Through Ascension The Dark Energies Are Leaving the Earth Realm

Through Ascension The Dark Energies Are Leaving the Earth Realm

Dear Beautiful Souls,

In many of my last articles I have talked about the importance of keeping our frequency high now and going forward because things are manifesting quickly. Right now the manifestations have sped up and the dark can manifest just as quickly as the light. To live fully in self love is not to want to have darkness in our lives and to realize we have this power. To maintain the vortex of self love and to live this way everyday takes focus and dedication yet the rewards that come with this are many. We are able to hold much more light in our body star gate.

We live in a temporary duality in the 3D world. Those of us that have been dedicated to the Ascension process for many years and even decades have been able to attain 5D-12D consciousness with the body while still in 3D . This is the way it has to happen first. You may remember the old 3D saying about landing a promotion, you must act, dress and become the very thing you want before you will be able manifest it. This is also the law of attraction and it is correct. This is how some of us have been able to attain higher consciousness. We as an ascension collective,  are more than half way there now. We have attained the consciousness and the body is now catching up transmuting into the LIGHT BODY of the 5th and higher dimensions.

As we live in a duality we must accept that the dark side also lives here, as well as the light. There are lower level dimensions that can influence this one. These lower level house beings that feed off of lower level vibrations.  As much as many of us Star Seeds and higher dimensional Angels know, coming here was not easy on us. We reside from a higher frequency and we had to lower ourselves to inhabit this earthly plane. This is why the rejection of the dark forces from such a young age for many of us took place and continues to take place. The dark can appear from the most unlikely places… something to remember.

For me I have always been in the LIGHT and never pulled towards darkness. Some say we all have darkness in us, but this is not equal for everyone. It  depends on the level of consciousness that we came into this earthily plane on. The level of consciousness is directly related to who and where you were before coming here, what level of awareness you attained. There are many clues to this in this lifetime but for now I will leave this for another article. This is why it is so important to work to attain spiritual self mastery in this reality.

In this realm of earth there exists many type of beings that are not seen by everyone. As a psychic clairvoyant ( clear sight )  I can see the hidden aspects and many different beings from other dimensions most can not see. There are beings of darkness that feed off of human energy. I know this may be a shock to many, yet this is something I have been aware of for decades and why I choose to only live my life ONLY in the light. These beings feed off fear and lower vibration energies. They then can create a state of darkness within the person they feed off of and attempt to control this being.

Many of these dark beings are now being removed from the planet as I have talked about. As these beings are removed, more humans that were inhabited by the dark influences will regain their light-  returning to who they truly are. This is why I talk about ascension including everyone, this is the way it will happen. All dark influences will be removed, as they are now- it is happening.

Do not embrace your dark side but instead heal it and then discard it. Without healing we will not be able to move past it. The act of healing brings light to the darkness. The darkness then has to flee and can not longer exist within us. This is how we remove lower level influences that attempt to control us and influence us.

The darkness within ourselves is  not aligned with the Light, the Truth and the Creator. If you have adapted to this duality you will have a more difficult time ridding yourself of darkness then those of us who have never accepted it. You will have to go back and remember when was the time it was accepted and then work to change this around into non acceptance. Many have had dark energy thrown at them in childhood and unknowingly accepted it as their own, yet it did not belong to them. Part of my work is to help the ones to remember this is not who they are and to delete this programming.

No dark influences can enter the 5th dimension and above. This is the time to clean this out completely and become fully engaged in the Ascension process. As we become more LIGHT this then forms the light body- Merkaba which we take with us into the higher realms. The consciousness expands first, then the light body formation, then the two work in harmony with each other to prepare us to travel to the higher dimensions.

As darkness leaves all beings , these beings become more filled with light. The space the darkness inhabited becomes filled with the LIGHT of the Creator who is the Star Gate Universe.

Maniting a high vibration at all times is of the utmost importance to not let darkness in. Some of the ways this can be accomplished is by working to raise our vibration and keep it raised at all times. To do this we do not let in hatred, anger, violence, jealousy and we work to delete the false ego that tells us we are fine just the way we are and we do not need to work on evolving ourselves. We are here to spiritually  evolve, this is part of our purpose in every realm we exist in.

