into our awareness and how it can expand and lift us. 

What we are feeling now

We now are going through upgrades that are unlike the upgrades of the past. It is like a jet taking off, we are reaching higher dimensions each day but are not necessarily in much pain over it. Walking in two worlds is how it can be described. Many introspections are still taking place to release past karma. Understanding why someone behaved the way they did in the past and having compassion for them instead of blame. Accessing Claircognizance  more and more, inner knowing about things in the past, present and future.

Here are my suggestions and the intel I am getting to pass on to everyone to make this ride easier:

  • Eat a lot of plant food. Organic. Incorporate it into your meals if you are not used to eating it. You can add vegetables to any meal including noodles and it adds clean flavor, nutrition and LIGHT to your food.
  • Ground everyday, with bare feet to the ground, it is not enough now to walk around in bare feet outside or to garden.
  • Drink lots of water to keep hydrated, I notice dehydration now sets in very quickly with our increased frequency. Get plenty of iron and protein in your food, spinach and beans are good choices.
  • Look for and notice any strange events happening. For instance I noticed a metal plate on a door in our house that was not there before. My daughter brought this to my attention. It is on a office room that is now used for storage. I have been in and out of that room and looked at that door a thousand times yet never saw this metal piece that juts out. These are signs of changing timelines. I now exist in the timeline with the door with metal. I am seeing mists now everywhere. My eyes are so blurry these days it is hard to see anything on my computer. These are all signs of upgrades in frequency and building the light body for the higher dimensions. DNA changes.
  • Pay attention to all the small things that happen. Everything important is always in the details. Work to increase your awareness and become super aware with every interaction and every place you go. Go into observer mode and just watch the Universe around you unfold. When we are in this state everyday we become part of the unfolding harmony and we work with the Source with no resistance.

My feet have been very hot and can range from freezing cold to hot. This is mostly the soles of the feet. Heart racing and heart palpitations are back again. This can be very annoying when trying to sleep and we feel our heart racing. Sleep has been sparse and more energy on the rise. With more light comes more energy and bliss.

Light Body

As we move further into the transformation of the light body, our physical bodies will indeed feel more LIGHT. Light in the physical sense, less dense and heavy and light in the spiritual sense as if we are floating on air. There are many others in the light body dimensions that exist in 5D and above. Many Star beings exist in these dimensions as we will. We will take our place among them, as it is meant to be.


As we progress into the light body, there is more bliss to be felt. I notice now the bliss comes more often. This is how anything starts, it starts slowly and then builds. The bliss is no different. We will soon be in a state of bliss perpetually. The 3D issues will seem like a far away land that we do not deal with anymore. Indeed it is already starting !

We have now reached the middle of the Ascension process and are coming in for the home stretch. We will continue to feel increases in energy and symptoms of these increases. The more sensitive a person is, the more they will feel the waves, download and upgrades. To increase sensitivity, work to get out of 3D matrix thinking. This dumbs down our awareness and sensitive nature. The more we can honor our feelings, the more we can make progress within our higher selves and soul.

I love you all!
Diane Canfield
Ascension Teacher-Psychic Clairvoyant Medium -Star Races Face to Face Contactee
Copyright notice@Diane Canfield please include complete article when sharing including all links
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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.


October Waves Arriving

By Diane Canfield

New October Waves 

The last few nights the Waves have been coming in fiercely. Last night we experienced 3 waves back to back. They are coming in one right after the next.  They are coming in late, 2 to 3 am EST. These waves differ from the waves of the past and especially going all the way back to 2011 when the frequency jumped to a new level. These waves are much smoother.

As these waves hit, it can sometimes feel like we are about to fall over from the impact. If we are sitting down there is a verifiable pushing sensation that takes place. Dizziness can accompany them as we are building our light body from the inside out. We are also experiencing less sleep and intense dreams in astral.

The waves hit and my whole body feels them as they hit not only physically but also in my consciousness. They are waves of LIGHT to upgrade us all. The more light we hold, the more we are connected to light, the more sensitive we will be to the waves. Doing the inner work and removing 3D programming is paramount to being able to feel the waves in the ascension process.

As our bodies turn into light, crystalline light bodies, we become more sensitive to light in all ways. The sun many days now seems too bright. We can see the light and dark in others. Light is Truth and Love, darkness is the absence of truth and love.

The Bliss waves also come in more now. Now we have days and days of pure bliss. This started around September 28th and continues. When these waves hit, we are in a higher elevation and many times we feel like we are floating above the earth and not in our bodies fully. The truth is we are not fully in our bodies. We are now more and more embodying our LIGHT Bodies.

Prepare For More Truth 

Many will be shocked when they learn the truth that has been hidden. They will then not be able to understand how they could not have seen it before. Yet they couldn’t have. It takes more light to see more truth. As expanded consciousness takes place, more truth will be revealed. Bypass any blame for not knowing sooner what the truth was, there was no way to know. Self love accelerates this process of merging with truth and accumulating more LIGHT.

