By Diane Canfield
Hello Beloved Souls,
March Madness is in full swing. To recap we have had non-stop energy coming in since the beginning of March and before. This energy is coming in to completely transform us and our bodies into Crystalline light bodies for the transformation into the 5th dimension and beyond. Many of us already exist consciously in these higher realms. The next step is to take our body with us and the transformation of the human body into the light body.
As you can see from the compilation of my recent posts and articles, this is the energy we have been dealing with non stop:
- Feb 23 to 29- all week we were involved with transmuting dark energy to light
- March 6 -geomagnetic storm
- March 3 through the 13- eclipse energies streaming propelling us to a new timeline
- March 15- geomagnetic storm
- March 17 -geomagnetic storm
We have been experiencing so many geomagnetic storms. This is highly unusual to have so many in a row. These storms can also bring us upgrades and transmutation into the light body (We have had no solar flares of any significance for months now). The geomagnetic storms are coming weekly now with new upgrades and DNA changes for the the embodiment of the light body.
Some of the symptoms of the geomagnetic storms we can experience are:
- Tingly head/crown chakra
- Issues with breathing
- Not being able to sleep
- Feeling light headed and disconnected from this reality
- Seeing more things from other dimensions
- Time warps
- Headaches
Time itself has been off for quite a while now. It started to really leave linear aspects in 2011. Time goes in and out of cycles in either moving too fast or moving too slow. We all know what regular time feels like. When you have been working on something for 15 minutes we know what that seems like. But when we work on something for an hour and we go to look at the clock and it says only 15 minutes have passed this is a time warp. This has nothing to do with whether we are enjoying the activity or not. It can happen the other way too, where time is dragged out. This is happening more and more as we build our light bodies and get closer to the higher dimensions. Remember there is NO time in the higher dimensions, so this only makes sense we would feel it as we make the transition. 🙂
We build our light bodies through DNA changes and upgrades. They can come in the form of Energy Waves, Energy shifts, Solar flares and Geomagnetic storms. All of these ways are different and unique unto themselves.
As a Wave and Energy expert I have felt every kind of energy change that exists and I feel them whenever the energy changes, even so slightly. Many people have asked me what does a Energy WAVE feel like. I can describe it a pulse that moves entirely through my body and consciousness. Sometimes this wave will last as much as 2 hours. I have been close to falling off a chair when these waves have come in. The waves have kept me trapped sometimes to one location. When the Waves come there are no flares and no geomagnetic storms. The Waves are NOT connected with space weather per se. The waves come in as upgrades from the Central Sun, the Photon Belt , the Creator and from our Cosmic Star family. There are many other symptoms I will get into in a later article.
Energy Shift
An energy change is again not associated with a flare or a geo magnetic storm. An energy change is when the energy or consciousness around us changes and causes a different energy to be present. This is not a wave in the fact that it does not move through the body in the same way. It hangs in the air and will cause us to start accepting the downloads that are coming in.
Flares typically give crown chakra activations (tingly head or helmet head) and are short lived. We might feel a flare and then it is gone. This can change according to how many come in and what strength.
Space Weather Overview
When we feel an energy change coming in, it helps to go somewhere so we can rule out if it is a flare or geomagnetic storm. These are space weather and very different from Waves and Energy shifts. I understand many won’t know the difference between all of these but now that I have explained them, it should help the wavers to sort things through themselves. I advise everyone if you feel any energy at all to go to first and see for yourself if there are any flares or storms.
I will briefly give an overview of how to check the energy information for yourself 🙂 For flares just look at the section that says XRAY solar flares and look at the the “more data” section. A flare is not that relevant unless it is a M or X flare. There are always lower class flares ( B or C) going on and that is nothing special. For geomagnetic storms (disturbance in the magnetic field around the earth) check the section that says Planetary K index and click “more data” If it says storm that means there is unsettled weather in progress. When you click the link you will see a graph with lines of different colors.
- The green is calm
- The yellow means starting to storm
- The red line is a full blown storm in progress
There are many things that happen on the sun and not all of them will lead to energy changes on the earth. If a CME ( coronal mass ejection) is not earth directed then we will most likely not feel much from it. If there is an explosion on the sun this does not mean we will feel anything or any flares will come from that. To be empowered in knowledge is to have a better understanding of what equals what in the form of energy. To connect the dots is an empowering tool that can be used by many.
March Overview
The month of March so far has been filled with energy upgrades and transformations. So many huge insights have come through for many light beings. This is necessary because the reality of 3D needs to now change fast and is changing. The darkness is leaving as we transmute the energy into light. We build our light bodies each time more darkness leaves. The new timelines then have an easier time to come in, integrate and anchor themselves in. As we jump the timelines to 5D, so does the earth. The earth is our chariot to the new golden earth that awaits us.
We will be seeing more energy changes, more light body building and more transmuting of dark energies all this month. Thank you again to all of your service all the thousands of light servers across the planet that serve the light. You shine bright to help transmit all things to light and love. This is why we have made the progress we have. Even though it has been difficult at times, hang in there-> we are strong for each other. Our unique energies are needed and help to serve others to get through this process. Some are just starting the ascension process and they will need extra help 🙂
We entered a new timeline through the energies of the Eclipse on March 8/9 as I said in my last article. We are now sealing and entwining this energy with the March 20 Equinox and the next Lunar Eclipse on March 23. These energies all work in harmony together to bring us the needed changes of the light body to be able to go further into the 5th dimension, consciously and physically. By December and through the winter Solstice the world will no longer seem the same as it does now, so much will have changed.
We are creating the changes now. We are all involved in this process of moving to the higher realms of light. Each day brings a new day to transform, ascend and come closer to our Creator and Christ Consciousness. We are bring this beautiful creation of LOVE to 3D so we can transmute it into 5D of heavenly cities of light.
Keep focusing on the change we want to happen and leave the distractions for others. Ascension requires a lot of our attention to manifest the reality we desire. We are given this gift in this lifetime, what a beautiful journey are on together 🙂
I love you all ! In service and Love 🙂
Diane Canfield
Ascension Teacher- Psychic Medium-Star Races Contactee-Wave Expert
Copyright © 2016 by Diane Canfield. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material as long the full article itself is included.
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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.