As the darkness leaves, this leaves room for more light in each being. As more light exists within each of us, this lets in more LIGHT for all beings. The LIGHT wins and we are winning. We can celebrate these times as we embody more light, inhabit the light body and become all that we are meant to be.The light is winning and at a point no more darkness will exist as all beings on Earth leave duality behind.

Don’t miss my next series of interviews on the Paranormal aspect of Ascension found on this link. Dates and times included.




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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.


Dear Light Beings,

We have entered the geo storm portal of 9 consecutive days of magnetic storms. These storms help us with the Ascension process bringing us upgrades to increase the ratio of the light body and merkaba we are all in the process of embodying.

Many have felt these energies coming in unaware they were brought in by the Geo storms. Regular energy surges vary greatly from geo storms in many ways. Sometimes we will get an energy surge that lasts for a few hours or few days but rarely so many days in a row like what we are experiencing now.

Some of the symptoms you may have noticed and felt are:

  • Extreme tiredness
  • Dizziness or Vertigo
  • Bouts of Nausea
  • Flu Like Symptoms
  • Body Aches and Pains
  • Body Heat
  • Appetite Changes
  • Breathing Issues
  • Increase in Paranormal Occurrences

Huge insights have also come in regarding the past and how it relates to the present time. Many are now making decisions based on these insights to change their lives. This year will be all about making changes as we work to become our authentic selves that we were always meant to be. This is the path of Ascension and one we need to fully embrace. Do not be afraid to take risks and make changes, now is the time for this.

I have talked before about relationship break ups this year and this is still happening. As we move closer to our authentic self through the Ascension process we no longer have patience for those that are not moving with us. We also see the inconsistencies more clearly within our relationships and this can lead to break ups and rethinking of the way intimate pairs are navigating. We must stay true to ourselves no matter what relationship we are in. This is no longer an option.

As we become more sensitive we will feel more and as this sensitivity increases we will feel even the CMEs leaving the Sun as I do. You will feel a tingle around the crown chakra and it lasts a few minutes an then is gone. This lets us know we are connected to the Universe in a very intimate way. Gaining more sensitivity is where we are and where we are headed.

I had one day during this portal of seeing another being in my house all day. This is how the paranormal becomes the normal. As a psychic clairvoyant I am used to seeing beings from other dimension but this was extreme that it occurred all day long.

Grounding continues to be very important and to stay hydrated. Something can occur with appetite and drinking water that we have no appetite or thirst even though we need both of these. Be sure you are diligent about staying hydrated and eating fresh foods even though you may not feel like it. This is a new symptom of ascension…not wanting to eat or drink.

I have a new series of monthly shows coming up I will be doing on Paranormal Ascension- How the Paranormal Becomes Normal in the Ascension Process. Here is the link to the first show:






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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.

By Diane Canfield


Dear Beautiful Souls,

We have a geomagnetic storm taking place which will most likely go through tomorrow also. The solar wind is coming in at a very high speed causing the storm to take place. We have no flares and have none of any consequence recently.

Today you may have felt chaotic and some anger may have surfaced. This then turned into a feeling of peace and love when it passed through. We can transmute these energies now as they pass through us. We now have the capabilities to do so. We can quickly go from one stage to the next and this is what is needed to evolve.

Currently we are witness to the dark ones being deleted from the planet as the LIGHT takes over. This is part and parcel within the Ascension process as things must increase in LIGHT and awareness before full ascension can take place. Only when the darkness is deleted will the LIGHT be able to shine as bright as it needs to for the Ascension process to be able to kick into the next level of awareness and expansion.

We just passed through the eclipse portal and that brought us closer to our goal. Many experienced the shift we went through on February 22nd. Although I was sick and could not post about it, I was still able to feel the energy wave that came in.

All of these waves, geomagnetic storms and upgrades prepare us to ascend even higher now as the dark continues to come to the surface and leave the planet.

Removing conditioning and programming is now paramount to the Ascension process. Everyone has mind control programs that have been running and these all will need to be removed to be able to become our authentic self which is what Ascension is all about. I have added my latest interview below where I talk about removing programming, conditioning and illusions from our consciousness.




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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.

By Diane Canfield

Dear Beautiful Souls,

I have always kept you up to date on what is happening energetically in this shift. We have reached a new level of awareness this past 2 weeks. The timelines have shifted again in the process of Ascension. They are continuing to shift each day now as we move in 2017. The world and reality has changed, it is no longer what it was before.

