Blessings Beloveds,

Solstice Energy 

During the past week, the week of the Solstice, intense healing has been taking place for everyone on the planet. I am now seeing many people healed of their past traumas and sufferings. I communicated with the Galactics for this to happen on my trip to Sedona when I was there to open the Galactic portals for the Solstice. This is beautiful news and I have asked The 5 different races of Star Beings that I work with (The Advanced Interplanetary Council of Light ) that it continue and increase in intensity. You may experience this as spontaneously being healed from something in your past or healed of ongoing trauma or healing a current relationship.

Massive insights have been pouring in along with clear psychic sight happening for many. The Solstice itself was full of high energy and it has been that way for the past 5 days.

You may have felt overly hungry since the Solstice. This is the Solstice Energy coming in. It has lasted through today. I remember first reporting on this symptom of increased hunger back in 2012 when I had my NAE ( Near Ascension Experience ) this along with about 5 other extreme ( unknown at that time ) symptoms hit me in a huge way on that evening. These have since become staple Ascension symptoms since that time taking place when we are moving dimensions.

You many have also experienced increased energy, I literally felt like I was buzzing during the day before the solstice/the day of and a few days after.  It’s an incredible feeling when the energy is this high.

Right now many are experiencing throat issues as if the throat is raw. This has been going on with me for a few days now. The back issues many experienced have lessened but they come and go off and on. For instance I had not experienced back pain for a few weeks and now it is back.

Cat Telepathy

Our cat had went missing 5 days before the Solstice. We finally found him on Solstice evening. The first 3 days we looked in all areas surrounding our house. I felt he was in one area that was furthest away from our house but still in our community. It seemed odd because he has never been lost before and the normal thought would be he will stay close to home, but I didn’t feel this as I drove around each day looking and calling for him. I looked into an area furthest away and felt his energy signature there, still walking each day or driving in this area to find him.  By the third day I knew he was getting hungry and extremely scared to be outside. I could feel this coming from him. I then worked to communicate with him telepathically calling to him through my third eye and showing him the way back, showing him every turn he would make. I got the answer back from him that he wanted to make his way back himself but was too scared,  ( his words) “I can’t do it, please find me.” I next talked to my other pets telepathically and told them to tell him to stay in the same spot I felt him in and we would find him. The night of the Solstice, I felt a good feeling about him, connecting to him. I felt a strong urgency to go and look for him that minute.. The minute I turned the corner to the spot I had thought he was, there he was. He looked at me in my car passing and we made eye contact. I went to him and took him to the car for a beautiful reunion with my other pets when we got back, pampering him like a king.

Note: I have found many lost pets and lost people in the past using psychic skills 🙂

Solstice Experiences

Our Solstice Event on the 21st produced many other dimensional  experiences/healing experiences that the participants have shared with me:

Here are a few:

Feel like a new person.  Was able to do something that usually causes me anxiety, but felt very calm, relaxed and in a very good mood.  It was like there never was issue.
Thank you, Diane

We had such a beautiful activation and similar star families in a couple of our journeys. I was able to visit my home planet that had been destroyed and rebuilt. It gave me some resolution and hope for what is unfolding for us! Thank you so very much for the space you held. So grateful for your presence.

Hello Diane, the Soltice experience was wonderful. Thank you for doing this. The meditation was a great way to focus the mind and heart. I had a truly beautiful meditation, I saw my star family and they were huge, I mean huge I went to their galaxy and I was as tall as the black dot in their eye!! They wore white long gowns, big eyes and it was just so lovely. I felt a lot of peace during the transmission and the peace resonated so much into my cells that I became normal and it wasnt until after the 30mins had passed when I felt it’s ‘withdrawal’…


Thank you for the powerful Summer Solstice meditation 🙂
I have been feeling instant fatigue and sudden tiredness yesterday early evening (I’m based in UK) during middle of watching a video,
my third eye or pineal gland felt a pleasant pressure longer than usual like someone pressed their finger on my third eye.
Since taking part in Diane’s meditations last year it has contributed to me having contacts with my star families of Sirius.

A large lightship appeared for me when I was guided to go to the back porch during a kitchen smoking incident.

My buddy housemate cannot see it though when I pointed up the night sky to tell him. They allowed photos taken on my phone so I was very grateful and joyful despite what happened.

