Geomagnetic Storm in Progress For 3 Days~ DNA Activations Coming IN To Those Open To Receiving.


latestBy Diane Canfield

Intense Geomagnetic Storms have been in progress the past 3 days while we are also receiving the Eclipse energies. These are causing many Ascension symptoms such as:

  • Extreme fatigue
  • Insomnia
  • Head Pain
  • Neck Pain
  • Loud Ear ringing
  • Body aches
  • Extreme Vertigo/Room Spinning

Along with these symptoms comes DNA activations such as:

  • Moving in to a higher dimension of conscious awareness
  • Understanding the past and why it happened
  • Being able to see the big picture of everything
  • Moving forward in making plans of happiness for the future
  • Feeling connected- We are all One



As these new insights come in I suggest you take a notepad and write them down. They some times come in so fast it is hard to keep up. When this surge is over,  you will need these new insights to act on them and understand what is happening in the bigger picture.

These are very much like psychic insights and visions. Ones who don’t normally experience these will now have a chance to have this experience if they are open to receiving and paying attention to what is being shown to them through the Universe and Creator.

Lots of paranormal activity also occurring. I was showing my husband a type of cat.. a BENGAL on the computer and a second later I saw a huge cat in spirit walking across my bed.

Be on the look out for things appearing from other dimensions. As I have said in all my posts, do not go into fear mode or try to grab a camera. Be totally in the EXPERIENCE, in the MOMENT of NOW so the spirit sees you respect their presence and appreciate them showing up to you.

The days are over of taking pictures and having to prove to anyone that things are seen from other levels of realities. This is the old paradigm we are rapidly leaving.

Lots of earth changes happening and this is many times connected to space weather and Geo storms. These earth changes serve to awaken more people to the ever changing reality we are RAPIDLY moving in to  They are also indications of time line shifts that can occur during geo storms.

Time slips can also occur during these times. Time seems more fluid now, many may experience times where time itself seems to STOP. I have had this the last few days.

As I said in my last article, ground, drink plenty of water, eat more calcium and magnesium rich foods for sleeping,  expect the unexpected and look for JOY in everything and Everyone.



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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.

solar-eclipse-2 By Diane Canfield

We are dealing with the energy of the Solar Eclipse today which ALWAYS brings in NEW energy. This can last days after the eclipse has taken place. Many people have already been asking me why they feel so dragged out, fatigued and angry among other symptoms.

Eclipses are known for bringing hidden things to the surface to deal with, a cleansing that takes place. Dark or negative energies that have accumulated will need to be cleansed and replaced with positive frameworks for the LIGHT BODY design.

I went through a similar process in August, as the energies have been high and ongoing since August 1st. I was recreated into a NEW person, I call my original SELF. This will happen NOW for everyone through September, through the Eclipses and through the energy of the Equinox.

I will write more about this in an upcoming separate article detailing what I experienced as I transitioned into my NEW upgraded 5D to 12 D Consciousness.

We are also dealing with a Geomagnetic storm these past few days which brings on symptoms of fatigue, breathing issues, lack of sleep and possible paranormal events. Dizziness and a feeling of falling over has been occurring off and on. Loud ear ringing and hunger issues, either not hungry or overly hungry. Some of these things have gone on through August. Also mood changes taking place. This is also when timeline shifts, missing time and time lapses can take place. Be on the look out during this time for any occurrences out of the ordinary. Do not go into fear mode if you see anything from beyond this world. This will stop all future experiences.


Remember to ground and drink plenty of clean water. Many are feeling dehydrated and intense body heat. This is the LIGHT BODY expanding to delete the old programming and bring in the NEW Crystal Body that has been expanding with every upgrade and every WAVE.

. It is very important to ground at least once a day to keep symptoms at bay and more often for more severe symptoms.

A good swim in salt water at the beach( if there is access) is also very helpful and will help with sleeping issues. Epson salt baths are said to also work well.

What also works well for me during these times of troubled sleep is to eat more calcium and magnesium rich food before sleeping. If you eat dairy products these are packed with both. If not there are many alternatives to these. This is because our hormones are being disputed through the LIGHT body process and this can affect the way our whole body functions.


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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.


By Diane Canfield

2016 has been a banner year for Ascension Energy Waves. We have already had more than 10 energy waves coming in that I have written articles about and that is only going back 6 months in time.