Some of the ways we know we have shifted is through Increased Awareness. This is a marker for all involved in the Ascension process. We join in with upgrades and waves, but the increased awareness comes during this time or afterwards, many times even taking the place these days of waves as we used to know them.

As we shift dimensions, we are closer to the Creator who is the Divine knower and Creator of all things. It is through this connection we are able to access more knowledge, more wisdom and more clarity. We can look into the past and notice some things that may have been handled better yet we did not have increased awareness at this time. it is very similar to those that pass on and have a past life review, only now we have the opportunity to do this through the shift.

As we look backward we have a chance to heal all unhealed wounds from our past by now being able to see the bigger picture that we could not before. Through this process we are healing ourselves of the pain and chaos that existed and our part in this play. We may need to revisit a few times with new takes and new insights to be able to come into more alignment what went on. Sometimes we may swing back and forth before finally coming to the middle and being able to understand why we handled things the way we did and of utmost importance why we had these experiences and what they meant to us in the overall scheme of our lives. This is where the deep healing occurs and once this healing occurs it is healed for good. We then can make the upgrades needed and anchor them into our consciousness through the increased insight we now have.

Many new insights have taken place during these last days. We are now merging more and more with our LIGHT BODY. As we merge we KNOW things not known to us before. It is like having a 360 view now of all things going on instead of our limited view we had in the past.

On the night of the 26th a portal was opened and many dark beings left this reality. I had my own very profound experience with seeing some of these beings leave through the portal of my third eye. All different types of beings made this move out of our dimension. This will continue on as we move into the higher dimensions of awareness. The light is now too strong for these dark energies to continue to influence humankind.

We have had a lot of celebrities transitioning recently and this is partly due to the increased energies along with their contracts they needed to fulfill. They made an agreement before coming here in the choice of the reality they would be in during the shift. Many of them are helping us behind the scenes in the afterlife with the process of upgrading. They can be of more help there than here, as I have talked about for many years. We have not seen the last, there will be more in the months to come. As well as celebrities seemingly coming back to life after dying as timelines continue to merge.

As we may feel sad for some of these celebrities, one of the biggest shifts in consciousness that can be made is to realize there is no death. The person who transitions goes from one reality to a different one. The minute they leave this reality they are in the next one. The exact second they are gone from here. There is no lag time. As we make our transition we are asked to understand these concepts of Truth more fully so we can embrace the NEW World we are creating. This is one of the hardest concepts for many. But the many will need to understand there is no death- just transition.

Many relationships will now be ending as we come through this powerful passage. What was hidden will now be revealed. What was put up with and tolerated before, will no longer tolerated in the higher frequencies.  Trust your inner sense and intuition during these times ahead – this is how we build confidence in our intuition and psychic senses. If you feel something is off, ask the person you are in a relationship with. Do not be afraid to stand up for yourself and speak your truth. The higher realms want us to deal with Truth , not deception. This is the only way now to move forward in relationships.

With the energy increase, it is most important to cycle into complete positive manifestations with everyone we are involved with.  Do not let the frequency decrease into lower vibrations with others. Be aware of the frequency level of the other person and make adjustments to raise them up instead of lowering  yourself.

The energy increase in the past few weeks, is leading us into heightened energy increases between people.  This is why we must keep our dealings with others on a positive note, so these can become heightened. If it devolves into the negative this is also becoming very heightened very quickly and can energetically affect the other person quickly like no other time in the past. This is a NEW symptom of Ascension. You may notice any negativity escalating quickly now, just as positivity will. We want to make sure we are upgrading ourselves into the NEW Reality and not staying with the lower levels. be aware of this change and do not dwell in negativity now. Everyone needs to be on board for the change.

Ear ringing and headaches, along with neck and back pain continue as recent ascension symptoms. Ear ringing is caused from the weakening of the magnetic shield which I have talked about many times. This will not be concluded until the shift is complete. All Humans need to be on board for this shift. As the Light body is going through many changes, so is everything else in this reality. We are asked to keep up with the changes and adapt as quickly as possible now.

Intense dreams happen in all times of frequency raises and timeline merges. This time is no different. The dreams come in fast and furious and seem more real. Timelines blur now.. asking what is real, what is not?

