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Energy Update:The Divine Merging Of Our Authentic Self Through Soul Fragments Returning

 By Diane Canfield 

Dear Beloveds,

We come to you today to tell you of the Divine merging of our authentic selves that is taking place in the moment of NOW. What does this mean and what does it look like ?

The energy upgrades that have recently come in over the last 2 weeks have been very subtle but very powerful in their manifestation. This energy is connected to the June 21st Solstice that is a Gateway Event of the Divine Merging. These waves delicately caress our souls reminding us daily who we REALLY are. They show us where we got off track and gently nudge us to get back on track and into the genuineness of our SOULS.

Many of us have lost part of our souls through this journey into the realms of 3D. This is called soul fragmentation. This can happen when someone else over powers a soul with their own energy and demands everything go their own way. The light workers soul is then fragmented because it knows the path it should be on but because of circumstances beyond their control they are being forced off their path.

Every time in life someone else decides for us what direction we should take, we can end up further and further from our true path. This is so CLEAR now, isn’t it?

When a soul fragmentation occurs you may feel as though you have lost a part of yourself and do not belong. This happens because we have stepped out of this reality and into one that is not ours.

We will be able to jump back into our reality by healing and reclaiming that soul loss that has occurred. There are many reasons for soul loss, they include shock, abuse, intense grief, disempowerment and many others.

At this moment in time, our Soul fragments are making their way back to us, one by one. These fragments are essential to our advancement in the Ascension process. Without them we will be stuck in a continuous cycle and never moving forward. This can manifest in words like ‘”I don’t belong here“. Many of us have all felt this way. This happens when we end up on a different timeline.

The DIVINE is now gifting us with our soul fragments returning to us with the increased downloads that are occurring. These fragments will take us back and lead us back to the reality we originally planned to be in when we incarnated here.

We must be OPEN to accepting these fragments and losses as they come back. We must not have fear about the past. We must come to terms to what has brought us to the place we are at and call on our empowerment to lead the way back to our AUTHENTIC Divine Self.

How does this manifestation happen? We are now being given glimpses into our past and being able to see what was out of alignment and how it took place. We are shown scenes from our past, either while awake or sleeping. We can then heal these events and get back on track to fulfill our destiny. We need to come to terms with everything that has happened to us and Heal every aspect of our lives. This is all part of the Ascension process and what I do on a daily basis with clients.

What can we expect now that our Divine Souls are being returned to us ? We can expect  more focus, more authenticity, more merging with the Divine itself as we come into alignment with who we are and why we are here. We are here  at this time to uplift the consciousness of the Planet Earth and Humanity. With our soul put back together again… our travels through the higher realms becomes much easier for all crystalline light workers.

Our Soul is waiting for us, we must respond with self love and self empowerment Now.

Please join and register for  my JUNE 21st Solstice Activation Event  Here 

Please join and register for my upcoming interview with Charlotte View where I will be discussing the upcoming Solar Eclipse Gateway Here  








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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.

By Diane Canfield


We are being blasted with Huge Energy Waves right now. You will feel them in your consciousness. You will feel like you are being pulled away from this Reality.

Today was a day of fatigue and low energy that came in. This NEW Wave came in about 30 minutes ago and has only increased. You may feel wobbly and as if you can not walk straight.

You may feel foggy headed as the Wave hits your consciousness. You may have Super blurry Eyes. You may have a strong feeling your don’t belong in this reality any more. You may find it difficult to do anything, including rest. You may feel the NEW symptom I reported on in my last interview – the not knowing what to do with oneself.

This energy is loosening our ties to this reality as it merges us with the higher realms. It opens up all the grids and bathes them in LIGHT  to accelerate our awakening and evolution. It unsticks any blockages and old energy that is no longer needed. New timelines will now start to emerge and be able to pass through.

The best thing to do in these situations is to go outside and ground with bare feet. This helps to lessen the symptoms. Relax and flow with the energy when it comes in. Do not resist or go into fear mode. Accept the energy and let it stay as long as it needs to.

I will update later as needed. I am being slammed with energies  at the moment and am doing my best to get this report out for everyone !


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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.

By Diane Canfield


Tonight blissful energy is streaming in from the Cosmos. This energy comes from the Divine Creator and the Galactics.

