New Wave Energies, Visions, Light Columns, Jumping Timelines
By Diane Canfield
As we move into 5th dimensional consciousness everything becomes more clear and we start to see the connections in all things. Many of us are already there, in 5D consciousness, the body still in 3D. As we transform our ability to LOVE is magnified and we become ONE with the Creator who is pure Joy and Love. This is how it begins. I have listed below some messages of higher awareness to uplift and refresh the vibration of the planet at this time.
Recently I received a vision of other realities and other people I knew here in 3D, some even family members. We were working on a project in another timeline of reality while simultaneously being in this reality. I completely understood what we were doing while there, yet when I came out of the vision the clear understanding was not as clear. This is what happens when you jump from one timeline to another. It involved activating and turning on a row of machines that were blue and there were many of these all in a row. They did not look like nor were shaped like machines that exist here, I hesitate to even use the word machine, activators is a better description.
As we were activating these machines, we were told “be careful, we need to turn them on now and they are not to know”. I was more than happy to do these activations in this other reality, it was joyous for all. When we were told, they are not to know they meant we in this reality are not to know what goes on behind the scenes, Yet they did not count on me remembering 🙂 This is our higher selves are in another reality calling the shots on this one, helping us out. Each reality is connected to other ones. We can cross these realities when our vibration is high enough or get glimpses into them and their workings.
As quickly as I was there, I was just as quickly back here. These are the spontaneous jumps into other timelines that are now occurring due to the recent increase in energies and Waves that I have talked about now occurring. These are 5th dimensional consciousness WAVES streaming in for us now to participate in and become ONE with.
For those of you who read my recent articles about the NEW Waves and the LOVE Waves coming in, we had 3 waves in 2 days time. This is a highly unusual occurrence so I was quick to get the information out to everyone. I knew it was and is still very important. It is so important because the first waves have come in and now we are in anticipation mode for the next LOVE Waves of the 5th dimension.
As I have tracked upgrades and downloads for years now, there is usually a rest between waves. This gives us time to recharge and adapt to the new energies coming in. We had a one two and three punch with these new energies and now things have settled down for transformation within the light body transformation.
We do not receive Waves everyday. This would be too much for the human body to handle. As we transform into the light body this is happening slowly and with care. We can get upgrades everyday but they won’t be as intense as a wave that is packed full of DNA changing molecules. We need time in between huge waves to integrate them into our bodies and consciousness.
Now that we are in September, these waves have changed and we may get more and more back to back as we did last week. To prepare for these waves of enlightenment it is very important to be able to receive them with no fear or resistance. We must completely surrender to them and become one with the upgrades that are transforming us into higher beings of consciousness. I talk about getting into nature as much as possible during this time below and clearing our schedules as much as possible. I have cleared my schedule of all services for the month of September just for this reason. My complete focus will be on service to others by transmitting ALL Waves as they come in. I will be reporting on all messages that come to me also through psychic awareness.
As we progress in consciousness through these Waves, DNA transformations and upgrades, these jumps into other timelines will become more frequent. This is something that is actually normal within the human consciousness. To perceive more than a 3D human. This is part of what evolving is all about. Completely what the Ascension process is about. This is the NEW energy that is brought in through these NEW waves. The ability to perceive so much more of reality while our body is still in 3D yet our consciousness has moved out of 3D and into 5D.
Happening at the same time as our Ascension, the magnetic field of the earth is weakening. This has been going on for some years. The weakening is usually preceded by a geomagnetic pole shift, the north and south poles change positions. The magnetic fields also affect humans and their emotions as well as our physical bodies as they weaken. Ear ringing and other anomalies are experienced. We have a feeling of time speeding up or slowing down due to the weakening of the magnetic shield around the Earth. As these time anomalies take place this weakening also affects the Schumann Resonance of the earth. This resonance is called the Heart beat of the Earth and humans beat at the same rate as the Earth. As the magnetic field has been decreasing the rate of the Earths heart beat has been speeding up. The Earth’s heartbeat was at 7.3HZ but it is now believed to be much higher.
The weakening magnetic shield and pole reversal that is in process leads us right into our Ascension. These are connected, as we all know everything is connected. There are no coincidences. Everything happens for a reason. Yes, everything. It is all orchestrated by our higher selves and the Creator. For we are also Master Creators and many are just now finding their True mastery of power within. It was there all the time:)
As we experience these higher vibrations through these new Waves we can experience more contact with higher dimensional beings, we well as visitations. I have had frequent visitors from other dimensions since 2000. I have ongoing visits with many different races all belonging to a group called the Advanced Council of Planetary Light. Many now will be able to experience this themselves as these new energies raise the consciousness of all beings Many will now start to experience things they could only dream of in the past.
Pleiadian Message
Today a new transmission came in from the Pleidians who I have an ongoing dialog with. They are part of the Advanced Council of Planetary Light. They, among other Star Races, help us with our Ascension and transformation. This message is directly related to the Waves we are receiving and transforming to 5th dimensional consciousness. The message:
Switch consciousness over to Earth Consciousness and out of 3D. Stay with Earth as she transforms.
What does this mean? It means come out of the matrix and get back into nature as much as we can. NOW. ThePleiadians are specifically talking about the Schumann Resonance and Ascension as I mentioned above. As the earth shifts, so too we shift and we must be ONE with her as she shifts.
Here are some of the ways to become ONE with Gaia:
- Ground, ground and ground again. Check my website for my grounding for Ascension under the video tab.
- Go into nature as much as possible and meditate or just sit still and listen.
- Know that there are nature spirits, devas and fairies that most can not see but they are there specifically to help humans. Do not be surprised with the frequency increasing if you are now able to see them.
- Get near water, flow with the water vibrations and sink into its cool vibrations. Water is out of this reality so it has a no time affect on our bodies. It is a great electrical conduit for psychic abilities and other timelines to jump from one to the next.
Become ONE with earth again and all the creatures and we will meld hearts as the Waves of Love continue to come in and help us with our transformation.

( Not my photo)
Light Column
Last week I saw a light column appear surrounded by clouds on many sides. It appeared and went upwards as far as my eye could see. Again I was given a glimpse into the 5th dimensional world we are moving into. As we become 5th dimensional we can ‘see’ more of reality.
Strange Sounds
The sounds heard around the world now are the Earth’s frequency rising into the 5th dimension. I have had my own experiences with these sounds, hearing them myself on 2 different occasions. They are directly linked to being able to become 5th dimensional beings.
Music of the Spheres
Music from higher dimensions is being heard now by many beings. This music comes to us from our higher awareness and is like a beautiful symphony being played. I have heard many different types but all beautiful. Be still and listen, this is the key. Tap into your 5th dimensional being and see, hear and feel what is rightfully ours to behold.
I love you all!
Diane Canfield
Spiritual Teacher-Psychic Clairvoyant Medium -Ascension Expert-Alien Face to Face Contactee
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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.