Third Eye Manifestations 

As the waves hit these past few nights I experienced third eye manifestations.  This has happened to me once before when intense waves hit and it is always a sign to me we are changing frequencies.   My eyes were shut and I was going to sleep, I saw images coming to my third eye. This was like a slot machine rolling in my mind, then stopping and a new face would appear. This lasted a short time and then stopped. This is not like seeing images in your third eye during meditation. I was actually trying to go to sleep. The other time this happened the images did not go away all night long.  Imagine your eyes are closed and yet all the activity of real life is going on within your eyes.

As we become more light, the others that have not accepted the light yet remain in the shadows. You may feel uncomfortable around these beings as your light increases. You can immediately feel the difference in light. Some of them will lash out and want to extinguish the light they see in you. Do not let them. Stand your ground and stand up for the progress you have made. Do not let others still in the dark take away  the work and evolvement that you have worked so hard  to accomplish. Be a model for the light to show others still in the dark what it is like. Now more than ever, as the gap widens, we must bring as many with us into the light as we can. We do this by embodying more light and manifesting positive outcomes for all. Our compassion is at a new level so this makes it much easier to now see the complete picture of what is going on.

The waves are taking us more and more into 5th dimensional consciousness. This means we can enjoy the higher dimensional planes of awareness and travel in the light body. In the past, to get to the higher planes a being would have to pass on to the higher realms. With the new light we are now able to do this without passing on. This is the beauty of the Ascension process.

 5th Dimensional Consciousness

When we embody 5th dimensional consciousness, we embody all higher awareness attributes. This means things that happen to us we will react differently than we would have in 3D mindset and consciousness.

If someone throws  darkness our way, we do not accept it. We clear our energy and move on, not engaging in any 3D situations. We do not engage in 3D gossip. We do not act in self destructive ways, we mirror self love to others, so they too can manifest this for themselves. We are strong and empowered beings of light.

Everyday is a new day to empower ourselves with more abilities and more 5D ways of being. We take personal responsibility for our lives and where we are, letting go of blame and accusations. We do not seek revenge. We work on our karma in every interaction, not wanting to create more to have to then release later.

This LIGHT is about empowerment, truth and love. We love ourselves enough to notice when we are not self loving and make the necessary adjustments. We are attracted to and attract others who are self loving. In this way we are part of our own soul group of kind, loving, responsible, beings of light. This is 5th dimensional ways of being. To interact with others and love them for their differences.

Where We  Are Heading 

We are ascending. We are in the middle of the process and now reaching a peak in energies. These energies will continue as more and more look to join this process. The ascension process is open to everyone. It does not matter what work has been done in the past on oneself. Everyone can join and the energies now accelerate the inner work needed to embody more light. The waves are increasing, as I mentioned they would continue into October in my previous articles.

How To Embody More Light 

Catch yourself in any situations when you are not being authentic and slipping back into 3D programmed ways of behaving and interacting. As we catch ourselves it then becomes easier to catch it sooner rather than after the fact. Work to search for truth. Truth is the Creator, so look to merge with the Creator’s energy of Truth and Love. Look to love yourself in every situation. Make your needs a high priority and do not let others act as if your needs don’t matter. Act in self loving ways and mirror this to others, so they too can become more self loving. Self love is not a door mat. To be self loving means we stand up for ourselves when we are not being treated in a loving way. We teach others how to treat us. We surround ourselves with others who are on the same journey. The more self loving we are and the more authentic the more truth we can embody which paves the way for more light to come in. 

To embody more light is to raise the frequency of your consciousness. To do this we must manifest positive outcomes in our lives. To manifest positive outcomes we rid ourselves of all negativity that is within us and around us. We can first work to clear ourselves out of 3d limited thinking. Deprogramming is not easy but it can not go to the 5th dimension. All in the 5th must be authentic and not afraid to show their unique colors. By being who we truly are and knowing our own energy compared to others, this takes us to our authenticity. This lead to more manifestation and more synchronicities. This in turn leads to more 5th dimensional awareness.

5th dimensional awareness is happening now and the last few days happening fast. The Waves have accelerated. Do not resist the waves, welcome them, they are our way home!

( As I was writing this October 8th, a huge wave came in and I had to wait until it had passed to finish. 9 EST.)


I love you all!
Diane Canfield
Ascension Teacher-Psychic Clairvoyant Medium -Star Races Face to Face Contactee
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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.


New Wave-Enter the Light Body

By Diane Canfield 

October 3 2015

A 5D INTENSE transformational wave come through yesterday and peaked last night. This wave was very strong and had more inter dimensional light within it. There was an intense floating feeling to it that manifested in the way of feeling like we are hovering over 3D and not fully in it.

This wave was so intense, it was one of the most intense yet. It penetrated every core of our bodies and our being. It was a beautiful feeling that lasted all most all of the day peaking in the late evening. All of our cells were transformed and transmuted preparing for the light body.

There was perfection in every moment during this wave. We have been experiencing more and more states of bliss since the Equinox/Blood moon Wave Corridor.

The blood moon wave corridor is still open and will remain so through October. This gives everyone time to fully enlist in 5D. Those that are ready must heed the calling.

This means paying attention to these waves and fully activating and honoring them when they show up in your reality. Put everything else aside and respect the waves when they come through.