I reported back on August 1st that the energy waves were now booming into one continuous stream of LIGHT. You can find that article here.

Since August 1st we have now reached a NEW frequency of alignment. The energy upgrades have been closely following each other in a way that makes them pretty continuous and this is ongoing.

I spent 2 weeks in August very ill from a flu then a respiratory infection, yet I was able to FEEL the waves and upgrades coming in every day. There was a MAJOR clearing going on with me that could not be stopped, even by extreme illness. This shows the ongoing strength of the waves now hitting us and the planet for Ascension.

Energy Waves

So what is an ENERGY WAVE? A Wave is a stream of conscious energy designed to uplift every conscious being in the Universe. It generates from the photon belt, the Central Sun, the Creator, and our Cosmic Friends.

How is an Energy Wave felt? I am gifted to not only feel them energetically but to also feel them physically. By physically I am describing an ENERGY PULSE that moves through my body. This initial pulse is usually short lived entering my body and then passing through within a matter of minutes. The after effects can then be a few hours to days depending on the energy involved. Once the pulse comes through I am usually quick to get the information out to the public that the wave has arrived.

Since these waves started happening to me spontaneously in 2010 I have been tracking. When something so beautiful starts to happen to you, you have no choice but to intermingle with the Universe and its creation and gifts.

So what about September ?

September has the ability to bring us more energy upgrades and waves with these cosmic EVENTS taking place: Remember not to get hung up on dates but to be aware these can bring in heightened energies. Stay in the NOW.

September 1: Annular solar eclipse
September 16: Penumbral lunar eclipse
Thursday, September 22: Fall Equinox

Our last eclipses have been powerful cosmic events with the energy influx has lasted for days afterwards. The Solstice and Equinox have been known to bring in upgrades and downloads.

Pay attention to these dates but also be aware WAVES of energy can come in at any time and are not dependent on dates and times. The Universe works on its own time and since I am a WAVE expert this is how it has always worked.

September Waves are going to start to bring in spontaneous healing which will not end. This has already taken place for me. All one needs to do is ask and keep asking to be healed and the energy now exists for the healing to take place. Since we moved into a higher frequency in August, this energy is now available to be downloaded into our Light Bodies.

You may feel a heightened connection to all people and conscious beings. I have talked before about animal communications becoming heightened. You will now be able to fully put yourself in another shoes and it will happen spontaneously. You will feel what they feel and be able to see clearly why they are acting the way they are. If your psychic abilities are upgraded you will be able to go into their past and know why they are acting the way they are. This will give you higher compassionate states of awareness which then connects you with the Creator for even more advancement.

As we move into even higher frequencies of light, we can then see how the ones who prey on others came to be the way they are. We can then see how the ones pulled into darkness become the way they did. We become more like the Creator in that we are able to forgive them and know it is only through lack of love for themselves that this has been allowed to happen.

Self love increases in the higher frequencies, so no longer will we want to abuse ourselves in any way nor we will want outside forces to abuse us. Watch for instances when we are not self loving and stop these before they start.

We will want our freedom back to be able to be fully who we as  the advanced beings of light came here to be. We will see that we can help so many others in our communities and we will reach out to help whenever the opportunity arises. Communities of light workers are to become the norm as we move into Creator mode.

Increased Creativity will now flourish and this too will be ongoing. Children thinking of solutions to issues that have faced man/womankind for centuries. The crystal children coming online. We have waited for this time.

Personality changes as we morph back into who we are. Powerful Creators without limitations and restrictions. Loving beings of light and love ready to show and usher others into the higher dimensions of awareness. A child like attitude now when we go back to believing anything is possible – because it now is.

August Energies and Experiences

This entire last month has been full of upgrades and downloads.

One day I lost 20 minutes as a timeline slip too place. I was on my computer and looked at both my computer clock and clock on the wall to check the time. I walked into the kitchen to take care of some things, I was gone about 20 minutes. I came back to my computer and it was the exact time it was before I left. This has happened to me many times in the last 5 to 6 years and always tells me we are in the middle of a frequency shift.

One night without any geo storms or flares I experienced intense tingles around the crown chakra, this is an upgrade that can occur at any time. Many of us have experiences these during flares but when they come on their own they are rare.

Many nights I experienced blissful states of energy pouring in, too many to mention. It is heaven on earth to experience this bliss. These blissful states of awareness are another indicator of heightened frequencies.