Time is  becoming less rigid as I have talked about in many of my past articles. We are moving out of time completely and soon will no longer be using a clock for anything since this is no longer a valid indication of time any longer. Time can move faster than the clock or slower than the clock now as the energy streams change. so it will no longer be needed.

With everything that has changed through out 2016 it is easy to believe our Ascension comes nearer. For those weary and worn out.. hang on. Know that it comes closer with each dark force removed from the planet. The Galactics and Divine Cosmic Christ are working overtime to accomplish this goal, not only for us but all Conscious beings everywhere. Everything in the Universe ascends now… it is a Universal upgrade for ALL. No human will be left behind. Merging with Source Energy is the key to Ascension.



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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.

BY Diane Canfield

Lovely Light Beings,

Solar winds continue to push onto the Earth causing Geomagnetic storms with lots of symptoms.

We are going through a period of NO sleep, Activations – tingles around the head ( crown chakra) , breathing issues and HUGE INSIGHTS  coming in. Now is the time to CONNECT the dots on ALL things and work to heal any past issues and bring them to the surface for healing and transmuting.

I am seeing many things appearing from other dimensions recently as the timelines work to merge with each other. Watch for beings, objects and messages from beyond our 3D reality.

When you are shown new information coming from your past, it is the time to make peace with it. Accept the new information coming in, connect the dots and TRUST this is all for your highest good to continue to make PROGRESS in the ASCENSION process.

Healing, and removing past karma, along with releasing any new karma acquired is of the utmost important at the end of the 2016. These waves are bringing all of this in for us at this very important time.

Remember the Creator and our ET family are always working behind the scenes for our highest good. We must work with them to get the best results for ourselves and make the most progress. Listen now for information coming in that will help you to do this. Watch as it comes in through others and situations that will spur you to make the needed changes to keep evolving in your life.

If you missed my recent article about being in Ascension Alignment and removing Karma Click here




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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.


By Diane Canfield

Ascension Alignment 

As we continue to upgrade at faster rates than ever, we will have access to more Truth and more hidden secrets. Many of these are coming to the forefront now. All that has been hidden must be revealed.

The Ascension process is about coming on line with everything that is authentic. This means all things non authentic are being brought to the surface, not only in ourselves but in all others. This will include all institutions including all agencies that govern 3D society. The goal is to use the truths that are coming out as a catalyst to align with more truth within ourselves. This is a reflection for ourselves, to notice what what does not align with the Truth and the Creator so we can adjust our alignment.

All that is being revealed right now is right in line with Ascension. We can not separate what happens in 3D with the higher realms. All realms are connected. This is not just a cliche saying .. they are connected. This is how I and others that are psychic mediums can access those loved ones for our clients that have crossed over. This is how I am able to see Cosmic Interdimensional beings of all kinds. This is how psychic information is accessed-all worlds are connected.

As we go through Ascension all karma must be released. If you have not started to work on this, please do this now. We release karma through the process of healing ourselves. As we heal ourselves, others are also healed. We must come on line with who our authentic self is and the way we do this is by releasing all attachments and inauthentic energy that does not belong to us.  Many unconscious beings will throw negative energy to others to rid themselves from it. Notice they will always feel better afterwards. As conscious adults we do not have to accept this energy, its theirs to deal with. As children we were not able to reflect this back to them, so many have accepted it as their own and lived with the negativity of shadow energy for years. This must be released through healing our inner child and through knowing we did not deserve this pain and suffering. This is a process that must continue our entire lives because we will always be faced with the unconscious looking to release their negative energy onto us instead of healing it themselves. We must forgive others through this process as we forgive ourselves for carrying energy that did not belong to us unknowingly for many years. Once this energy is released the being will automatically feel light and more free. The baggage has been lifted and no longer exists. This baggage can not be carried into 5D. We must have purged ourselves of all non authentic attachments before hand.

In activating our authentic self and going through the healing process, we will no longer be in illusions about ourselves and others. We will be tuned in and want to know the TRUTH, no matter how difficult it may be and no matter what changes we then have to make. Yes truth requires changes within oneself. This is why the unconscious do not like TRUTH. They instead like to stay in their comfort zone. All illusions, conditioning and programming will also have to be removed before Ascension can occur.

This is how transformation occurs, when we heal the inner aspects of ourselves that are not in alignment with the Ascension process and  become the being we were meant to be when we incarnated into this Earthly Realm. It is only through conditioning and programming that we lose our way. This is why this all must be released to find who we really are.

