New Energy Report, Ascension Accelerating, Time Speeds Up, Timelines Splitting, Psychic Gifts for All Coming

Blessings Everyone,


We have been slammed with more solar weather this past week with a combination of flares at a high intensity in the high M range which makes them almost the highest of the X range.

Today we received one X class flare, lets see how many more are to come.

Just so you know, these affect all of life not only humans. They are upgrading all of life on Planet Earth.

So when you think about all of life it means your pets, all of them no matter what kind, all of the wildlife, all of nature, the trees, the water basically everything on the planet.

We have been experiencing these upgrades since the Eclipse a few months ago… this is when this new energy started coming in.


Time Speeds Up

Time has been speeding up for about the past 6 months.

This means time is going even faster than before. This is happening because we are all upgrading our consciousness to higher levels of being. The higher in consciousness we go the higher realms we then exist in.

In these higher realms time goes faster until pretty soon in the highest of levels there is no time. This is what we are entering into. The time of NO Time.


Timelines Splitting

Timelines are now splitting. This means humans reality and perceptions are splitting apart from each other. Our realities are actually diverging away from each other. We are seeing core groups that are now in complete different realities / this will only increase.


Psychic Gifts

Many will now be receiving psychic gifts going along with the higher levels of energy coming in and also going into no time.

Many will not know how to handle these so I will be writing more articles about psychic knowing and how to go through the process.

This will not be an easy time for many as many in the collective have not even thought about what psychic gifts are or how to access higher states of consciousness.


Ascension Accelerating

Everyone is going through the Ascension process whether they are aware of it or not.

If they are not aware it will be a slower process for them because they will not have the ongoing guidance of others who have already been through the initial process.

They may make many trips to the doctor’s office with the doctor not finding anything wrong.

They may think they are going crazy or in a depression.

Ascension has so many aspects to it, it would be impossible for me to list them all here but basically it is a complete rewiring of the human’s biological body, soul and essence.

The solar flares and solar weather help to facilitate this process.




Some of the symptoms of Ascension you may have been feeling this past week:

  • headaches

  • stomach issues… ongoing now for a few months

  • can not sleep

  • sleeping too much

  • overly thirsty

  • too emotional

  • crying outbursts

  • feeling out of body

Major Solar Storms popping in and out .. graph below for Psychic and Mediumship Readings and Psychic Healings

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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.

Blessings Everyone,

Ascension Symptoms

As we travel further into ascension, many more are now feeling the effects of these upgrades.

That is the point after all to have the entire world in the Ascension. leveling up process.

We have experienced quite a few strong flares over the last 5 days.. all M CLASS which is a very strong category of flare.

As more and more of the population feel these flares, more and more of the population will be able to elevate their consciousness and start the evolving process.

 MCLASS the Last 5 days…










and M1.2 This is a lot !

Many will be feeling these symptoms as I do :

  • Overly tired

  • Can’t think straight

  • Stomach aches.. these have been around for a few weeks now or longer

  • Headaches

  • On Edge

  • Thirsty

  • Unmotivated

  • Everything seems heavy 🙁

Look for my next article out soon where I go into even more detail. 🙂

Psychic Diane Canfield



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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.

Photo above Taken by V.LIARD PHOTOGRAPHY on June 7, 2024 @ FRANCE MARNE).

Blessings Everyone,

This week has been filled with solar activity that has been activating everyone’s DNA for upgrades into the new consciousness.

All of this month and actually since the Eclipse we have been experiencing extreme solar activity everyday, the likes of which I have never seen before.

I have been following solar activity intensely since around 2010/  so for 15 years and I have never seen these kind of upgrades coming in.

Just today we have had 3 M Class flares so far and the day has just begun.

We are set to have Geomagnetic storms over the next 3 days …

Some of the symptoms you may be having/ I have been experiencing all of these:

  • Stomach upset that lasts for 3 to 4 days

  • Trouble sleeping

  • Being overly tired

  • Aches and pains around the neck area and arms

  • Headaches

  • Feeling more connected psychically connected/ seeing things out of this dimension

I will continue to monitor these upgrades as they come in so stay tuned for more…


Psychic Diane Canfield


Please join my event below for the June 20th 2024/ Summer Solstice

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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.

Blessings Everyone,

As I said in my last article we are being slammed with space weather all weekend long.

We have solar wind that is out of the range I have ever seen it at 880 KP speed. This is just unreal !

And we have massive storms coming from flares with the Kp index off the charts. Below are some graphs.

These are high powered flares that come from the sun increasing solar wind and storms.














We have massive flares, see graph below..

















Higher Levels of Consciousness

All of these flares, storms and raising of  solar wind raise the consciousness of humanity along with bringing in the symptoms of Ascension.

Right now we are being inundated with space weather in the likes of what I have never seen before. This is amazing and exciting for mankind.

There are no accidents and this is happening right now at a crucial time to wake people up over the next 6 months.

As many as possible need to wake up to be sure we stay in a high frequency pattern.

Many are having symptoms including myself of:

  • Headaches

  • Body Pain

  • Overly Tired

  • Pains in the Crown Chakra

All of these symptoms are designed by the CREATOR to help to wake people up.