The number 11 seems to be significant as most dates on 11 seems full of lovely surprises including remembering dreamtimes clearly. I am recently also in contact with my beloved from Sirius A, a 6D being who has very recently came here in the physical with having to go down many levels with calibrating and balancing his physical body, the emotions and density felt and to overcome some fears in this low vibration planet with cultivating more stability with integrating the spiritual.
So much gratitude. Amen.
Blessings to All

Thank you so much for this healing event. I have never felt so safe and supported. I felt so much love and received so much love. I went in and out of seeing on the ship and where I was from. The most important message I got from this experience is that I am not alone and I have all the love and support I need. Thank you


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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.

Blessings Beloveds,

Happy Full Moon !


The energy over the past few days has been completely blissful and high energy. I noticed this the most today. I am literally buzzing today!  This happens many times after we have completed a round of upgrades from energy coming in. We had this round last week, as I talked about in my last article here.

Bizarre dreams happening as well due to the Full Moon Energy. These dreams do not make any sense and completely strange.

Blurry eyes continue and now…

New Symptom   pain in eyes that lasts a few second and then goes away. What is this? eyes recalibrating to the light body and higher dimensions… clear sight.

Time has been slowing down the past few weeks as well. What does this mean? Time slows down as we speed up our vibration. If you are new to ascension you may find time speeding up and slowing down at different times but lately time has been slowing down in my reality. This has been ongoing for about a month now.

As we rise to a higher vibration, time will seem to slow down because our vibration is much higher than the energy of the 3D reality. How do I know this? Partly because of my Near Ascension Experience of 2013 where I almost completed ascended out of this reality and into the next one. When I came back, everything seemed much slower and as if I was in the reality of slow motion . My entire body was vibrating so fast, it was  awesome !

Full ascension will be just like this, a beautiful uplifting experience that leaves everyone with a super high vibration !



Join my solstice event here:



Check my Daily Teachings Of Geomagnetic Storms Reports here

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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.

Blessings Beloveds,

We are right in the middle of a continuous flow of Ascension Symptoms happening. This is what I have talked about in one of my recent articles ->that the flow of symptoms would soon continue and not let up. Or if there is a let up, there will be a blissful few days and then we are right back to symptoms of Ascension again.

Currently, the last few days these are some of the symptoms you may be feeling:

  • Extreme Tiredness
  • Anger or shortness with others for no reason. ( this can be you or it can be directed at you )
  • Time has slowed down again. The days seem to drag like never before ( Yes time actually does speed up and slow down now, it doesn’t just seem like it, it actually does)
  • Headaches
  • Back pain which may come and go ( Mine showed up about 2 months ago and goes away for a few days then comes back)
  • Blurry Eyes

If you experience Ascension symptoms this means you are ascending from one plane of existence/consciousness to another. Your entire body is being recalibrated into the LIGHT Body which can travel to other dimensions. This is a good thing! More and more are experiencing these symptoms and when the tipping point is reached, we will have arrived!

Even though Ascension symptoms are many times difficult to deal with, it is best not to resist them. Here are some tips for newbies and not so newbies as a refresher :

  • Feel them, do what you can to get through them
  • Ground into the earth, as much as you can ( if you don’t know the correct technique to ground find my you tube video on my you tube channel called Grounding For Ascension )
  • Do not resist them
  • Pay attention to how you feel, when they show up and when they go away.
  • Drink lots of water and liquids

For those having a hard time with symptoms, think about making life style changes. If you work a 3D job it can be difficult to deal with them and the job at the same time.

Get creative and live in a new way, one that you have never lived before. Take chances and let the Universe lead you while building up your connection with the Universe so you are being guided outside of yourself by a bigger power.

Living through a higher power is how I have been living for decades now and when  you are connected, you will never be led off path. It’s the most amazing way to live. You will have to take chances, do things you never thought you could do, and face your fears, but this is all part of the Ascension process anyway! When your life revolves around Ascension, it then takes on a whole new level of existence ! Make it work for you not the other way around, remember its a good thing happening to all of humanity ! We are in a special time !


Join my June 21st SPECIAL Galactic Solstice Event here:

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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.