They know we need a rest now with all of the transformations we have gone through in this past 2 months. (for more details see my articles)

This Energy is Blissful, Calm and Serene. It is our gift to overcome the obstacles we have jumped over in bringing more light to all of EARTH and it’s inhabitants. Tingles centering around the Crown Chakra and spreading to the facial area are occurring.

As more LIGHT Streams in, more of the Creators Energy automatically also streams in to bathe us in the Divine light. The Galactics who occupy a higher plane of existence are also more in tune with this same energy.

The Galactics know what the Earth has gone through and what needs to be done to solve the issues that remain. They are helping us through downloads such as the energy tonight to raise our vibration and become more in Harmony with them.

As Diamond and Crystal encodements continue to pour in, we must accept them. Relax and accept this energy as your own. For we are a part of the higher consciousness and all that exists. This is why we are here, for this time.



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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.

Energy Update: Waves and GeoMagnetic Storms

By Diane Canfield


Today around 4 pm I felt a huge wave coming into my consciousness. This wave wrapped around my entire body enveloping me in it’s light. I felt dizzy for a few minutes and out of balance. I was sitting in my living room talking to my daughter when it occurred. We were going over future plans and suddenly the wave struck me. I had to tell her “hang on there is a wave coming in right now”. This is not the first time she has heard this line from me. She waited until I composed myself and I was able to get back into the conversation. Since I have been feeling these waves for so long I can easily recoup when they take place. This is vital going forward that they serve their purpose and then we can move on from them. This is the same for all symptoms of ascension and anything psychic that takes place. We must acknowledge and respect the upgrades as they come in.

When these waves come in, they take over the whole body and consciousness. There is nothing a person can do but to pay full attention to them while they last. This one lasted about 5 minutes but they can be longer or shorter. They vary in length and intensity depending on what the light codes are for the wave.

This wave in particular was upgrading our systems to prepare for the next waves to arrive. There will be more waves coming in the days, weeks and months to follow. More and more will feel these waves as they become more sensitive to ENERGY. For those that already feel the waves, be confident they hold the codes we need to ascend. Feel the waves, integrate them and then move on.

Energy is what the entire Universe and every being is made of. We are all electrical energy manifesting as matter. The core of who we are is the electrical Divine essence which flows inside each one us. As more awaken they will awaken to who and what they really are.

Today and yesterday we are also experiencing geo storms that are causing many ascension symptoms. One of the most pronounced has been extreme tiredness. Along with this is intense thirst and hunger. (Although these symptoms have been in place since the shift of last month.) Intense body heat and sleep issues as well as lucid dreams as we change dimensions.  As with all space weather we must not resist but instead embrace these changes as they come. We welcome them because it is  through these symptoms that our DNA can be upgraded and our lives can ever be changed through expanded consciousness and the merging with the Divine Creator.

We are still in adaption mode from the Dimension and Timeline Jump of last month ( and that continued)  that I announced as it came in. This was an extreme jump in consciousness for all beings on planet Earth and in the entire Universe. This is still continuing as we process new waves of light with new encasements that come to us.

You may feel different now and indeed you are. You are vibrating at a higher frequency of light and in doing so you now have access to more of reality than before. Answer to questions will come quicker to you. Psychic abilities will start to come on line or become more enhanced. You may see beings from other dimensions and if you do- no worries they see you too. Do not go into fear mode as this will lower your frequency and you will not longer be able to see the higher dimensions as much as you could have.

As we are shifting many will begin to experience new abilities they had not had before. They will be able to tell the truth from a lie. They will need to reprogram themselves in order to understand how the higher dimensions work compared to 3D. They will no longer be able to run the programs of 3D. They just will not work anymore. Love and compassion are the staples of the 5D and above.

One of the ways to know you are in a higher dimensions by how much self love you have. The 3D world is a self love squasher. It is designed this way to keep everyone at a lower frequency.

Each of us is unique and has our own qualities and strengths. In 3D the goal is to be the same and conform to what the controllers want.

In 5D we are our unique and beautiful selves contributing in whatever special gifts we have. There is no stress or pressure to conform. Everyone is encouraged to be WHO they really are and their authentic selves.

As we keep jumping dimensions we get closer and closer to the Crystal Realm of light. Our consciousness transforms first, then our bodies start to catch up, each at intervals so we don’t do too many upgrades at once. It is all a Divine Plan of Creation.

Reality is not fixed but instead fluid and as we traverse other dimensions, many are starting to wake up to this fact. As we change and wake up, the world around us then changes and we create the 5D world we want.