We will be reaching a new level of enlightenment in the days, weeks and months to come.

Prepare for this by doing your own inner work on yourself and do not listen to things that are untrue..

we want to stay in TRUTH NOW. If you do not know what truth is… begin to question everything.

The old paradigm is beginning to dissolve right in front of our eyes .. this needs to happen for NEW Earth to usher in.


Psychic Diane Canfield

Follow me on my newsletter below or website here


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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.

Blessings Everyone,

We have been experiencing massive solar flares over the past week. With M and X flares ( the highest flares) thrown into the mix.. below( at the bottom) are the flares over the past week.

These flares have brought in massive Ascension symptoms such as :

  • Not sleeping well

  • Overly tired all the time

  • Intense leg pain/ feeling like you can not walk

  • Upgraded Psychic Experiences

  • Dizziness

  • Feeling like you are leaving this dimension.

  • Headaches

As you can see from the list these Ascension symptoms have been hard to maneuver through and continue to live your daily life.

My Psychic Feelings

Ascension is ramping up as we head into a new paradigm. All the signs are here and coming quickly now of many people experiencing things they have not experienced before. Psychic experiences are on their way to becoming normal now as to the difference when I started having extreme psychic experiences in 2000 it was not looked at the same way. More and More are evolving as things get closer to our take off point… ( more to come on this later )


We now have a space weather alert indicating a possible carrington like /Cannibal event this weekend… here is there explanation from their website:

“GET READY FOR A ‘CANNIBAL CME’: Multiple CMEs are heading for Earth (see the movie below). A new NOAA forecast model suggests that three of them could merge to form a potent “Cannibal CME.” Cannibal CMEs form when fast-moving CMEs overtake slower CMEs in front of them. Internal shock waves created by such CME collisions do an good job sparking geomagnetic storms when they strike Earth’s magnetic field. Indeed, NOAA is now predicting a severe storm on May 11th when the Cannibal arrives”

As you can see from the photo the sunspot hole we are dealing with now is close to the same size as the 1859 Carrington event sunspot

Here is the explanation of the Carrington Event.

“The Carrington Event was the most intense geomagnetic storm in recorded history, peaking from 1–2 September 1859 during solar cycle 10. It created strong auroral displays that were reported globally[1] and caused sparking and even fires in multiple telegraph stations. The geomagnetic storm was most likely the result of a coronal mass ejection (CME) from the Sun colliding with Earth’s magnetosphere.[2]

The geomagnetic storm was associated with a very bright solar flare on 1 September 1859. It was observed and recorded independently by British astronomers Richard Christopher Carrington and Richard Hodgson—the first records of a solar flare.

A geomagnetic storm of this magnitude occurring today would cause widespread electrical disruptions, blackouts, and damage due to extended outages of the electrical power grid.”

I will be keeping everyone updated through the weekend as to what is going on.. check in with me..


May 9th:


May 8th



May 7th



May 6th






May 5th




May 4th




Love Psychic Diane Canfield

Check out my website for Psychic Readings, Mediumship Readings, and Psychic Healings at


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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.

Blessings Everyone,


We have just experienced the Solar Eclipse which was very powerful and brought in new ways of being along with a new cosmic timeline.

It brought in a new  higher timeline we all jumped into whether you participated in the Solar event or not. No one needed to participate for this to take place, it took happened World Wide.

This is why chemtrails were shot at it by the “powers that were”, as they were hoping to make it less intense yet their plan did not work.

Many millions  of humans experienced upgrades to their light body due to  Energy that we received.

We know this to be true from the large amount of Ascension/ Evolving symptoms we all experienced.

Here is a  short list of the Ascension/Evolving symptoms many experienced including myself.

  • Extremely tired

  • Pain in legs

  • Unable to sleep but very tired

  • Feeling not of this world

  • Feeling nauseated

I heard from thousands that were experiencing the same things and many different things than on the list.. if you want to know more or tell me of your experience email me. 🙂


During this time Cern also was uploaded and ready to go to stop these upgrades.  What is Cern ? Here is the official statement by them:

At CERN, our work helps to uncover what the universe is made of and how it works.

We do this by providing a unique range of particle accelerator facilities to researchers, to advance the boundaries of human knowledge.

The Laboratory, established in 1954, has become a prime example of international collaboration.

Physicists and engineers at CERN use the world’s largest and most complex scientific instruments to study the basic constituents of matter – fundamental particles.

Subatomic particles are made to collide together at close to the speed of light.

Cern says now it wants to study dark matter…



 Cern is in Switzerland and the statue outside of Cern is the Shiva Nataraja, here is the explanation of the statue :

As a symbol, Shiva Nataraja is a brilliant invention. It combines in a single image Shiva’s roles as creator, preserver, and destroyer of the universe and conveys the Indian conception of the never-ending cycle of time. Although it appeared in sculpture as early as the fifth century, its present, world-famous form evolved under the rule of the Cholas. Shiva’s dance is set within a flaming halo. The god holds in his upper right hand the damaru (hand drum that made the first sounds of creation). His upper left hand holds agni (the fire that will destroy the universe). With his lower right hand, he makes abhayamudra (the gesture that allays fear). The dwarflike figure being trampled by his right foot represents apasmara purusha (illusion, which leads mankind astray). Shiva’s front left hand, pointing to his raised left foot, signifies refuge for the troubled soul. The energy of his dance makes his hair fly to the sides. The symbols imply that, through belief in Shiva, his devotees can achieve salvation.