During the two week period I was sick I was uploaded with energy surges everyday of upgrades catapulting me into new awareness and new insights. To even be able to be in tune with ENERGY while ill is a new aspect of the shift taking place. It is awesome to experience enlightenment even while being stuck in the bedroom too sick to do anything else.

Message from the Advanced Interplanetary Council of Light : (Group of off world beings that come to me in person)

Stay in the moment of NOW for your evolution. The way to evolve is through this moment. In the upper levels of creation there is no time, so to stay in the moment of NOW you are forcing yourself up through the higher realms of consciousness. Once you have practiced staying in the NOW, many more upgrades of enlightenment portals are opened to be able to assist you. We exist in this moment also, not dealing with space or time. We also will be able to assist in your development when you walk an equal path to us by meeting us where we exist. We look forward to interacting with you!. The moment of NOW will be your exit point for Ascension and to exist with us in the higher realms. 









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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.

picmonkey_image-1By Diane Canfield

Hello Beautiful Souls of Light Starseeds ,

Last night we had a beautiful WAVE come in of Higher Awareness and Light. It reminded me of a Wave of water, it was so smooth and light.

The Crown chakra was activated to be able to hold more of the higher frequencies of the higher dimensions. Many of us are now operating from above the 5th dimension of awareness. The 5th through 12th depending on the level of awareness the person is able to hold.  You may feel a distance between those still operating in the 3D awareness. I have noticed though there are many now that may not know they are in the Ascension process but they are. This is the impact the ascension and the waves of light are having on everyone. They are coming in equally for everyone to be able to access, it just takes opening up to them and accepting them into your heart.


This higher WAVE of light comes with many symptoms, including those of the higher realms. As we progress, we are able to access more information from the higher realms of LIGHT and the GALACTIC mindsets. This prepares us for our merge with the Galactics. The first step is to be OPEN to receiving the LOVE they have for us. We are their kindred souls they have looked after for a millenium.

As we move up in frequency we become more like the Galactic Cosmic Beings, we can see the bigger picture to everything that happens and have the service to others mindset that is required to move further up in the evolvement process. When one acquires the service to others mindset, there is nothing that can be done to stop this and there is no turning back. It is a calling from the Creator and a merging with the Universe that propels us to keep going no matter what. It is a CALLING that must be heard.

We have been dealing with space weather for the last 2 weeks or so. A few M class flares and 9 continuous days of geo magnetic storms. These supply the needed upgrades to our DNA/LIGHT BODY but also can be troublesome to deal with in the physical HUman aspect.

Some of the symptoms for these storms have been: not sleeping, different areas of the body vibrating, light nausea, feeling like eating and then not wanting to eat when the food is there, headaches, heavy legs, feeling like we are walking in two dimensions, ( which we are 🙂 ) fatigue and ear ringing ( the ear ringing is not going to stop, it is caused by the weakening of the magnetic shield which I have talked about and explained in many of my past articles)

You may also experience increased awareness of other dimensions and witness activity of other dimensions. This occurs during timeline shifts that can also coincide with geo storms. Some of things I have been experiencing this past few weeks has been items moving on their own. I have a rack on the back of my bedroom door I keep all my night clothes on and during this time, my clothes on the door will spontaneously move by themselves. They will streak out as if in waves. As I see it and turn fully to look at it, it will stop and then start again when my full attention is not on it. These things are very common and becoming more common for all those involved in the awakening process. This is the merging of multiple realities together. Do not go into fear when you see anything that is not what you are used to. This stops all evolvement process from occurring.


All these upgrades and WAVES are needed to wake up those still slumbering in 3D and to continue to build the LIGHT BODY.  We must do our part to embody the light body by having and gaining compassion, service to others and LOVE that is pure for self and others. Galactic LOVE.

Through these upgrades our telepathic abilities have come more online. Don’t doubt yourself when this happens, follow it through as if it is real and see what happens. The animal kingdom is already awakening and coming online with these changes and we can now tune in easier to what they want. Many times we no longer have to wait to see them, we know when they are hungry or how they are feeling. To see them is to tune in even more fully and to understand their thoughts. This will help to take the baby steps needed to be able to communicate more clearly with animals, the next step is other humans and then the Galactic Kingdom for HUmanity.

As I communicate with all of the KINGDOMS, there is more bliss, more peace and more awareness of the Universe itself. This is the NEW Earth unfolding right before our eyes.