The Light awaits you to jump in and experience the Universe for yourself !


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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.

Huge Acceleration of Ascension IN Effect Due to Frequency Wave  

By Diane Canfield 

Beloved Light Tribe,

We have had accelerated timelines in the last 2 weeks with the manifestation of a HUGE energy wave that took place last night May 24th. We are still in this Ascension Corridor/Gateway. You can find my post here

You may feel discombobulated and detached from 3D reality for some time. These sensations will only increase. We are also seeing an increase in psychic clear sight. Many more other dimensional beings and objects are appearing in front of me and this is always goes hand in hand of ongoing frequency upgrades.

We need to continue to stay in the moment so we can feel these upgrades when they take place. If we are focused on a future event we no longer exist in the moment. If you are focused on predictions of other events , this takes you out of the moment of Now.

If you want to FEEL more Waves and more ENERGY you will need to make the jump to fully be in the NOW moment. How do we do this ? We are fully present in everything we do. When we focus on one thing, we are fully aware of the specific thing we are focused on. We do not multi task as this is a 3D slave system attribute put in place to lower our consciousness so we are not tuned into the workings and inspiration from the Divine Creator.

Ascension is ALL About FEELING the Waves, downloads and upgrades as they come in. The more we expand our consciousness the more we feel. One does not ever phase out of feeling the Waves-in fact it is the exact opposite. The more tuned into the Universe one is the more they will FEEL the ascension taking place.

There are many steps to this process and the first one is to practice being in the moment of NOW fully. Give whoever you are talking to your full attention and stay focused on your thoughts being in the now, not the past or the future. Whatever project you are working on do that project fully and completely. Ground and make sure your thoughts are stable.

We do not ever evolve out of the symptoms of ascension. Each wave we feel is encoded with its own dynamic upgrades to our DNA. No two waves are EVER alike.

Everyone is at this own level in this ascension process and the waves will give you exactly what you need. If you feel the same symptoms as others this shows your vibration level is close to the same frequency.

The goal is to feel more, not less. Those of us that feel the waves as they come in have done lots of work to get to the point of being able to feel these and it is no small task. This is the Ascension process, FEELING.

Ascension is a rebirthing process, so this means as in birth it will sometimes be painful. Ascension is not graduating to pure joy while we are in this process. We will have times of pure bliss and other times of feeling the symptoms of our DNA activations coming on board. The more you feel, the more you are advancing in the process.

The Wave last night was one of the most INTENSE waves we have encountered. There was a manic feeling that went along with it and a feeling of not knowing what to do with oneself. It lasted into the night and into today. The effects are still coming in.

Some felt they had to go to bed because there was no way to otherwise handle  the wave. Some felt like scambled eggs for brains. There was a feeling of not being able to organize ones thoughts. Body tremors and sleep issues. Intense body pressure. Involuntary muscle movements. Eye twitching. head pain. Some experienced depression and sadness while others intense joy and happiness.  Vibrating and seeing objects vibrate. Heart race increases and increased blood pressure. Intense Hunger.  Body Heat flashes. Heart Palpitations. Today we are still feeling the effects of the energy increase and it will continue. 

During these intense waves, it is best to relax and accept the wave coming in. Grounding works very well for symptoms and drinking extra water. Do not resist the accelerations. Relax, find a happy place and ride out the wave as it comes in. Every wave I have felt since 2010 have all been unique. They must all be appreciated, honored and respected as these are the very WAVES that fuel our Ascension. We are the Guardians of the Ascension Process and we are here to complete the mission given to us by the DIVINE CREATOR.


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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.

Massive ENERGY Wave Hitting Earth To Raise Our Consciousness Now !

 By Diane Canfield

Beloved Light Tribe,

Quick Update: A massive energy wave has hit tonight. I have been writing about the acceleration of Ascension for the past few months and how in the past few weeks it has intensely accelerated. We are being activated at a very high level NOW.

I felt high energy all day and it was weaving in and out. Tonight it kicked in big time and there was no way to deny it. It was a wave of Intense energy that was raising the vibration of everyone on the planet.

You may have felt anxious and intense – not knowing what to do or how to control the intense sensations coming in. As an energy expert I have felt many of these waves but this one was very different just in its pure intensity.

You may have experienced many different feelings with it since it will upgrade everyone where they need to be upgraded at this time.