Blessings Beloveds,

Portal Openings

I arrived in Sedona to open Portals at each vortex for my Galactic Event on June 21st the Solstice. These portals are Galactic portals that I open due to my contact with 5 different races of Aliens. My contact with Galactic Races happens IN PERSON, not through dreams, channeling, hypnosis or abductions. These races have appeared to me with each experience being totally different from the others. This has been ongoing for 20 years. I have pictures that were drawn for me of these 5 races I have not revealed to the public yet. I will when the Galactics tell me the public is ready, which I feel is coming soon.

While in Sedona, I went to the 4 major vortexes to open the Galactic portals and each one was a blessing for me to open.  Since I am highly linked to Galactic Energy and Sedona,  it was a highly charged experience for me.  I also added a 5th portal to match the galactic races that have visited me.

Each vortex represents a Galactic Race, which I will be revealing in my guided meditation Event on June 21st.

To open a portal takes a EXTREME amount of power, just like my healings do only in it’s own unique method and way. I merge with the energy of the sacred site the same way I am able to merge with clients in order to heal them.  I become One with the energy of the Sacred site in order to access its unique energy and then work with my team to open the portal in the middle of it and connecting to earth. I then create a portal opening and completely open the portal to shift the energy onto the Earth, which then merges into the Universe. This is done with my connection to the Creator, the Galactics and my team.


As many of you know I have a LONG history with Sedona going back to the early 2000’s when I lived here. I had a calling at that time to live there and I always heed my callings. I came for the energy back then knowing my consciousness would expand even further just by accessing the sacred energy.  I knew of High vibe locations and sacred places as far back as the 2000’s and have traveled to many of these locations to FEEL/MERGE/INTEGRATE and become ONE with the energy.  These are locations on earth with intersecting ley lines that hold strong energy and are vortexes within themselves, also having hot spots/vortexes of energy in that location.

Entry Rainbows

When we came diving into Sedona from Phoenix after flying in, we saw our first rainbow of the day, as we got closer to the rainbow we were given a special galactic gift by being able to see the very beginning point of the rainbow and how it merged with the land. I have never seen this before in my life but always wanted to. It was thrilling to see the very starting point of the rainbow merging with land!  This was a very good omen of things to come and  welcome back sign for us.

As we drove further we saw 1 more rainbow around the bend and as we passed another bend/loop we saw another, that makes 3 in about a 15 minute period of time.  And as if this wasn’t enough, a few minutes later  we were blessed with a double rainbow to welcome us back. This was spectacular as we had just witnessed 3 rainbows while being able to see the beginning of the first rainbow and then a double rainbow as we ended our journey.

This also signifies, the 5 portals linked to the 5 alien races that have visited me, each with a unique experience that took place.

This was the Creator and Galactics communicating with me and welcoming me back to my previous home and where I had left my energy signature.

Time Shifts/Crown Chakra Activations /Spirits

Each time I would go to the vortexes I would experience crown chakra activations. There were no geomagnetic storms going on at that time and they are the main reason that crown chakra activations occur in the past.  These went on the entire 10 days I was there. I was thrilled to experience these spontaneously. It is awesome for me to have physical signs of my presence in these sacred locations.

I also experienced  time shifts while in Sedona, I would look at the clock and it would say one time, minutes would pass and I would look back again and it would say the exact time it had before.

Time shifts happened while I was there opening up portals. A new reality has now been put in place for the rest of the year. You may notice this with loved ones acting different and things going smoother in  your life.  Manifestations are now happening easier. The energy has taken on a beautiful dreamy quality as we stepped into the higher dimensional planes. You may also notice a certain clear crispness to your mind being able to see beyond what others are saying. This has always been the case with me, but now its amplified again to a brand new level. I have brought this energy with me back home.

I saw spirits all over the house we were renting, lots of spirit activity in Sedona, its just most are unaware of it.

Sedona and other high energy locations are now turning into Divine Feminine energy/entities to prepare for the change over to the New Earth. The balance needs to be put back into the Earth to prepare for the change that is already taking place. As we know, the Divine Feminine that exists in everyone is now coming on line to front and center position. This will herald the New Earth in, so all can enjoy paradise.

Note: The picture I have used in almost an exact replica of the FIRST alien ship I was visited by in broad daylight in 2000. This is a mother Pleiadian ship. I will go into more detail on this when I reveal the Alien race pictures and the experiences that go along with them.