Notice that it is all of the creator, preserver and destroyer, and talks about the never ending cycle of time.

In reality Cern is actually a timeline changer, it was used in 2012 to put us on a different timeline, this is why we have experienced so much chaos since then.

They knew we were reaching a higher timeline and they could not allow that. They knew Ascension was amped up in 2012 and we were headed to a higher timeline.

They knew with the Eclipse we would also reach a higher timeline, ( those that are ready ) and they did not want this as well.

Cern causes the timeline changes also known as The Mandela effect, for those that do not know what the Mandela effect is here is a reminder

The Mandela effect refers to a situation in which a large mass of people believes that an event occurred different from the timeline they are on. The term was originated in 2009 by Fiona Broome, after she discovered that she, along with a number of others, believed that Nelson Mandela had died in the 1980s.

The Mandela effect is real, I have experienced this myself many many times




This is what we need to now watch for going forward:

  • The Mandela Effect

  • Odd occurrences that do not make any sense

  • Higher Timeline changes

  • Dark influences trying to  become more powerful as well as Light influences becoming more powerful. Dark trying to regain energy now but will not happen.

  • Paranormal Influences.

Here is an example of what took place yesterday of a paranormal nature.

I was looking for something in the refrigerator and could not find it, I looked all over and couldn’t see it. I called out my partner to look for it and he looked all over inside the refrigerator and could not find it.

We both stopped looking, not understanding what had happened and suddenly it appeared on the counter right in front of us.. we were both shocked to say the least.

Even though I have psychic and paranormal things happening to me all the time, it was still shocking and always is when it takes place.

This is a paranormal experience that happened right in front of us.

Be on the lookout for timeline changes now..

Look for changes and upgrades in your own life, look for things to happen to you when you least expect it, we did reach a higher timeline, their plan failed.


Psychic Diane Canfield





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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.


Blessings Everyone,

We are in a time now of upgraded energies coming in more and more often, making this the norm instead of the abnormal. We still have times of being in the 3D regular energy world but with so many raising their  consciousness, we are dealing with upgraded consciousness all the time now.

What is upgraded cosmic consciousness?

Upgraded consciousness is the next phase of human that we are morphing into.

Here is an example… have you noticed time has sped up in the last few years ? If you have this is a sign of upgraded consciousness.

The higher we go in consciousness/ intuitiveness/ psychic abilities, the more time seems to slip away. The higher realms exist in no time, and this is the exact time we are moving into. NO Time.

Whatever attributes the higher realms have this is what we are upgrading to as humans are now accelerating very fast.

Some of the things many will experience in the future are instant knowing… this means knowing if something is truth or false immediately.

What comes along with this is being repulsed by anything that is not truth and not being able to listen or be around it.

The 3D world is filled with both truth and lies, yet many have not known what is a lie and what is not, as this new ability kicks in for many they may have issues with how to maneuver within this.

As a psychic, I have been in this mode of upgraded cosmic awakening for more than 25 years now and here is my advice.

Listen at all times to your inner voice, the inner voice is that of the Creator and all that is. You will have to train yourself to listen very closely as this inner voice will give you directions on your life and the choices you should make. Then take action based on the inner voice not on your thoughts.

The inner voice and your inner thoughts are completely different and you will have to learn one from the other.

With time, you will see one is your thoughts/ regular voice and one is that of the creator urging you to make the right choices. You can think of this as your conscience, those without access to their conscience will have a harder time with this and it will take them longer to make the move forward because they are not used to listening to this.

Remember though, what the creator wants you to do may not be what you want to do, the creator will see the big picture as to your soul’s purpose and why  you are here, so many of these paths may be difficult but this is where evolving happens. Those who take the easy road through live do little evolving and this will not end up to help their souls purpose.

As an upgraded human you will have access to other life forms as I do. You will be able to start to see beyond this dimension, space and time and will not be limited to the 3D world. When this starts to happen it is shocking, yet we must remember this is our path and what we signed up for.

We agreed to take risks, for higher rewards in evolvement and to help all life and the planet evolve beyond the 3rd dimension and into the 12th.

Love Diane


To join my upcoming Solstice event, click here






Tpo schedule a psychic reading, healing or mediumship passed on loved one reading. click here


Diane is a transformational gifted psychic who uses her gifts to uplift humanity into the higher dimensions. She has real experiences with many things out of this dimension, which include visits from 5 races of Extraterrestrials, she sees passed on loved ones of clients, she interacts with other dimensions daily to being higher awareness and consciousness to the planet and population.

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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.

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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.

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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.

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This article must be shared in whole and intact with the authors name and website.

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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.