We have entered a period of high intensity now so be prepared for more of these waves in the next days and weeks.

These are not geo storms or sun flare related. They are not occurring at this time.

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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.


The Second Phase Of The Acceleration into Ascension Has Begun  

By Diane Canfield

Beloved Light Tribe,

Acceleration has begun as we begin to enter the NEW Reality we have all worked so diligently to create for Expanded Human Kind. The acceleration started on April 26th and have not let up since that Gateway was opened. The Gateway is now wide open and ever expanding. Those that have joined the Ascension process will feel this continuing expansion now.

We are experiencing symptoms of this open doorway that make us feel like we are no longer attached to the 3D plane. This happens as our consciousness rises to meet the consciousness of the Creator which resides at the highest level of enlightenment. We do this now as the DNA codes have transformed out bodies enough and they have become LIGHT enough to be able to feel this expansion.

We are feeling light headed and wobbly as if we are not fully connected to Mother Earth and 3D consciousness anymore. You may find yourself running into objects not realizing we still have an outline of a 3D body. We now find ourselves feeling as though walking between worlds- not fully in either one yet.  You may feel light headed and unsteady. This is unlike any gateways of the past. This is the phase we have been waiting for.

You may feel increased hunger as the light body builds to prepare it’s entrance to the higher dimensions. This is common during high frequency changes. You may have issues with sleep as again a sign of higher frequency changes.

The feeling of being between worlds will continue as we can not make the jump all at once. This shift needs to be worked out slowly and deliberately. This is a Divine plan that has been in the making for eons by the Creator.

We are all here to facilitate this shift and this is the mission we came in with. Our souls chose this before this lifetime. That we would awaken at just the right time (which is different for everyone) to help push this acceleration through. We must hold open our HEART space for all those still stuck in the 3D mindset. This includes the attackers and nay sayers that know not what they do or what they say. There are many still stuck in the lower 3D timelines and by not responding negatively to them we can help them shift up. They will need to examine their own behavior when they get no negative response back and can no longer feed on the  lower energy they have manifested.  The lower energy will come back to them now only magnified and this will force them to deal with it now in a way unlike the past. There will be no more hiding and running from what is created.

We are being shown massive insights within ourselves to examine. This started on April 26th but now is in an accelerated process. We must examine all of our past behaviors and HEAL any karma associated with relationships or unresolved issues. As we now see our past from a higher vantage point, it is easier to go back and resolve and reunify.

You will find you are no longer a vibrational match to the 3D reality and may feel like pulling away. Many aspects you will now see as fake and unreal. The fake side is man’s law that has taken effect and not the Creator’s Law. Since we are all part of the Divine no one has dominion over us in any reality. The control game is coming to a close as higher consciousness will no longer tolerate it.

You will experience expanded compassion and empathy for all beings on Earth. This expansion is at times almost too much to bear. This is the infinite love the Creator has for all of the creations and as we expand we too feel this Love.

Your psychic abilities will now start to jumpstart and come online if you have worked through the fear of your own power. You may now start to see outlines and glimpses of other beings and objects from other dimensions. You may see flashes of light out of the sides of your eyes and goosebumps covering the body. This is the beginning phase of opening your psychic abilities to the higher dimensions.  As you progress you may know things you don’t know how you know them. You will be able to tell if someone is residing in truth or under illusions and lies. You will no longer want to associate with anyone who is not a truth teller as this will feel of a lower vibration that you want no part of.

You will feel much closer to the animal and plant kingdom and all life. You will be able to look at a pet and tune into how it is feeling. Even a animal in a movie. You may be more interested in a horse   (or other animal )  in a movie than the actual characters because you will know the horse is authentic no matter what it is doing.

You will feel drawn to only those who are authentic and who are one with their Divine Souls. You will magnetically be pulled to those with more light and drawn away from those that carry less light.

You will feel the energy waves as they come in to elevate our consciousness. The energy can come in waves and need not be dependent on any outside sources such as flares or solar storms although they do contribute greatly to our advancement when they occur. They are electric in nature and serve to construct our new being of light.

You will see through the mask of those wanting to appear as something or someone they are not. But again we feel compassion for those beings that their ego structure has not come fully into the light yet.