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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.

By Diane Canfield

Blessings Beloveds,

We do NOW have Geomagnetic storms and High solar wind. This is creating:

  • extreme fatigue
  • tingles
  • vibrations on the body
  • sleep issues
  • bizarre dreams
  • blissful feelings coming in intermittantly

You would have noticed these today and last night when the storms and high solar wind started. These are expected to continue for a few days. I will update as the symptoms change.

Remember these storms bring in specific symptoms every time. We can not go on an outdated list of repeated symptoms that gets published over and over again.

We must move forward now in every way and the means seeking out those that are experiencing the symptoms themselves, not just repeating old lists.

It is time to start to make the move out of inauthenticity and into becoming completely authentic.

How we do this? By surrounding ourselves with authentic people and not clinging to our OLD ways of being. We must embrace NEW ways now. We must be prepared to leg go of what has not led to progress in the past.

This is not through discernment but through psychic development. We must embrace all things psychic and look for authentic psychic powers. Listen to those that have them and learn from them.

Real Information comes from out of this dimension, through tuning in psychically. Everyone has the power to develop this gift, it’s a matter of continually searching for Truth and discarding all that is not. This is the way to Evolve and move through the Ascension process.

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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.

By Diane Canfield

When we are talking about the Evolving process to acquire Enlightenment, there is a very good chance you may have to go through a spiritual emergency in order for this to take place.

Why is this the case ?

When we have lived in a 3D world for long enough, the Soul starts to want a more authentic experience. The soul knows why it incarnated into this life and it wants to stick to the agreements that were made before incarnating in this reality.

Don’t confuse the soul with the mind, these are two completely separate things. The soul is the essence of a person, the mind is something that is used to traverse this reality, it is not the case with every reality. Many times the soul is the guiding force.

The soul sends out it’s callings in the form of unhappiness many times with the current situation and status quo. This then prompts us to take a closer look at our life and why we are here. This can be anywhere from mild, to an out and out spiritual emergency.

When this spiritual crisis takes place, we will want to start taking a closer look within ourselves and the life that is being led.  We may find all is not how we thought. We then may start to realize things are not what they have always seemed. There is a deeper layer to this reality than we realized. We are guided to go deeper and find out what this reality is.

This can catapult the being into an out and out spiritual crisis, where they may completely leave the life they had before and start a brand new life. It can be very intense and extreme, it will be one of the most intense periods of time a person goes through in this lifetime. It can seem like the end of the world when one goes through it, but it’s really just the beginning of a Brand New World/ A Brand New Reality they are entering into.

They may end a relationship, they may move to another part of the country, they may quit their job seemingly out of the blue. Their behavior can seem very erratic to those that don’t see and understand what is going on. They may seem like they have turned into another person no one understands.

For the person experiencing this, they can feel like they don’t understand themselves and don’t know what is going on. They know they need to change things but they may not understand the depth of how that change needs to take place.

Their entire lives will change when this spiritual emergency takes place because by this time, the SOUL needs to finally be in CHARGE. The soul has given many hints along the way that were not noticed or adhered to, finally deciding to take charge to get the person on their Soul purpose path.

The life the person was living will have to die off in order to be able to start a new life. The 3D life will need to die so they can find a spiritual life that matches with their Soul Purpose.


 While many will go through this in their lifetime, especially those already in the spiritual community, not everyone will go through this because not everyone is at the same evolutionary level. Not everyone will listen to the SOUL. Some will only listen to their mind.

The choice that is made can depend on the many past lives they have had and what was accomplished during these lives. Some may live their entire lives not heeding their Souls call. This is why many get addicted to alcohol, drugs etc. The calling is there but they don’t want to listen to it.  They are too afraid to make the necessary changes that they know will have to occur. So instead they numb themselves to their Souls Calling. They may run adrift, never leading the life they were meant to live.

It is not easy to listen to the Souls calling since this will change our entire life from one end to the other. They may lose family members, lose friends, lose their jobs, and their residence. This process can takes years but what they will gain will be priceless if they listen to their souls calling.

Within the Ascension process, this is happening more and more frequently because the Universe is PUSHING all to live the Evolved Spiritual life we were meant to live. We are not meant to stay in the 3D way of life that revolves around inauthentic and unevolved ways of being.