I still have many more articles to write as I have been promising:

Advanced Ascension Symptoms

Mandela Effect ( many are asking for this )

and others…..

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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.

awakenedBy Diane Canfield

Hello Beloved Soul Tribe and Starseeds 🙂

Waves of Light

I have noticed through out all of 2016, starting in January, all waves are now turning into one continuous stream of light that can last for weeks at a time. This is unusual in that in the past we had a wave and within a few days everything was back to business as usual, that is not the case now. Now the energy can stream in for weeks at a time.

This is how ALL of progress is made within the Universe. Evolution starts as slow jumps and then with time the jumps turn into longer episodes as more and more LIGHT is able to be held by the consciousness. As more light is held more elevated consciousness takes place.

Evolution is the streaming, holding, and progression of LIGHT. LIGHT is the CREATOR. So through the Creator we can become all things and be all things. We are becoming unlimited!12929

Everything in the Universe is here through the Source energy of the Creator and we are CO-creators of our reality. As we gain more light and are able to HOLD more light for longer periods of time we are then able to merge more with Creation. This means we are then able to become CREATION itself in real time. We are then able to do many things the Creator itself does. The Creator is all things that exist, neither man nor woman but both and everything else.

What this means for manifestation is endless and unlimited. This is why more and more manifestation has become easier. With intent and focus, manifestation can be accomplished by anyone. Manifestation and all other abilities are now coming to the forefront for many as the realize they are unlimited beings capable of anything. There are no limits in this Universe.


The last wave I talked about in my last article continues on now with all light beings able to hold more light for longer periods of time. Here are a few of the symptoms we are currently experiencing that have lingered:

  • Intense body heat. This is taking place because of our DNA changing and morphing into our LIGHT BODY. When our light body is fully online, this is when we will be able to hold the maximum amount of LIGHT. As we embody more light, more things become possible that were not possible before.
  • Fatigue: We are still processing the changes to our body structure, this causes fatigue as all the energy cells are used for this purpose
  • Tripping, falling and scraping ourselves: This happens because as we are expanding into our light body, which is HUGE,  we are not aware of the limitations of our own body.
  • Intense Dreams/Lucid Dreams: Whenever we change frequencies we always experience an onslaught of intense dreaming. When the dreams don’t feel like dreams and you feel like you were actually there and a message was given to you this is when it is much more than a dream. This is source energy connecting with you. It may have bizarre elements to it, just so you will REMEMBER it. Remember the other realms do not work like ours, they are symbolic and have to be sure you will remember what is being shown to you. This is why some outlandish scenes can occur but don’t look past the main message and get trapped in the drama, it is only there so you will remember the message.
  • Heart palpitations and racing: this occurs as the heart speeds up to make room for the light body to take affect. As the light body takes effect our vibration increases, so our whole body vibrates faster.
  • Anger: I have not experienced this recently but I see and have heard about this from my clients and others. Today I had a man cut me off while driving in a parking lot and almost rammed the car that was backing out. Many of the cars had to completely stop for him. Yet he acted like I was the one doing something wrong. Then as we parked and I went into the store, a fight started up at the doorway between 2 other males that went on for some time until the store management came out and broke it up. As these energies intensify they will be especially difficult for those that have not done their shadow work and worked to release all their pain and anger from their past. It will now be coming to the surface – they will be faced with dealing with it.  Sacred Tip: Be careful if you are experiencing this aspect. Go to your sacred area and ask yourself what this anger is trying to show you. Go DEEP and feel the pain from the past so you can work to release it. This is the only way for it to be removed from your energy field, you must go back and relive it to be fully healed. If you feel you have released all of your past pain, you could be releasing more darkness for the collective. As more darkness is released, more light emerges.
  • Ascension Flu: Feeling aches and pains /fever as if you are catching the flu or a cold and yet it is not that. It never manifests into a full blow illness. It may last a few hours, a few days and then leave.
  • Bliss Feelings: Look for feelings of Bliss especially in the evenings after the sun goes down. Remember to stay in the moment of NOW to feel this and to honor all feelings, this is way to feel more and have heightened awareness of the streaming energy and waves coming in.