We are here at this time to accomplish this mission. If you resonate with this message you are one of the LIGHT Ones that has chosen to raise the consciousness on Earth at this time. You are not meant to fit into the 3D structures. You are meant to fit into the unique consciousness of LIGHT. We are here to fulfill our mission and we are succeeding on bringing in more Light to the planet. You are needed. You are loved.






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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.


The New Frequency Jump Explained

By Diane Canfield

Beloved Light Tribe,

If you remember my last posts where I announced the frequency jump of April 26th you will know from these last 2 weeks things are not as they were before. Yes! We jumped a level up in frequency during this time. You can read my prior posts on my blog on my website explaining what led up to this tremendous dimensional jump.

The last 2 weeks have been an indication we are in line with the frequency acceleration. More dark energy is being burned off all around us as we traverse this new realm. More people are acting strange with some having robotic patterns they can not align with the current shift.

I started running into this pattern a few years back but now it has accelerated for us that are of a higher frequency and are able to anchor this vibration in.  It has started to become more pronounced in the unawake community. We know that there may be others who are ‘just playing a role’ and soulless programs that are having issues with the higher frequencies.  They do not have any awareness of who you are or what you are saying to them while conversing with them. You will feel the program they are running (as an empath)  and when you talk to them in real time and with heightened awareness they will not understand you. I always feel like I am speaking a different language as they always have programmed responses and can not seem to understand anything beyond what the programmed response back should be. They seem to be only wired to hear the program. Anything outside of the program will not be heard. They repeat their programmed responses over and over again without any awareness of the higher light being shone on them with your conversation. Many of them will not be able to do what you ask. They will keep repeating the same pattern over and over. It can be extremely frustrating now in this time of higher awareness to deal with them and it will become even more pronounced and more widespread as the days continue.

What does higher awareness feel like ? It feels like a  complete removal from the 3D way of life. We are existing on a higher plane of awareness. There has been a split in timelines and this has become even more pronounced since the split of April 26/27.

Many of us are now existing in a higher state of consciousness where petty things do no exist. We are not a party to gossiping, spreading negativity or co dependent behavior towards others. We exist in the moment of NOW and this is how we make our decisions and manifest our NEW reality. We accept what happens to us and learn from these experiences. We do not stay STUCK in old programs of victimhood or jealously. We are divinely connected to the Creator and the Universe shows us the way with increased synchronicities and messages.

I feel a DIVINE connection like never before. The connection is right in front of me and can not be denied. I am the CO-creator working in complete harmony with the Divine. This new level of awareness is blissful and energetic. The manifestations are quick and unlike anything before. The connections are incredible to all things.

In this new reality of higher awaereness we are aware of why we do the things we do and why we make the decisions we do. We are SUPER aware of what we are doing and the reasons behind it. We not only show ourselves self love BUT we are ALSO in in UNISON with service to others. These two things do not need to be exclusive but can be all encompassing. In the higher dimensions we care for ourselves and care just as much for others at the same time.

We care for others because it is through others we can learn even more about ourselves. This is the higher dimensional awareness that exists on the higher planes. We can now literally put ourselves in someone else shoes and be them for a few moments in time. This is a new skill of Ascension that has just come on board with this new jump in frequency. This has accelerated in the past few weeks since the jump has taken place. I need not know someone to be able to do this now.. it can be done with anyone.

To be able to reside in the higher frequencies all darkness has to be extinguished within ourselves. We can not take negativity, darkness and unresolved issues with us in the higher realms. They have to be resolved and worked through. This is called ‘doing the inner work’ and something I talk about with my clients on a daily basis.

The inner work is resolving all past issues so there are no emotional ties to any pain that we journeyed through. It is coming to terms with why things happened the way they did and the lesson learned from the experience. It is forgiving those that have caused us pain and forgiving ourselves for letting others have so much power over us for so long.

If the inner work is not done this leaves a hole in the persons Heart and Soul and by doing so lets darkness comes into this hole to take the place of LOVE. Darkness likes to come in where there is shame, guilt, resentment, anger and hostility. The inner work removes this darkness and the gap in the Heart has a chance to be filled with LOVE, harmony and the Divine once again.

We come into this reality filled with love and fresh from the higher dimensions we just recently left and we must leave this reality the same way. We must heal all of our unhealed aspects. We are not allowed to carry baggage with us into the higher dimensions. All the inner pain and karma must be removed first.