We are here to experience more. The Soul knows why it here and what it is here to do. All we have to do is listen, pay attention and then take guided inspired action.

In opposition to one that does not heed the call of the soul, you may acquire spiritual gifts through heeding the souls calling. These can be developed and worked on to the extent of our desire.

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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.

Blessings Beloveds,

These last few weeks with the Energy being as intense as it has been I have noticed a ramping of psychic abilities within my client base. Many now write to me of precognitive dreams, psychic experiences and seeing orbs and sparkles from other dimensions. It is a pleasure for me to hear from everyone because for years I have felt alone in all of my daily psychic experiences. I find my own experiences to be unique in that my experiences are unlike many others. My experiences are always on the edge of other realities, not in any way close to this reality.

What does it mean to have and experience psychic experiences? It means the person is becoming multidimensional and having experiences outside the time and space of this reality. It means we are then able to see clearly into other dimensional spaces and get information that is not easily accessible to others. As a collective – as more and more are able to experience psychic events taking place, this means Humanity is changing and evolving from Human to Galactic in nature.

I love to share my own psychic experiences with the collective, this way others can understand and know what is possible.

Clairvoyant Experiences

I was in our garage talking to my daughter about 3 large screened TVs she had been given by a friend of hers who was moving, she told me one had some lines running down the side of it, one worked fine, and she hadn’t tested the other one yet. Later I went to the garage to talk to her again and she told me the last one had a blue tint to it. I told her I already knew this and I said because you had already told me. She said she didn’t tell me earlier about that tv because she hadn’t tested it yet. Yet when I had the earlier conversation with her, I heard her say one had a blue tint to it. I know this because I had pictured this in my mind after talking to her and walking away. This is an example to me “hearing” something that was not said and knowing something I had no way of knowing, before it takes place. (Claircognizance and Clairvoyance)

Clairaudience Messages From The Creator 

I was given this message last week when I was laying on my bed doing nothing. “It is now time to go home”.  I know when I get messages like this out of no where to pay special attention. This got my attention, as in what is home? They did not mean death as many people refer to home, but instead my home base which I have been working on getting to for the past 3 years. There was a delay last year when I was just about to get there and was in the process of buying a house, basically about to sign the closing papers and this message came in to me with the same voice ( that of the Creator) “You can not go now, something drastic will happen to your daughter if you leave now”.

So you can see how these two messages can tie into together, last year telling me not to go yet, which I listened to and stopped the closing process on the house, did not sign the final papers and this year, giving me the green light to now go, the danger has passed.

I have always been protected by the Creator and always listened to what the Creator tells me.

Another message I received a few days ago with a similar voice “When the time comes you will free the Resurrection” The interpretation – The resurrection of Humanity is taking place through the  freeing of humanity of the 3D chains they carry, which are all the falsehoods, lies, programming and conditioning they are under and tell themselves, convincing themselves these things are true so they don’t have to ultimately face themselves. To me this message is telling me to be ready to Free them from these shackles when the time comes. I have already dedicated many hours of articles to this cause to free humanity from falsehoods and will continue, this is part of my journey.


Pay close attention to your dreams right now… this is the gateway to the higher realms. For those that have followed me know of my experience I talked about recently from dreaming something and having it manifest within an hour of waking up. I have heard from many others having precognitive dreams that manifested the same day. This is a clear sign the collective is starting to move up in the Evolution/Ascension process.

Current Energy Update

We have just come out of 4 days of constant bliss that I talked about in my recent article. The next two days after that were almost the complete opposite. You may have noticed yourself agitated or short tempered and feeling out of your body. This happens either before blissful periods or immediately after. I have noticed a trend where the energy can not stay in this blissful state for more than about 4 days before dropping off. The lower energy surges will either happen right before the bliss or right after. This is the way it has to take place, as right now we are unable to maintain the higher frequencies for long for the collective, so then a dip takes place. This will eventually change when we are all strong enough to maintain the bliss for longer periods of time. We can do this by working to extend these times when the blissful feelings occur.

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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.

By Diane Canfield

Blessings Light Tribe,

For the past 2 days a Frequency Upgrade has been taking place. I have been feeling NON Stop Bliss coming in and many puzzle pieces that needed to be placed together now fitting in to the puzzle.