My husband and I have both had dreams the last 2 weeks during these surges of energy of being the opposite gender. He was busy checking his new female body and I was very uncomfortable in my experience. I was not comfortable in the male body, it felt empty and void. This is  because I am aware of what the 3D masculine is going through right now as they jump into their Divine role. They will first hit a stream of uncomfortableness as they dissolve their false ego 3D construct that they believed was real. This will leave them with nothing and they will need to start again as they step into their power as the protectors of women and children. This experience is to merge us with the Divine aspects of our other gender. It is no coincidence it happened to both of us in a short period of time. We regularly have things like this happen, we have seen MANY things from other dimensions at the same time.

(I will write more on this later about the aspect of soul merging with your partner)

Also there are time line edit events happening. For instance, I know I have experienced events before and they are not deja vu. It is not a feeling of something happening again, it is more complex. It is a feeling something happened but on a different timeline that I was in for a time and experiencing it. Then when I come back to this timeline there is a repeat and I remember it already happened somewhere else. I will ask others ‘ ‘didn’t this already happen” ?. They answer no because they have no awareness of it and it did not happen to them.

There is also the feeling and frustration in the wave of truth that has been coming in more intensely. This waves repels all lies and darkness. It has a built in BS meter and goes off loudly when we hear it. The best thing to do is to keep asking for the truth when a person tries to pull the 3d shady techniques. Eventually they will be forced to tell the truth or they will move out of your awareness.

Message from the Interplanetary Advanced Council of Light (The council of ETs that have appeared to me in person):

I was told by the council a few years ago that the future of humankind is in community. This is where we are headed now. This is what the LOVE movement was about in the 70s, it was a dress rehearsal for where we are headed.

We will be in communities all looking out for each other and working as one though the Source Creator and the Galactics. There will be psychics and seeers as myself in councils of LIGHT leading the way for humanity- bridging the gap between humanity and the galactics. This is the purpose of my ongoing galactic visits, to release fear from humanity about ETs. To bring back the sense of community in all of us of our Cosmic Unity. To understand we are all part of one big community of ETs.

We will have a leap of consciousness when this occurs so that everyone can understand what is taking place on a galactic scale. This is the pre cursor to all of that. This is why we are building the light body to join the ranks of our Comic sisters and brothers. This is or future. I know many have felt this for years as I have. We have a knowing and an awareness this is where we are headed. 

Psychic Tip: Remember to stay focused in the NOW. Do not get caught up in dates or predictions. You will then miss the energy waves and galactic invitations that ONLY happen in the NOW -not the future. We are moving out of the old paradigm of predictions and living fully in the NOW of the 5th to 12th dimension and above. This is so important to move into the moment of Now. Do it slowly for an hour a day, to try to do it all at once can be over whelming.




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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.

picmonkey_image Energy Blast in Motion

By Diane Canfield

Hello Light Beings,

We are in the middle of a SOLAR Mega blast the past few days just before the opening of Lions Gate/ Planetary New Year. This is a time of new beginnings and new creations.

We were hit with 2 double back to back M flares both on the 23rd and the 24th. We are now in the middle of an intense geo storm. I wanted to write this update yesterday but I was feeling all of the symptoms and unable to write this report until now.

Have you had these symptoms the past few days?

  • Headaches (intense)
  • Foggy Brain (intense)
  • Extreme Tiredness
  • Issues Sleeping
  • Thirsty
  • Trouble Breathing
  • Dizzy (intense)
  • Feeling upon standing as if the world has tipped.
  • Neck pain
  • Ascension Flu
  • Intense Body Heat
  • Feeling like doing anything other than sitting or laying down is difficult

These are all due to the increased Solar activity we have been in the middle of. Remember Flares and Geo storms bring DNA enhancements for our Ascension Process.flares_20160724




You will know your DNA is being activated by:

  • Having more important insights into your past
  • Feeling more Compassion
  • More Psychic experiences happening
  • Experiencing more Synchronistic events in your life
  • Seeing beings or objects from beyond this dimension
  • Hearing messages from your angels or guides
  • Putting connections together you were not able to ‘see’ before
  • Knowing the truth without knowing how you know (claircognizance)
  • Not wanting to be around anything fake or unreal anymore

2016 has been a stand out year for Energy surges, waves and activations. It will continue all of this year.

It has been very important for the masses to now wake up. There is an urgency now going on for the awakening process. The Creator and our Cosmic Star Friends have now fired up the process for Enlightenment for all. No one is excluded from this process. We are all experiencing the ascension process for the first time in the lifetimes we have been here.