This is an intense time through October, so we need to adjust our schedules accordingly if we can. Make plenty of time for ourselves. Don’t get too caught up in 3D activities if we can help it. Don’t fall into 3D traps of keeping ourselves busy doing lots of 3D activities.

There are people whose schedules are so seriously full of 3D they do not have time for anything else. This aspect can be an escape from knowing themselves and their own feelings and soul. It is easy to get caught up in others expectations of ourselves. Now is the time to say “No, I need this time for myself “. I mentioned this before the Equinox and I am reminding everyone to keep tuning in energetically.

Go into nature as much as possible. Ground. Meditate. Look within for answers. See what answers come to you when you ask yourself the questions. Ask yourself your own questions about your own life. See what comes in. This will guide you in what direction to go in. If the answers you get are not self loving then this is where the focus should be.

One of the main aspects of Ascension is to learn how to truly love and honor ourselves. This is not taught in schools, in jobs and many times we do not learn this from our family because they may not love themselves either.

As we learn to fully love ourselves, then we establish the bond with the Creator because the Creator is PURE LOVE. Only true love can establish this bond and it has to start with loving and accepting ourselves and making the changes we need to do in order to be able to fully fall in love with US.

The 5th Dimensional Waves 

The transition into the light body is preceded by the Waves that carry our transmutational codes and access points. We must ride these waves to be able to activate these codes.

We take on the aspect of 5D BEFORE actually getting there. Ride these waves by honoring and loving ourselves and others. We honor ourselves and our journey. We do not engage in unloving thoughts towards ourselves or others. We do not engage in gossip or lover vibrational thoughts. We do not need alcohol which numbs the consciousness. We do not engage in any violence of any kind, including in movies or video games. We seek peaceful solutions that work for everyone. We do not engage in revenge, these are all lower vibrational 3D aspects that we need to leave behind.

Instead we work to create the reality we want and desire. We create the 5D reality right now in every moment of NOW. We create our OWN light body by loving thoughts and actions. We manifest our place in the higher dimensions. We can then access the others that are in 5D and beyond and there are many beings in those higher dimensional planes waiting for us to make the shift.

Many of these beings are our Star brothers and sisters. They have transitioned there themselves at one point in their evolution. It is our birthright to stand beside them and take our place as inter dimensional beings of light and love. ( Goosebumps as I write this, truth manifests that way 🙂 )

I love you all!
Diane Canfield
Ascension Teacher-Psychic Clairvoyant Medium -Star Races Face to Face Contactee
Copyright notice@Diane Canfield please include complete article when sharing including all links
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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.


September Energies -The Waves Moving into October

by Diane Canfield


The last few mornings we have been experiencing blissful states of 5D energy waves streaming into our awareness. This is perfect as it sets the day of higher consciousness for us to be aware of and bathe ourselves in. This is a direct result of the September Waves. The energy lasts all day as opposed to the previous states of bliss that might last a few hours. Changes like this have to be noted, as this is how we move dimensions.

I have been in seclusion during this gateway of the Equinox to the Blood moon week due to wanting to completely immerse myself in the energies/waves coming in. Since I have not posted an article since before the Equinox, I will go backward in September to recap in energy has taken place and include the energy we are headed in to.

Blood Moon Energy Experiences 

The Blood moon on the 28th was an intense Supermoon that culminated in new beginnings for us all. Yes we have passed a marker this month propelling us higher and higher dimensionally. I found myself on the EVE of the blood moon very emotional and with spurts of crying/melancholy feelings. It is very important in this shifting process that we honor all feelings that come in, whether they be positive and into states of bliss or the more cleansing waves that we sometimes have to go through to get to the other side. This release of crying is symbolically releasing as the old way of life leaves us and we start the NEW journey now into the 5th dimension and beyond. We can think of this as a marker in time. It marks the end of one journey of 3D and the beginning in another.

Equinox Energy Experiences

We experienced some intense waves on Equinox Eve. They were dizzy, foggy brain waves that hit our consciousness and pulled us out of this 3D reality for a short time. Then, on the day of my interview the 24th, with Michelle of In5D, we experienced the same thing for a few hours before my interview. Even during the interview I found my consciousness slipping back and forth. I wanted to make it through the interview the best I could but I found I was slipping in and out of 3D reality and into unlimited Time or NO time. I pulled myself back in every time a question was asked.

The weeks before this gateway we experienced Crown chakra activations that came in regularly, flares or no flares they were occurring. This is DNA activations coming in from the higher dimensions.

Beginning September Wave X

Towards the beginning of September we experienced HUGE waves for 3 days. This may have been the beginning part of Wave X.  The waves were unprecedented and the details can be found here and here in my earlier articles. We experienced tremendous symptoms and huge downloads came in.

All of September has been energy packed with today 9/29 and 9/30 we received a Bliss upgrade of 5D energies streaming in to solidify the energies that have come in all month long.