As we access more Truth, through more authenticity, the Universe then steps in to help us knowing we are now serious about our quest. As Truth is the Universe and the Creator  we are starting to merge with Truth and the Creator at the same time. This alignment is the ONE we are looking for. This is the Ascension Alignment. 

As this merge takes place we then have more access to what was hidden before. Life becomes easier, synchronicities kick in and we may find ourselves with new abilities and gifts. This too is all part of the Ascension process. We are becoming light beings with eternal gifts that surpass all gifts on planet earth.

There is no better time than before the beginning of 2017 to become aligned with our authentic self, releasing all karmic attachments so we are free to fully engage in 5D reality of the City of lights.

I was shown the City of Lights a few days ago as the new reality we will be going to once the full crew is on board for the Ascension process. We have become closer to our full ascension these last 3 months of 2016 as more truth is revealed.


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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.

aaeaaqaaaaaaaairaaaajgyznde0yzbmltdjndctngzmzs05zmuzlwzhytexzmizyjczoaBy Diane Canfield

We are now entered a brand new PARADIGM and an upgraded paradigm that did not exist before. We stepped into a new TIMELINE as the old regimes of the past fall away.

We have Brexit and other parts of Europe beginning to break from the old alliance. This means the countries will go back to taking care of their own citizens first. This is what needs to happen as we can not take care of others without first making sure we are taking care of ourselves. If we do not follow this simple step, we will have nothing to give others. They are now becoming aware of the agenda behind the agenda.. as all dark secrets emerge.

We will enter into a spiritual one world love fest but it will not be based on the old ways and the old agenda of the past controllers. It will happen by itself and not through any collusion from outside sources. Everyone will be on a similar mindset and we WILL ALL know when the time is right to make changes. We need to go through this passage first.

There were many who have assisted in this NEW timeline and making sure it has taken place. With the ones who have assisted, we have felt like it was more than a calling, it was a directive given by the Creator itself. We have been finely tuned into the Divine and acting on the wishes of the higher levels of consciousness. It is easy to get caught up in these energy stream of DIVINE WILL when we are in the higher levels of awareness and merged with the Creator and Universe.

As we move into this new timeline many things are already changing. Time has speeded up and then other times time will slow down. There has been an awesome movement of time back and forth. This will happen before we reach complete zero time.

With the timeline changes you may also feel like you are in the middle of a whirlwind ( picture it ) with everything swirling around you and you are able to pick and choose what you want to participate in. It is as if at times we exist in the point of zero point energy, where there is no time. Everything  takes on a very silent  feeling in this state of consciousness.  We are experiencing everything at once.  New Gift emerging, we can decide what we want to become involved in while seeing all the choices at the same time.

We have experienced a breakdown of the old collective leaving this planet and our consciousness. You may have felt this in the past week, specifically a few days ago. It is a transmuting of the dark energies being cleared out to make way for more light energy entering our light body systems and the planetary systems. We have been entering a more positive space in the Universe and this partially accounts for the expanded consciousness and the ability NOW to rid ourselves of the old paradigm of the controllers agenda.

You may also experience leaving your body more often. I have had two of these experiences in the last few weeks. Once during meditation I saw myself outside my body in the very room I was in.. I was right in front of myself picking up my computer that I was listening to music on while meditating. I quickly pulled myself back in when I saw I existed in two places at once.

The second time, I was the passenger in a car , we were driving down the road. I felt my consciousness leaving my body and pulled it back in, this happened over and over again until we reached our destination.

The last time this happened was in 2012 right after my near death experience. For about 6 months after that my spirit kept trying to leave my body and I continually pulled it back. This in itself shows we are in the new timeline now.

You may also notice your pets having expanded awareness as I talked about in one of other articles. I was about to give my canine best buddy Lexi her eye drops ( I had only thought this) and she ran out of the bedroom and went to the spot on the couch in the living room where I always give them to her. Notice I said I had only THOUGHT about giving them to her. She Never sits on this spot unless getting her drops and she acted like I had just given her the command that I always do when I say : Come on Lexi time for your eye drops, jump up. 🙂 Yet I had NOT, I had only thought it.