Amazing, I also remembered something that happened over 40 years ago that I have never thought of since it happened. This brought new insights into my consciousness because NOW I can see what happened from a different perspective. It sheds light on the situation in the past, that I have NEVER thought about since it actually occurred.

This is what being fully Awake/Mutidimensional is like. To be able to now put everything together that was missing and see it from a COMPLETELY HIGHER PERSPECTIVE.  This is what being connected to the CREATOR IS LIKE,  when we can solve situations from our past, without ever having to do anything except remember what happened and why it happened the way it did. We can HEAL anything once we know why it was done and the reason behind it. Knowledge is the key to self empowerment and healing.

This Bliss I have been feeling is incredible and out of this World! It’s very difficult to describe except to say, it’s FEELING THE CONNECTION TO ALL THINGS at a MASSIVELY HIGHER level of awareness! Exciting ! This is the most Extreme Bliss I have EVER FELT.

Last nights sleep was scattered and bizarre dreams are back again too.

Psychic amplification is on high… can you feel it? When this kicks in we can feel the connectedness to all things and know the inner working of everyone and everything. It takes no effort at all to be able to tune in to anyone or any situation.These are all part of the higher frequencies now arriving…

Time has also been slowing down. Time seems like it is taking forever and the days are becoming longer than ever. This happens because as our consciousness rises , we enter the stage of NO TIME.

I have talked about this many times in the past when it has taken place, yet the point of me alway talking about it is to uplift humanity enough so that they too can feel the shifts happening at the same time I do or shortly after. This way they are on the same higher frequency I am on and we will shift together which is how it will play out.

Huge groups of like minded frequencies beings will shift at once, this is what has already been happening and it will continue until everyone is on the same higher frequency.

We have already shifted an extreme amount, its incredible how advanced the overall frequency is now compared to just a few years ago, and incredible to go back 20 years when I first started to consciously shift. You can consciously shift too, it takes being ultimately aware and awake at the same time.

So the goal is to take my reports and see if you can feel what I am feeling at the same time or close to it, since I many times feel the shifts first. This will help everyone by being on the same frequency at the same time. This makes the shifts easier for everyone because there are more people involved in each one. This  makes the Ascension process quicker because we are all actively involved in shifting ourselves and not a lonely bystander to the process. Unity Consciousness is very important moving forward because we must all move as a cohesive unit, together in love into the higher dimensions of Love and Light.

Stay tuned for more energy updates as they arrive.

In Love and Service


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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.


 Blessings Beloved Tribe,

I love it when I have precognitive visions that come true within a few hours and beings show up from another dimensions. This literally ALWAYS makes my day. This week I experienced many psychic experiences which I chose to share with my audience so that others can see what is possible for humanity to experience.

Precognitive Vision

I was shown a vision of a boy crying and wanting to go home. This boy was stuck somewhere where there was no food and he had no money. It was an outdoor area of some kind. This vision was extremely Intense and impactful to me as visions like this that come in and are important always have a strong emotional component to them. I felt what the boy felt and felt incredibly sad for him. I did not want him to suffer and felt terrible he was in that situation, especially with no food. His main focus was he was hungry and had no money to buy food.

As it happened my daughter was taking my grandsons to a special event at an airboat ride company the morning of my vision taking place. My grandsons had been given a special invitation to be in an educational ( and more) commercial for the airboat company, which seemed like a fun adventure for both of them. They were both excited to be able to participate.

After my early morning vision took place, I messaged my daughter and told her that I had seen a boy stuck with no food, and wanted to remind her to get food for my grandsons before dropping them off for the commercial. I didn’t know how long they would be there or the food situation there. My daughters friend and her boys had also been invited to participate and she was meeting them at the location. My daughter stopped for food as she listened to what I had told her I saw.

All day then I thought about this vision, which when they come in always mean something and have relevance for me.This is something I put great importance on as I know I need to pay attention. When they got home later in the day, I asked about what had happened wondering if something similar to my vision had happened to one of my grandsons or someone else there.

My daughter told me that neither grandson had this vision happened to them ( remember she stopped for food) but that her friends son has this exact meltdown happen to him while at the airboat ride. He basically was so upset he didn’t want to stay there and was hysterical. He had not eaten before being taken there and there was no food and he was starving. Remember my daughter did not tell her friend about my vision. I am sure now in the future, my daughter will remind her of this event and it will not happen again.