I had many 5D experiences which I have talked about in all my articles. One recent experience my grandson had a few days ago. He called to me to tell me what he had experienced. He was sitting at his XBOX playing and saw one of the controllers that was sitting on the table next to him move by itself.  If I were a 3D grandparent I would have told him this is not possible or he only imagined it. Yet I am not, I am a 5D unlimited being of light and love just like all of us. I told him yes it’s very possible he experienced the controller moving on its own since I have seen similar occurrences myself. I once saw a plastic bag that I left on my floor moving out of the corner of my eye. When I stopped and looked over at it, it was dancing for just for a split second in time. It then realized the program must be started again and laid back on the floor. These are glimpses we have into 5D where everything we think here, is NOT that way in the higher realms. These experiences will become more common place for everyone.

Chakras for Ascension 

How are the chakras related to the Shift? I have been asked what a person can do to raise their vibration, this is one of them. Each chakra must come into alignment for the body to stay balanced and for us to align ourselves with Source Energy. We can do this by visualizing each chakra spinning starting with the root chakra and work our way up to the crown chakra until they are all spinning in harmony. This is best when done with relaxing music. Each chakra gets cleansed as it spins and as it is cleansed it also becomes more open to receiving the energy that runs through the body. We can visualize each chakra spinning, being cleansed and then move onto the next energy center until they are all spinning together. This can be very invigorating so I don’t advise it to be done before bedtime.

Each chakra must open and be able to receive. Every chakra will also vibrate at times. I have experienced vibration in every energy point on the body. When my heart chakra was opened fully in 2011 a white pointed light came through my window heading straight into my heart. I had some pain and slumped over a bit but it soon passed. The white light was sent from Source to completely open and heal my heart energy point. I felt wonderful and refreshed afterwards. If you feel pain in your heart chakra or vibrations this is the heart center expanding and opening.

October Waves

The waves we have been experienced will keep coming in through October. Dr Simon Atkins talked about this on his video of 9/29 and confirmed what I have told to others. These waves are unlike others as I mentioned earlier in the article. For those that have asked me will the Shift happen all at once or a gradual change taking place, it will be gradual and we are in that gradual process right now. Our body needs time to adjust between waves and to fully integrate our new DNA.

As we raise our vibration it is important to understand how the higher dimensions operate. There is no negativity there, so all must be removed here first. We must come into alignment with the Truth which is the Source Creator. There is one truth and this is not perception, it is All that is .

Psychic abilities, 3rd eye openings and all things psychic are now in the process of happening to everyone, at different rates. Leaning to maneuver these realms is not always easy. Fear stops all higher awareness. This is why it is so important to be plugged into the Universal Truth, there is no fear there.

As more and more move into the higher realms they will have a chance to see UFOs and Star Beings as I do. This is one way you will know you have moved into 5D  consciousness. We will not be able to see these beings if we are still in judgment about others. They don’t all look like us. Some look very human but others do not. There are many races with their unique features and we have to be open to accepting others that do not look like us. I have had two different races visit me with bluish skin and both looking different from each other.  Many of the others look very human. We must suspend all judgement and fear when it comes to our Star friends. All 5th dimensional experiences are blocked by fear. Fears must all be faced and dealt with.

 The Event

The Event may not happen exactly the way it has been forecast to. The event will be when we reach a tipping point of mass consciousness shifting into higher awareness. This will also coincide with more and more people seeing  UFOs and Star Beings. We will not need disclosure. We will all be seeing beings from other dimensions with the combination of our third eye and physical eyes (some of us already do).

The third eye and physical eyes work in combination with each other after a person reaches a more advanced stage of third eye opening. They work in harmony with each other, so much so that I don’t always know what I am seeing with one or the other. I understand it may be difficult for some to understand but eventually with everyone ascending, everyone will be experiencing more of the same experiences.


Waves are energy bursts of light that come into our consciousness from many different sources. These many times come with downloads and upgrades of information for us. They can change our level of DNA. They provide us with 5th dimensional consciousness so we know more than we knew the day before. They provide us with the consciousness of knowledge, wisdom and the ability to go back and forth in time to know what is taking place. This means more psychic abilities and higher level consciousness. We may not understand something that happened in the past but now with our expanded awareness, we can instantly know things we could not know before. This will seem normal as time goes on, being able to maneuver in more than one dimension at the same time. This is where we are headed.

We have October now to look forward to after September being packed full of Waves, coming in all different forms and energies. Many new insights, new light, and new ways and waves of being. Many are now awakening as the light makes it more and more difficult for those unawakened to stay asleep.

If you are still dealing with a family member who is still unawakened, there may be resistance in the beginning.  Many  asleep will not be able to understand the higher realms mindset because they have not yet experienced it for themselves.

Resistance many times takes the form of lashing out because the false ego can not believe the shift could be going on and they have not experienced anything yet. When the ego gets upset and in fear, it lashes out and goes into complete denial, then blaming the messenger for feeling uncomfortable. This is part of the 3D society to live in fear of things we have not experienced and can not understand.  We can not let this stop us from spreading the message of the Shift. In time even the most die hard non believers will be given and shown a chance to believe. This is when we reach the tipping point, for once awakened can never go back to sleep again. There is only progression toward higher consciousness in each waking moment. Every moment then becomes an opportunity to be more and experience more than we ever thought possible. Many are starting to experience this now.