As we switch timelines as we have been doing for the past 2 months, our past is coming up for us and giving us even more chances for healing. We are now noticing that things that were unresolved are showing what the resolution should have been at the time instiead of how things actually turned out. By accepting the new resolution the past can be healed and we can end up on a new timeline where the incident never took place. Even though this seems beyond belief, this is how timeline inter merging works. This is the TRUE Divine healing that is possible for everyone during this time of heightened frequencies.

The frequencies will continue to raise now at a more accelerated pace and those that have not done the inner working healing of past timelines will have many issues arise, many times in the heart chakra since this is the HUB of the NEW Earth. Many may chose to leave and witness what is happening from a different vantage point.

The Heart needs to be cleared of all blockages to accept the new frequencies. We can not live in the past, we can not harbor resentment, jealousy, ego issues or pain from our past. All of these issues need to be healed and forgiven to be able to merge with the higher dimensions of love and light.

As we heal the past, we also heal the future and change the timelines for the future as these are not set in stone. We create these with our intentions and manifestations with every minute that passes by.

We are the creators of our destinies, we are the ones who are manifesting our New Earth and New Creations. We have unlimited Creation skills that must NOW be put to use for the good of all:)

The Galactics are coming closer as we raise our frequency. This takes place because they exist on a much higher frequency than a 3D human. In order to take our place among the Star Races the Human race must collectively raise it’s frequency to become a close match to theirs.


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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.

By Diane Canfield

Beloved Light Tribe,

The Dimensional Shift that I posted about in my last article which you can find here is still continuing. I advise reading my last article as well to understand what has fully taken place this last week. Many are still experiencing symptoms of the HUGE transformation that has just taken place. Some of these symptoms are:

Extreme Tiredness


Bouts of Sadness

Bouts of Nausea

Bouts of Dizziness

Feelings of Bliss rotating in and out

Feeling as though not connected to Earth

All of these are happening because of the deletion of the dark timelines I talked about in my last article. As these timelines are deleted, we too will go through a transformation of deletion of the lower remnants of the dark timelines that remain within us.

I like to think of it as comparing it to ELEVATION sickness. As we move to higher frequencies we need to become acclimated  to these higher new levels of awareness. Even though this shift occurred by building through out the months of March and April, it was still a very HEAVY process to go through. We were slammed with Geo Storms for over 30 days out of those 2 months and each time we went through tremendous DNA upgrades which forms the Light Body.

This shift is bringing in HUGE insights into our authentic Selves which is what the Ascension process is all about. Many are being able to now get back in touch with the lost child that had so much promise but got lost along the way. Many light workers had difficult childhoods and were not understood by their parents. They did not fit the mold their parents wanted them to fit into. This caused tremendous pressure and stress to conform from an early age. They did not fit the mold because we were not here to be like everyone else and we knew this from a very young age.

This stress may have made them completely loose touch with their authentic selves. Yet NOW is the time with the help of the UNIVERSE and Creator to go back and find this hidden child that has been under layers of programming and conditioning. Now is the time for the awakening of all of the Creators children to shine their unique selves unto the world.

As we become the person we are meant to be… we also then have access to our life purpose and why we came to this realm. We are becoming more free to become ourselves without restrictions as these old timeline layers drop off. These are the symptoms we are feeling, the old layers dropping off. As these old layers drop off we will be left with our new self which then has more connection to the Creator through the higher timelines. Through the connection to the Creator, manifestation becomes easier as I mentioned in my  last article.

Our life purpose is to be our UNIQUE self and become one with the Creator. By doing so we open the flood gates for others to do the same. We do not put restrictions on their unique way of seeing things for all is accepted and Loved. Our life purpose is to bring the SHIFT into fruition for all beings to enjoy. Our life purpose is to keep our vibration high, so all higher timelines can manifest.

The Ascension process through these DIMENSIONAL shifts brings our TRUE Self to the forefront and this takes work on the part of the Starseed to work through to find their authentic self. As we become our REAL self we ultimately merge with all others and form a cohesive Flower of Life that represents all of the unique aspects as a whole. This is how progress as made when we work along side others for the one goal of Ascension.

As new insights occur we must take the action needed to drop off the old layers that no longer work in these higher timelines. We are becoming more Galactic with every shift that takes place. Many can now feel the reality of our Galactic Family close by. They have always been involved with us and are watching us closely during these shifts. It takes no more than to think of them and they will feel the Love we have for them and their help through this process. They are part of us and we are part of them. Through the shift we become more of them having more access to higher timelines of awareness which brings us even closer to THEM.