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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.

energyascensionEnergy Upgrades Still In Effect by Diane Canfield 

Good Evening Beautiful Beings of Light,

The energy WAVE that came in a week ago is still in effect since it’s arrival. You can find that article here . We are receiving many upgrades and downloads since I reported on the wave.  Many symptoms are coming in the form of physical discomfort to the 3D body. Some of these are weird feelings all over the body. I have had weird tingles around the mouth area and warm feelings on the legs. Dizziness, vertigo and an overall feeling of being off. Intense Dreams in the astral realm as we continue to move more into light body building.

This is how the LIGHTBODY is built through the slow process of upgrading DNA and changing our bodies structure. This has happened to other civilizations before us when they outgrew their 3D reality. It is not an easy process and takes time yet well worth it in the end when we become fully multidimensional.

One M class flare came in yesterday along with a short geo storm that brought even more symptoms and upgrades for us. This is the first flare in months to have any kind of impact.

The full moon was very intense magnified by the same energy wave a few days before. We might have experienced a groggy light headed feeling, anxiety, unable to sleep, extreme fatigue. There has also been a feeling of not being in this world ever since the wave. You may feel at times like you are floating above your body and not fully connected to the Earth. Today is another off day with low energy and foggy brain symptoms. In these times it is difficult to accomplish much and get anything done. Rest when you can and this will help with the adaption process.


You may be experiencing many new insights and knowing things you did not know before. You might think to yourself ” Why didn’t I already see this? ” You didn’t see it because you couldn’t without the upgrades we are getting in. We can now see more of the full picture and have access to information, knowledge and wisdom we did not have before. This is a time of high insights and adaptation to the new way of being. This is how the higher dimensions work, there is no questioning anything, all the answers are right there. This is the timeline we are moving into, many are beginning to feel this. We are also experiencing an increase in not wanting to play 3D games anymore. Everything should be upfront and REAL. This may be frustrating for some because we are still faced with many who are unawakened.

Remember to continue to ground as I have been talking about for years now, starting around 2011 when the energies really started to increase. Drink lots of clean water and rest when you can. Do not fight the symptoms as they come in but instead welcome them as they work to build our LIGHTBODY for our multidimensionality.

I have many more articles in the works now, here are some of the topics:

  • Advanced Symptoms of Ascension
  • Advanced Living in 5D
  • The Mandela Effect (many have  asked me to go into more detail)
  • My IN PERSON ET experiences ( many are waiting for these)

I have written about some of these before but now I will be going into more detail and approach them in a new way since we are living in a new TIMELINE.

Remember our ET friends are real and helping us with this Ascension process. They love to be remembered and acknowledged for the help they are providing us with our upgrades into light body awareness. They are vital to our process.b868d1e9e6fd533a5037766b6dfa7539_view


I love you!


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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.




Beloved Light Beings,

An INTENSE energy wave came through last evening around 9pm EST. This wave brought with it intense dizziness, vertigo, and a feeling of being out of this dimension. Nausea accompanied it as well. It lasted about an hour. The feeling came on quickly of leaving the body and being in more worlds than one at one time. Sleep may have been difficult for many.

It hit hard and left just as fast. By 10 pm or so it was completely gone and I was feeling good again. I was having a conversation with someone at the time it hit and I kept feeling as if I would leave my body at any time. It is very difficult when these waves come in to carry on every day activities. We need to stop what we are doing and focus on the energy at hand, even if in some cases the energy is not pleasant.

This wave like some of the others recently brings me back to the intense waves of the past. 2016 has turned out to be a stellar WAVE year yet it is not like any of the years passed starting around 2010 when these waves really went into high gear. We are reaching a higher intensity now, with all the past waves accumulating into the moment of NOW.

There were no flares (there have been no flares of any significance for months now) no geo storm, and no full moon that accompanied this wave nor does there ever need to be. These waves are not dependent on any outside factors, not the moon or any planetary alignments. They can be completely independent of anything else going on space weather wise.

I always advise to stay in the moment of Now for those that want to feel the waves. We do not need to be focused on future events or future waves that may or may not take place. The Moment of NOW is where everything takes place and all upgrades are felt and adapted to. We need to stay in REAL time to make the advancements needed for Ascension and Evolvement.


There have been issues this week with ascension symptoms of  sinus, mouth pain, headaches as well as sleeping issues. You may have felt the fluctuating energy of fatigue to then having tons of energy  this week. All of these symptoms are building our light bodies for our future 5D light ships ( ET) we will travel in.