As we move dimensions, things will start to seem UNREAL here. This is already taking place. It is important to note, we do not move dimensions all at once, it is a process. So whatever we experience we accept and move on from that point. It is about acceptance and releasing what no longer works, from ourselves and our lives. As 3D turns into 5D many things will have to change, we see the evidence all around us.

Here is my mantra that should be said everyday to create the shifting experience desired:

I AM living in each moment of the Now. I AM self loving in every action I take. I AM honoring my 5th dimensional way of being. I AM unlimited in my power and experiences. I have the POWER to Create ANY kind of reality I desire.  I Am a Creator, as everything is a Creation of what I AM honoring in MY LIFE.

I love you all!

Diane Canfield
Ascension Teacher-Psychic Clairvoyant Medium -Star Races Face to Face Contactee
Copyright notice@Diane Canfield please include complete article when sharing including all links
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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.


September Energies, Alignment Begins

by Diane Canfield 

Many have all felt the increased energies taking off this month. We have had many intense WAVES already. We are approaching high cosmic energy KEY dates and the entire month of September has already been filled with increased frequency activations. Be prepared to tune into the Waves coming in everyday now. There are strong and then subtle waves that are occurring daily. This is very unusual as we usually have more time between waves. Right now, 5D is close and anything is possible.


September 23 Fall Equinox. 

This fall Equinox brings us new beginnings and authenticity. It is now time to clean up what does not resonate. Make your adjustments now and bring higher awareness to all interactions. We now have the capacity to see not only what we are doing and where it leads but also see what the other person is doing and why. We can feel their energy and know what is going on. Compassion is essential in all dealings but also to be able to maintain our authenticity and higher 5D awareness when these interactions take place. No more lowering ones energy to make others feel comfortable, maintain your own high energy to help others raise and maintain theirs.

September 28 Final Blood Moon.

This blood moon is about completing cycles. One cycle has completed and now a new fresh start can take place, which also ties in with new beginnings with the Equinox. We are walking into a new way of being with this ending of this cycle so we must take care of any dead ends and unresolved situations that still linger. As we move into our authentic selves this becomes easier. This is a MUST in the Shift, to become authentic and true to ourselves. This is where all else will stem from in each persons evolvement. This is how to see Star Beings and other beings and things from other dimensions, by accessing our own truth of who we really are.

September 23 Gateway and Beyond 

The energies of the NEW light coming into our Universe will only increase through this gateway. Be prepared. As I said in my last articles, take time for yourself and be prepared to say NO to others when they make 3D demands. We must now be mindful of the energies through the end of the month.

Time slips, precognition and influencing weather

This past week we have already been receiving upgrades from the high energies coming in. Intense dreams occur as we pass through the astral realm and finish unfinished business. Again a time of completion. One night as I was in astral mode, I saw myself sleeping and saw my dog wake me up with a noise she was making. Some time later I was awakened to my dog whimpering as she was sleeping. So what is this? I precoged (precognition, knowing of something happening before it happens) the fact that I was going to be woken up later by my dog. This shows the connections happening while in astral mode now due to the increased waves occurring.

Time slips (periods of time that are lost and unaccounted for) are the order of the day now. A few nights ago as I was going to bed I looked at the clock on my computer and it said 3AM. I had to get up early the next morning to take my kitten to the vet appointment so I knew I must get some sleep. I went to bed but wished I had more time to sleep. I tried to sleep but was not tired so I got up again about 15 minutes later. I again opened my computer and looked at the clock. It now said 1AM. My wish was granted, I now had more time :). This is the future in 5D, we manifest in real time what we need.

One of the great aspects of alignment is being able to influence the weather patterns.  I have been experiencing this for some time now. Twice last week on the way to a dental appointment it was pouring rain and both times I asked and prayed for the rain to stop. Both times the rain stopped within a few minutes of me asking. At the dental office I mentioned the weather and I briefly mentioned I had asked for the rain to stop. The dentist wanted to hear more but I felt I had planted the seed and that was enough for now. If we tell too much too fast we come up against resistance and that just reinforces their own limited belief systems. The goal is to get them to question their limited belief systems and open up to new ways of unlimited being.

Instant Manifestations

Instant manifestations are happening now in two ways. We can think of something we wish and the Universe will synchronistically put things together for us to make our wishes take place. The other way is to think about something and actually be taken there. It can be from a past experience or a future experience we may wish to have. I am noticing a heightened awareness with this in the way that I can actually have access to all my senses while these visions come through. This means we can smell the fresh paint if we are thinking of painting our house. We now have more full access to all of our senses and it comes easier.

5D Energies 

We have had many days of crown chakra activations and mini downloads this last week. The week before we were hit with tremendous WAVES.  The crown chakra activations are some of the best side effects of the ascension process because they feel wonderful when they come in. It is a shimmering effect on the crown of the head. The crown chakra connects us to all our other higher dimensional chakras which link us to the higher dimensions, 5D and beyond. There is often a blissfull feeling that comes along with these activations. This bliss feels unlike anything in 3D. It is an otherworldly feeling of peace and love for all of reality and all its inhabitants. Ascension is not always full of painful downloads, many times we get to experience the flip side such as heavenly bliss and unconditional love for all beings.

How To Process the Waves and Increased Energies. 