The last few days there have been sprinkles of head rushes around the crown chakra as we move closer into this new paradigm of LOVE and bliss. If you are new to ascension you may not understand this but most reading this will have experienced these many times and understand what these are and feel like.

You may have felt nausea off and on, hot spots on the body and a new sensation of the past few months being super sensitive to hot and cold close by. For instance we might have stood by a stove in the past and when the oven was on not noticed much about it. Now we can feel the HEAT radiating from it even from a distance. This is a new gift now emerging.

It is easy to fall into stress levels now with the old stuck energy of the past leaving and the new energy ushering in, yet we must stay in balance and on target. Remember to go into high self care mode and take breaks from social media if necessary. Choose who and what you will listen  or read. Be careful what you let into your consciousness, be sure it is positive and of the light. The dark agenda is of the past and no longer relevant.

Remember more than ever to ground daily and do extreme self care when necessary. Do not get pulled into negativity or arguments or debates. This is the old energy leaving and some are having a hard time letting this go. The answer is not to engage.

Lot of ORBS can be seen now for those with clairvoyant skills. I am seeing many blue orbs which reflects the will of the Divine in play at this moment.

Note: I see a bright future for all BEINGS of light and Love occurring. By mid 2017 we will have even more to be happy about and many more upgrades will have taken place.

I was given this message from the Galactics ~ All will have to upgrade in Ascension. There is no one to be left behind. Think about this.. there is a big task for all of us ahead.






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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.


By Diane Canfield

Dear Beautiful Souls,

We have been experiencing INTENSE geo storms the last 4 days. These can bring in many symptoms and DNA activations. The symptoms change as we go through this process. There is no one size fits all or copy and paste of symptoms.  Some of the symptoms being reported now are :

  • Headaches
  • Insomnia
  • Intense hunger
  • Intense fatigue

Anger or sadness- this is a clearing either for yourself or the collective

As I have reported in my previous articles you may also be experiencing hormonal changes such as hair loss since our endocrine system is being upgraded through the ascension process at this time.

Remember to ground, this is the NUMBER one thing that will help you with all Ascension Symptoms. This is True because I have been through EVERY symptom that exists and many advanced symptoms that are extremely rare. The grounding technique I am including is specifically for ascension symptoms and it must be done exactly as I state in the video in order to be effective. For severe symptoms ground up to 10 times a day.

Remember more psychic events can happen at these times and time fluctuations. We have been experiencing EXTREME time changes in all of September. Time speeds up and then slows down going from one to the other, even in the same day. This will lead to NO time at the point we enter the full scope of 5D living.


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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.

14470924_10154219574753612_1549888104_nBy Diane Canfield

Dear Beautiful Souls,

I received a vision of the future that I am told by the LIGHT GUARDIANS  to pass onto to everyone. What is a vision you may ask? A vision is when I see a message play out in front of me that is not of this reality and is not from this dimension.  This happens with my eyes wide open and in conjunction with my third eye. This is the way I see all things and beings from other dimensions. Since I am a super clairvoyant, I see many visions, beings, spirits, ETs, objects, and messages from other dimensions. This started with me in childhood.

I was sitting down and suddenly the image above appeared to me right in front of me. I had been thinking about the future of the US and planet Earth and what is going to happen. This picture is a very good likeness to what I saw and was shown by the LIGHT GUARDIANS who watch out for planet Earth.

It had a spinning vortex on one side and fireworks going off on the other side. It was a living picture showing happiness, freedom and joy.  The visions was alive and moving, lasting a very long time. I could not take my eyes off of it. I felt ecstatic after seeing it, knowing exactly what it meant. No more suppression and control. The vortex was shown as a PORTAL we had all stepped into to CREATE this new timeline – the fireworks represents the outcome of stepping into the portal.

It looked similar to July 4th Holiday fireworks in the US on Independence day . This is how the Universe works, it sends me symbolic messages for me to decode.I can’t be sent many different type of messages, they vary in infinite ways.

This symbolic picture represents FREEDOM. Freedom from tyranny, from the controllers and from an agenda that does not represent “WE THE PEOPLE” or any of the beings on Earth.

This symbol represents a complete reset of the US and how things are done. It represents, happiness, joy and celebrations for all.

This was shown to me when I needed it the most and had been asking for messages from the Universe and the higher realms. My connection is strong and I will always be given answers.