Those new to ascension may have different experiences than some who joined a few years ago or those who have been in the process for years. I  have noticed some are just now experiencing symptoms I experienced back in 2010/2011. I am happy to see so many have now joined the process and are openly talking about it. This is what it will take for us to hit the turning point and completely build our light bodies to traverse other dimensions of time and space.

We always have help from other beings from other dimensions, all that is needed during any time of stress or uncomfortable feelings is to call on these beings to help us align with our perfect souls of LIGHT.

Get out in nature as much as possible and keep hydrated during these times of intense heat. Clean water and natural fruit juices with no added sugar or chemicals will help keep the body in line with ascension. Smoothies of  organic fruit and vegetables can be very refreshing and energetic as we traverse these waves of Light.

Love light and Blessings to all!

Bridging the gap between the Cosmic World and the Human World `



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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.



By Diane Canfield

We have had another Geo magnetic Storm the past few days. These storms can bring us all kind of ascension issues and give us more DNA codes and activations for our Ascension Process. ( THERE have been NO flares of any consequence. Anything under an M or X flare is not worth mentioning because C flares are happening all the time )

One of the major issues these last few days has been lack of sleep, fatigue and headaches. Yesterday morning I woke up feeling nauseated and sick to my stomach to the point I could barely function for an hour or so and then it disappeared just as fast as it came on. Some may also be feeling neck pain, back pain and shoulder pain. Intense dreams also come during these storms as we continue to WALK in two worlds at once.

We may also experiences times of bliss, when everything seems perfect and the world is how it should be. I have experienced this uplifting feeling the past few days. These storms can bring all kinds of things and I have been talking and reporting on them for over 5 years now. One of the aspects is more psychic abilities kicking in and time line shifts.

( TIP: be sure if someone mentions timeline shifts you ask them what this is, it has become a much used word now and many have no idea what this actually means) I started using this term years ago along with time slips and time lapses to explain what is happening with time itself.

As we have seen recently in news events anger can flare during these times and injustices brought to light. Many who may not realize they have pent up anger issues may lash out at stranger or friends and family. This is why it is so important to align with our authentic self 24/7 and take care of issues as they arise with the ones we feel are causing the issues and not with others who do not have a part to play.




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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.

Blissful 5D Energy Coming in for the Solstice and Full Moon

current energy report

By Diane Canfield

With the Solstice and full moon upon us, we have some awesome  blissful energy coming in. These energies are of  5D and the higher realms. They come in to uplift us and transform us into our new 5D light body package.

The energies from it have been intense this entire last week. It has lifted somewhat today. If you have had issues sleeping this is the reason. Todays energy is light and there is a happiness of new beginnings in the works today. The last few weeks we have been dealing with overheating, fatigue and lack of sleep as the light body continues to unfold.

Many insights have come through and new awareness.

The Divine Feminine is stepping even more into its new role as the new leaders. The old systems are no longer effective as we gain more insight and awareness of the new possibilities for peace and harmony in the 5th and higher dimensional awareness.

There will be many who will hang on to the old systems even though they are not working and never worked, this is all they know. They are in the 3D fog thinking it has worked when in fact it never had a chance of working for everyone.

The dark sides in human will lash out as the new light becomes more and more brilliant so be prepared to witness more dark before the chaos of the dark ends. It will end, it has no choice to with the stunning LIGHT that comes in NOW for everyone.

Remember to stay in the moment of NOW, not in the past or the future, this is where our true power is going forward into higher dimensional consciousness.

Those still stuck in 3D will not be able to relate to you since they are still playing the 3D societal games but no worries they will eventually be on the ascension bandwagon. As more and more light comes in, more will be forced to look at their life and they will see they have come up short.

They will then start to make the changes needed to sustain the New 5D reality we are headed into. These changes can be difficult, just as they have been for many of us who have been through this phase already. Be there for them and guide them when they need help. This is why WE had to go through this First.

Here is the message I received today from the Interplanetary Advanced Council of Light. (  The ET’s that have visited me in person)

Everything is on target. We have been helping with the frequency raise to ensure the evolution of humankind takes place. We are solely of the LIGHT. The light can and will overturn the darkness on your planet. To be in sync with us – you must now carry as much as you can at all times, even in the face of darkness on your planet.  We love you !


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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.