As the waves come in, it is best to receive them and not be under any illusion that they exist. This means honor and respect the energy changes. Make the necessary changes to schedules and to demands. It is best to completely align ones self with the new energies which can mean meditating, grounding and over all stopping all 3D activities during the waves. Then looking for new insights and adapting to anything that may have occurred during the time of energy influx. Spend as much time in nature as possible as there are healing nature spirits that help us with these waves. These waves can last anywhere between 5 minutes to 3 hours. Do not try to analyze them, this is still 3D thinking. Just accept and receive, honor and respect. Give thanks for the gift of these high frequency waves that ascend us to the higher dimensional planes.

There were times back in 2011 and 2012 I was stuck in certain locations, not being able to move, from the massive downloads coming in that entered my consciousness. I would need to sit in my office chair for a few hours until they subsided. I could not move or talk during these episodes. These are times of major downloads and upgrades occuring. This happened quite frequently so I knew what to expect when they would start. I have experienced so much it is impossible to list it all but most were not on the “12 spiritual awakening signs list” that makes its way around  that many have outgrown now.

For about a week straight I had painful electric shocks up my legs. These started at the feet and ran up to the thigh. The only thing that ever helped to make these settle down was grounding many times a day. This is one reason why I constantly emphasize grounding consistently and many times a day for severe symptoms.

I once woke up and went to the sink to wash my hands. My hands were the size of a giants. This lasted only a few minutes and then they became normal size again. What I was seeing was  my huge light body that was developing around me. The gift of changing perception was given to me for that brief moment to access my true light body nature.

I had times of feeling rain inside my house, it would usually hit my legs, arms or mouth. It was only one tiny drop. This was not a leak, there were none in the house. When I would touch it, there was no water there.  This is a sign of upgrading frequencies. This happened so often and not only in my house but others also. One frequency bleeding into the next and the drop of water as an after effect.


I had a near ascension experience event in May of 2013. For 5 hours I was an ascension hostage as one extreme symptom turned into the next one. I was stopped at the last minute from transmuting my physical body into the light body. I was told I needed to stay and help everyone else at this time. For the following 2 weeks I could barely function in this reality. Right after the event my vibration was functioning on a much higher level and everything here in 3D seemed much too slow. This is what is it like in 5D, very fast compared to here and very high frequency. Not just one step up, but many steps up from 3D. It was a  shock to my body not to move into the next dimension. I was completely prepared, yet just sharing this will help so many others to understand more about the Shift now taking place.

As we move into these key dates and look forward to the increased energies, we are thankful for these experiences and the gift of the Shift we are called to engage in. The WAVES have changed and we are being transformed at the core level of our being. Our light body emerges, as our DNA changes take hold.

The Moment of Now 

The moment of Now is all we have. Contrary to what some think, it does not matter what has happened in the past, not at all. If a person has not prepared last month for ascension it makes no difference, Everyone can join right where they are and jump right in. This is the beauty of the evolving process. We are totally in the moment of NOW and the past or future does not hold us back.

I will not being doing readings or services through the end of September due to the increased energies. Check my Facebook page here  for updates. I will be reporting on ALL INCOMING waves, through my page and website.

I will be interviewed by Michelle Walling of In5D Cosmic Awakening Show on September 24 Thursday at 8 EST, be sure to tune in. It should be a great show. see it here 

I love you all!
Diane Canfield
Ascension Teacher-Psychic Clairvoyant Medium -Star Races Face to Face Contactee
Copyright notice@Diane Canfield please include complete article when sharing including all links

Follow me on Facebook here 



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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.
  • Parallel Reality

New Wave Energies, Visions, Light Columns, Jumping Timelines 

By Diane Canfield 

As we move into 5th dimensional consciousness  everything becomes more clear and we start to see the connections in all things. Many of us are already there, in 5D consciousness, the body still in 3D. As we transform our ability to LOVE is magnified and we become ONE with the Creator who is pure Joy and Love. This is how it begins. I have listed below some messages of higher awareness to uplift and refresh the vibration of the planet at this time.


Recently I received a vision of other realities and other people I knew here in 3D,  some even family members. We were working on a project in another timeline of reality while simultaneously being in this reality. I completely understood what we were doing while there, yet when I came out of the vision the clear understanding was not as clear. This is what happens when you jump from one timeline to another. It involved activating and turning on a row of machines that were blue and there were many of these all in a row. They did not look like nor were shaped like machines that exist here, I hesitate to even use the word machine, activators is a better description.

As we were activating these machines, we were told “be careful, we need to turn them on now and they are not to know”. I was more than happy to do these activations in this other reality, it was joyous for all. When we were told, they are not to know they meant we in this reality are not to know what goes on behind the scenes, Yet they did not count on me remembering 🙂  This is our higher selves are in another reality calling the shots on this one, helping us out. Each reality is connected to other ones. We can cross these realities when our vibration is high enough or get glimpses into them and their workings.

As quickly as I was there, I was just as quickly back here. These are the spontaneous jumps into other timelines that are now occurring due to the recent increase in energies and Waves that I have talked about now occurring. These are 5th dimensional consciousness WAVES streaming in for us now to participate in and become ONE with.