This is an indication of the future and what we are headed towards. We are fully in the Ascension process now and are headed towards a 5D life with a beautiful future ahead.






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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.

50720336 - fantastic background - ufo shines spotlight on planet earth, secret experiment, climate change, climatic weapon. elements of this image furnished by nasa

By Diane Canfield

Dear Beautiful Souls of Light,

I want to talk about the energies of today and leading up to the September Equinox of the 22nd. We have had some indications taking place of the 5D world merging with us lately.


Tonight my husband bilocated. I saw him go into the bathroom and shut the door then a few minutes later I saw him walk by the bedroom (which is next to the bathroom). When I went out to the hallway to look for him, he was still in the bathroom. I asked him if he left the bathroom since first going in and he told me no. Be aware of this happening around you as we move closer into 5D. More and more things like this will occur and they will start to become more regular.


My daughter was sleeping a few nights ago and she woke up in the night because she heard a noise, then noticed the bed was vibrating. This was similar to one of the old motel beds that used to take coins to get a back massage from. She didn’t know what was going on and she was very tired so she got back in bed and it continued for about 15 minutes more. This is a sign of the fluidity of reality. I have seen tables vibrate and shower curtains, this usually lasts for 15 minutes to 2 hours. This is one sign of advanced  ascension symptoms- being able to see the fluidity of reality.


Last week one of my grandsons who is 10 experienced sleep paralysis. He woke up in the morning and could not move. Within about 2 minutes he was in his body again and able to move.  I explained to him, he was not fully in his body yet when he awoke. When we sleep we leave our body and visit other dimensions, times and places. This is rare though to happen to a young child. An indication the star children are coming on board during these times to merging into 5D and more awakening. Note: This has to do with children not adults.



Today my other grandson was outside playing and his teeth spontaneously started chattering like when someone is in the snow. Yet we live in Florida where it is hot and hotter. I also had a friend a few days ago ( you know who you are ) tell me her and her husband both were experiencing teeth chattering spontaneously while they were in their house. This is a new symptom of Ascension. Note: My daughter and 2 grandsons live with me, this is partly why they are experiencing these things now.


Last month we had the NEW symptom appear of VERTIGO. This lasted with me a full 2 months August and September. This has to do with the weakening of the magnetic shield, the same as the constant ear ringing many of us experience. The vertigo has gone away for the most part, the ear ringing continues. I will be writing a post soon on Advanced Symptoms of Ascension.


Tonight I am experiencing massive tingling all around the head area. These are crown chakra activations. There are also hormone disruptions taking place and they can take many forms. This also happened in a big way in the spring of this year. As we merge with our LIGHT body our hormones go through a complete overhaul. Hair loss has also been reported. This is a sign of hormone imbalance. Watch medications as they can differ from month to month now that are hormones are being worked on through DNA changes.


Time slips- times changes- time speeding up and slowing down. Time is becoming much more fluid and will speed up or slow down especially in times of high energy downloads and upgrades. This has been occurring the entire month of September and will continue until we move into NO time. This is why I am always talking about being in the present moment of NOW. It is much easier to move into the moment of NO time when practicing the moment of NOW ahead of time.


In August I experienced a complete emotional healing while I was sick with a virus for 2 weeks. I now hear from others who are messaging me this same thing happening to them yet they did not go through the illness as I did. Expect more of this to come for everyone, massive healing physically and emotionally. You will return to your original self as I call it or soul self. The self with no emotional baggage and the one you are supposed to be while in this reality. This will happen for more and more as 2016 continues. This is the biggest deal in all of the Ascension process, to be healed of all baggage from the past. All karma from this life and all past lives was released. This is required to be able to move into 5D.


Expect high energies to continue through the year end as more and more transformation, healings and heightened awareness continue to build with the move in to the 5D reality. These transitions build on each other, once one section is done, the next part takes place. We are moving into a time when nothing will be the same.

Our ET friends are closer than ever now and paying close attention to everything happening on Earth Star. Expect to see more sightings and have more dreams and meditations with ETs showing up. This is their way of relieving the fear before making contact.


I will be posting my pictures soon of my direct in contact experiences with the ET Races that have visited me in person. I will be posting the entire story along with the pictures. It is rare now to be visited in person- look forward to the day when it is not which is coming soon. Everyone will experience direct experiences with ETs. it is coming.



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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.