You can also listen to my most recent interview where I discuss the current shift we are in among timeline changes and the Mandela Effect here 




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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.

By Diane Canfield

A Dimensional Shift Has Taken Place and Is Still In Progress

Beloved Tribe of Light,

A dimensional Shift has occurred and we are now existing on a brand new timeline. What does this mean?

It means the Universe has catapulted us into a new state of consciousness, a new awareness. This has occurred because of the overflowing expanded consciousness that has taken place with the many beings of Earth. This occurred because of the overwhelming Love that now exists in the Earth Realm.

We have experienced Geo Magnetic Storms for the past 2 months almost continuously that have helped us achieve our new upgraded level of awareness. These storms help us to achieve upgraded DNA which then in turn builds the LIGHT Body which is needed to traverse the higher dimensions of light. Out of the last 60 days we have had 34 days of intense Geo storms.

The higher dimensions of light are based on Consciousness and the level of Awareness a being holds within themselves. As a being becomes one with their authentic self and in doing so merges with the Creator/Christ Consciousness we then become more crystalline and lighter in body, thought and awareness. This is what is needed to traverse the higher dimensions of awareness and Light.

This is how we evolve out of this 3D dimension in spurts and jumps that will lead us ultimately to the higher dimensions of light. Many beings  already exist in these dimensions. I have had in person contact with many races of ETs that already exist in these realms.  They are inter dimensional and travel between dimensions as we will be doing. There is a process involved in learning these techniques and this is why paranormal activities increase as we move dimensions. We are learning how to navigate these new realms.

Dimensional shifts can cause many issues while we are in the middle of them. These issues are physical, emotional and mental. While they occur there are also episodes of Bliss that also occur off and on. It is completely normal to feel bliss one day and then feel the effects of the shift the next day. This is how the Universe always implements new creations… it is done in waves.

For those that may have been in rocky relationships and may have parted ways-with this shift there is a chance of now reconciling. This has changed every person on the planet and we now exist on a brand new timeline. Many relationships have been under intense strain during this time. It may be worthwhile to take another look at a break up and put out a friendly hand if this break up occurred recently. Shifts to a higher timeline can change the entire dynamic of the relationship and a new start can lead both to higher awareness.

During dimensional shifting many symptoms come to light. Some of these will be intense dreaming as if we are not dreaming but really in a different reality. Intense hunger and Intense thirst. Seeing many paranormal beings or having paranormal experiences or increased experiences.

During these last 2 months my own paranormal experiences have vastly increased. I have been seeing more Beings pop in and out of the spaces I am in. Sometimes they are just outlines and sometimes more. I am seeing things moving all over my house that should not be moving. I am hearing my husband talking when he is not in the room with me or talking at all. Memory losses can occur while not being able to remember something that just came into our minds a few minutes before. Many other paranormal experiences can occur with psychic sight increasing. You may know things you don’t know how you know. You may have telepathic communication with others. Synchronicities increase. This is not uncommon. This happens every time we are shifting timelines. Although I have always have tons of paranormal experiences these are always increased during times of shifting and this will occur for those that don’t experience these things on a daily basis.

During timeline shifts all prior negative timelines are deleted. The positive timelines are allowed to come in and manifest. This is quite an important and detailed process that takes place. This has been a huge jump and we are still adapting to this shift in consciousness.

All lower timelines will eventually drop off and we will be left with a higher timeline in 5D or above. During these times manifesting becomes easier and quicker. This is a good time to go after things that may have been put on hold. This is an excellent time to set goals and start to work on manifesting what your heart desires. Nothing is out of reach now as we move ahead to the higher timelines.

The Advanced Council of Interplanetary Light is a Council of ET Beings of that have visited me in person.  They make up many different races of ETs that are all working together for the good of human kind. A new message has been received which I have included below.

Message From the Advanced Council of Interplanetary Light:

Your Planet has just gone through a metamorphosis with the Timeline Shifts that have just taken place. All beings of Earth- we ask you to send Love to planet Earth to help as this transition takes place. Imagine in your mind a huge Heart full of love and send it on to Earth during these next few weeks to help with this transition. All the lower timelines have been deleted and this takes work on the part of the Earth to accomplish this.







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This article must be shared in whole and intact with the authors name and website.

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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.