For those of you who read my recent articles about the NEW Waves and the LOVE Waves coming in, we had 3 waves in 2 days time. This is a highly unusual occurrence so I was quick to get the information out to everyone.  I knew it was and is still very important. It is so important because the first waves have come in and now we are in anticipation mode for the next LOVE Waves of the 5th dimension. 

As I  have tracked upgrades and downloads for years now, there is usually a rest between waves. This gives us time to recharge and adapt to the new energies coming in. We had a one two and three punch with these new energies and now things have settled down for transformation within the light body transformation. 

We do not receive Waves everyday. This would be too much for the human body to handle. As we transform into the light body this is happening slowly and with care.  We can get upgrades everyday but they won’t be as intense as a wave that is packed full of DNA changing molecules. We need time in between huge waves to integrate them into our bodies and consciousness.

Now that we are in September, these waves have changed and we may get more and more back to back as we did last week. To prepare for these waves of enlightenment it is very important to be able to receive them with no fear or resistance. We must completely surrender to them and become one with the upgrades that are transforming us into higher beings of consciousness. I talk about getting into nature as much as possible during this time below and clearing our schedules as much as possible. I have cleared my schedule of all services for the month of September just for this reason. My complete focus will be on service to others by transmitting ALL Waves as they come in. I will be reporting on all messages that come to me also through psychic awareness.

As we progress in consciousness through these Waves, DNA transformations and upgrades, these jumps into other timelines will become more frequent. This is something that is actually normal within the human consciousness. To perceive more than a 3D human. This is part of what evolving is all about. Completely what the Ascension process is about. This is the NEW energy that is brought in through these NEW waves. The ability to perceive so much more of reality while our body is still in 3D yet our consciousness has moved out of 3D and into 5D.

Happening at the same time as our Ascension, the magnetic field of the earth is weakening. This has been going on for some years. The weakening is usually preceded by a geomagnetic pole shift,  the north and south poles change positions. The magnetic fields also affect humans and their emotions as well as our physical bodies as they weaken. Ear ringing and other anomalies are experienced. We have a feeling of time speeding up or slowing down due to the weakening of the magnetic shield around the Earth. As these time anomalies take place this weakening also affects the Schumann Resonance of the earth.  This resonance is called the Heart beat of the Earth and humans beat at the same rate as the Earth. As the magnetic field has been decreasing the rate of the Earths heart beat has been speeding up. The Earth’s heartbeat was at 7.3HZ but it is now believed to be much higher.

The weakening magnetic shield and pole reversal that is in process leads us right into our Ascension. These are connected, as we all know everything is connected. There are no coincidences. Everything  happens for a reason. Yes, everything. It is all orchestrated by our higher selves and the Creator. For we are also Master Creators and many are just now finding their True mastery of power within. It was there all the time:)

As we experience these higher vibrations  through these new Waves we can experience more contact with higher dimensional beings, we well as visitations. I have had frequent visitors from other dimensions since 2000. I have ongoing visits with many different races all belonging to a group called the Advanced Council of Planetary Light. Many now will be able to experience this themselves as these new energies raise the consciousness of all beings Many will now start to experience things they could only dream of in the past.

Pleiadian Message

Today a new transmission came in  from the Pleidians who I have an ongoing dialog with. They are part of the Advanced Council of Planetary Light. They, among other Star Races, help us with our Ascension and transformation.  This message is directly related to the Waves we are receiving and transforming to 5th dimensional consciousness. The message:

Switch consciousness over to Earth Consciousness and out of 3D. Stay with Earth as she transforms. 

What does this mean? It means come out of the matrix and get back into nature as much as we can. NOW. ThePleiadians are specifically talking about the Schumann Resonance and Ascension as I mentioned above. As the earth shifts, so too we shift and we must be ONE with her as she shifts.

Here are some of the ways to become ONE with Gaia:

  • Ground, ground and ground again. Check my website for my grounding for Ascension under the video tab.
  • Go into nature as much as possible and meditate or just sit still and listen.
  • Know that there are nature spirits, devas and fairies that most can not see but they are there specifically to help humans. Do not be surprised with the frequency increasing if you are now able to see them.
  • Get near water, flow with the water vibrations and sink into its cool vibrations. Water is out of this reality so it has a no time affect on our bodies. It is a great electrical conduit for psychic abilities and other timelines to jump from one to the next.

Become ONE with earth again and all the creatures and we will meld hearts as the Waves of Love continue to come in and help us with our transformation.


( Not my photo)

Light Column

Last week I saw a light column appear surrounded by clouds on many sides. It appeared and went upwards as far as my eye could see. Again I was given a glimpse into the 5th dimensional world we are moving into. As we become 5th dimensional we can ‘see’ more of reality.

Strange Sounds 

The sounds heard around the world now are the Earth’s frequency rising into the 5th dimension. I have had my own experiences with these sounds, hearing them myself on 2 different occasions. They are directly linked to being able to become 5th dimensional beings.

Music of the Spheres

Music from higher dimensions is being heard now by many beings. This music comes to us from our higher awareness and is like a beautiful symphony being played. I have heard many different types but all beautiful. Be still and listen, this is the key. Tap into your 5th dimensional being and see, hear and feel what is rightfully ours to behold.