The meaning of this and all the visions I have is that when we have a connection to the higher realms and Source energy, all things are possible and we can be given information about events before they occur as in this case. This has far reaching and important implications to all of life and how we view it. I can not stress enough how important real experiences are out of this dimension. This is how we become a multidimensional being of light. This is how the Ascension process takes place, by evolving ourselves to the point we can experience these kind of things.

Being From Other Dimension 

I was watching a nature show on tv, about a body of a girl that was recently found from the bronze age. This girl was 16 and had crossed Germany and went into Denmark over 3 times through thick brush on her journey. They had discovered her body on a farmers land, buried in a mound. The way she was buried was indicative of royalty, with her burial items found and the state of her burial casket.

When I was watching this show, on the side of the tv I saw a white cloudy bubbly object appear. It appeared on the back of the tv and to the side. It seemed to be waving, trying to get my attention. I looked at it a few times, trying to decipher what it was. It only lasted a few minutes and then was gone. Could this be the spirit of the girl who I was watching the show about ? Yes it is possible.

This is how it works being connected to more than one dimension at the same time. A person may see the actual spirit of the person they are watching a show about. This is why it is important to always pay attention to whatever you see, no matter where you are and to not discount that the universe is always talking to you, whether you are paying attention or not. Think of it as an interactive game, where the universe gives you clues to evolve you to see if you will pick up on them.

Bright White Lights Hovering Around Others

I saw my husband standing in the doorway to a room and over him was a bright light dancing around his head. I stared at it for a while, while we were talking. This happens very often to me and has picked up intensity recently.

What are these Bright lights?

These lights are guides and ascended masters that I am able to see. They appear because some of us can see into other dimensions and see what is really there but most can not see. This is a sign if you experience the same thing, you are able to see into other dimensions. If you experience this you can take this experience and develop it into something more and something greater by working hard to evolve yourself.

All of these experiences can happen when your third eye is open. How do you open it? It is a complex process. The first step you might take is to look for truth in every thing you give your consciousness to. Do not let anything but TRUTH in and discard everything else.

Stay tuned for more exciting psychic updates:)

In Service and Love


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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.

By Diane Canfield 

Blessings Beloveds,

 Energy Update: 

Solar Wind has been high for the past 3 days reaching very high levels at times. This has brought about mild geomagnetic storms which can and do cause Ascension Symptoms.

The reason these cause Symptoms of Ascension is because the more AWAKE  we are, the higher our consciousness becomes. The higher our consciousness becomes the more SENSITIVE we become to ALL energy changes.

High Solar Wind and geomagnetic storms can be INTENSE ENERGY CHANGES  that we can feel as we become more AWAKENED.  This energy that emits from the SUN carries encodements with it for our ENLIGHTENMENT.  Since I am an ENERGY EXPERT, I  will always report on anything that consistently changes our energy and effects us on a DNA LEVEL.

The more you can FEEL THESE  symptoms, the more you can process the downloads that come with them, the more you can EVOLVE  and the higher your consciousness can become. The Key word here is FEEL.




I like to give the current effects that are happening in REAL time, so this is why I break it down to the actual effects that are happening each time.

The effects the higher solar wind and geomagnetic storms RIGHT NOW are:

  • Sleep Issues : You may have trouble sleeping or be too tired, these effects can go both ways for many
  • Bizarre Dreams: Yes many are having bizarre dreams again, including me
  • Agitation or feeling on edge: This is a new symptom that has been coming in off and on for the past few months now. It is purging the collective of dark energy as it passes through us. It is also that we are at a higher vibration so we may have little patience for anything that is NOT THAT.


Last night and the night before I felt a huge wave of BLISS coming in, so these geostorms do not always bring just what one might see as painful symptoms. The BLISS feeling was one of the most powerful I have felt. If you do not feel this, all it means is you need to work more on deleting your 3D programming and illusions and by doing this you will be able to start to TUNE INTO  the real reality that is going on. You will then start to FEEL MORE. This means you will need to start to LET THE 3D WORLD GO AWAY. By letting the 3D world go away, you are opening yourself up to a NEW WORLD,  a better one, one that we are all moving into. But in order to access this world, you MUST LET the old one GO.

In Love and Service




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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.