I love you all!
Diane Canfield
Spiritual Teacher-Psychic Clairvoyant Medium -Ascension Expert-Alien Face to Face Contactee
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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.



September Waves, September 4th, 5th and 6th.

The LOVE Waves of September are HERE NOW – The Third Wave

By Diane Canfield

The Waves of Love have now fully commenced upon Gaia and all of its inhabitants. For the last 2 days we are being bombarded with intense waves, energies and DNA upgrades.

The night before last we were upgraded with the first Wave of September, then last night a new wave came in. Today Sunday another wave has come in. These waves are all connected and are propelling us into the higher frequencies.

The HUGE upgrade taking place is that of pure LOVE. Compassion for all living things is now upgrading to be able to reach its peak. The peak has not been attained yet but we are now on our way.

How will this manifest and play out ? You will now see others acting in compassionate caring ways you have not witnessed before. You will feel more loving and caring to others. If you see someone being hurt by something you will be called to reach out and take some action to make them feel better. Their pain is ALL of our pain.

For some who have never experienced this it will be a new level of awareness. For those of us that are empaths, it will be heightened and most in the spiritual community and truly following spiritual wisdom are indeed empaths. What is happening is EVERYONE now is becoming empathic.

This is a world of LOVE for everyone and everything. There is no better world or reality than this. Tap into this wave of love coming in and become ONE with it. This is the reality of 5D and above that we have all been manifesting and now it is finally coming in.

As the waves come in, go into solitude if you can, and go into meditation. Ground, ground ground also as this helps to solidify the connection we have with Gaia. We also obtain all Gaia’s wisdom of the Universe along with the wisdom of CREATION. This is a win-win for us because not only does Gaia ground us to her, we are lucky enough to be sent back beautiful knowledge and higher awareness EVERY time we ground.

Some of the SYMPTOMS of the last 3 waves have been :

  • Heart palpitations– Intense the last few nights and always with upgrades.
  • Stinging painful eyes – Eyes are being upgraded to be able to see into other dimensions- check advanced psychic abilities. I have experienced eye upgrades since 2011. Many times my eyes are blurry and I can barely see the computer screen. At one point I had to completely shut all the curtains in my house so no light came in at all and wear 3 pair of sunglasses outside. These DNA changes manifest as throbbing pain and continuous blinking. Eye drops help and cold wet washcloths to the eyes. Shutting out all light helps too.
  • Sleeplessness – last night was especially intense as the waves came in. I was not tired at all.
  • Foggy Brain – inability to think straight or do much.
  • Headaches – ground for these, energy is being trapped in the head area if you do not ground daily.
  • Nausea – it is like a boat on choppy waters, we are making our way into unknown territory and need to acquire our sea legs to be able to maneuver in new dimensions.
  • Craving sweets– we experience sweets because of hormonal changes as we move dimensions, the same reason some are gaining or loosing weight during this shift.
  • Psychic abilities heightened– this goes right along with waves of higher frequencies, we all then have access to the unknown and unseen. Seeing orbs, flashes of light, sending others feelings and their pasts. Feeling pets feelings and easily tuning into others.
  • Vibrations in the feet– as we increase in frequency we get vibrations on the body.
  • Electric shocks going up the legs – ground for this, it is very much like restless leg syndrome but it is not, it is increase in higher energy in the body.

We can experience other symptoms during these waves such as intense hunger, intense thirst, a need to go into cave mode. We must honor ALL of our needs during the Ascension process. This is all part of self love and this is what propels us into fully loving others.

We will experience vibrations in each chakra in order to attune and align them with the higher self, Creator and the Universe. This will feel like a shimmering and may last for days. Each of my chakras was activated in 2011 and 2012. The heart chakra activation feels like a stabbing pain in the heart and some might mistake it for a heart attack. In 2011 I was sitting in my living room and a blade of white light came in through my window towards me. This light pieced me in my heart and as it did I bent over in some pain. I then sat up when the pain was gone and knew it was the full opening of my heart chakra.

Some will experience these symptoms at different times depending on their level of frequencies. Some will experience waves later, even years later. It doesn’t matter what the level of  frequency the person, all will experience symptoms when they are ready to receive the LIGHT of the Creator.

Most waves of higher frequencies come in after the Sun goes down. I have been tracking and reporting all these waves since 2011. Many come in around 9PM or after when they become the most intense. If you are new to the Ascension experience, pay attention to the evening hours to tune into how you feel and energetic changes.

The way NOW with these NEW WAVES to solve any issues will be through Compassion and Love. This is how we are manifesting the NEW Earth that is arriving NOW. The spiritual collective is manifesting this new love Earth now. We are all manifesting this.The higher frequencies of light are all love and nothing else. Darkness does not exist in the higher dimensions. We now drop duality to embrace the higher aspects of LIGHT.

I love you all!

Diane Canfield

Spiritual Teacher-Psychic Clairvoyant Medium -Ascension Expert-Alien Face to Face Contactee
Copyright notice@Diane Canfield please include complete article when sharing including all links


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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.