By Diane Canfield
Blessings Beloveds,
We have just entered the Gateway of the Eclipses yesterday as well as Opening of the Lions Gate Portal 8/8 today. The Eclipse Gateway lasts from August 7 to August 21st. The Lions Gate closes August 12th.
Both of these special gateways offer many upgrades to those that are ready to add them to our DNA Upgrades ongoing collection.
Lions Gate
The Lions Gate opening pulls Sirius closer to us and in doing so gives us more insight into our galactic heritage of the Sirian Race which many of us are a part of. The Sirians are brave warriors, having been in many galactic wars fighting for their own freedom and the freedom of other races including the human race. This is echoed on Earth as we too fight for our freedom from the many centuries of dark influences. This freedom comes at a price and only through our own individual awakening. With new freedom comes the loss of what was and even though the past was limited in many ways, many adapted to this limited way of life. Letting this go requires a dying off the old self while the new self takes hold. This will happen through the rest of 2017 as we let go of the past and embrace what IS in the moment of NOW. Freedom comes as one of the most Important aspects to our Ascension Transition.
Those with more Sirian Heritage will be asked to partake more in the upcoming changes that are occurring on the planet as we invoke more light and transmute more darkness into LIGHT. This warrior attitude is called for and needed in the coming future of planet Earth. If you are called you will know it for you will not be able to ignore the call for FREEDOM from oppression.
The opening of the Third EYE is a strong influence with Lions gate, so watch for psychic happenings and occurrences. They are already underway and especially today as we are being upgraded in our psychic awareness. I have been seeing many things and beings moving all over my house, much more than usual. Also you may now see more light flashes and blue lights/sword like especially associated with the Sirian Influences. You may also feel even more connected to dolphins and whales as they too are highly connected to the Sirians. This opening has brought in high energy connected to the Spirit worlds of Bliss and the Creator. Look for more of this to come in.
The Sirius Star System and Sirians are highly linked to the spiritual world and highly evolved. In many cultures including native american cultures Sirius was refereed to as the Dog star. In Egypt Sirius was known as the dog god Anubis who was associated as the guardian of the death and transformation realm. Sirians are highly evolved in all realms of light.
Eclipse Gateway of Light
The Eclipse Gateway is all about revealing the shadow side of us individually and collectively. As the shadow side is revealed more light can then come in and takes it’s place. The shadow side will need to be healed for this process to take place, only then can the darkness be cast out and thrown out as it is not needed in Dimensions 5 through 12 and above.
Through this Gateway our authentic selves will be brought to the surface for us to merge with. For those not ready their own unseen worlds will be brought up again and again until the adaption process of holding more light occurs. As we move through this gateway many insights about who we really are will come up for everyone to process and adapt to. Do not resist these processes as they occur, become the observer and work through this new way of being and come out the other side a brand new inter dimensional human.
Both Gateways are now open and we are traversing both at the same time. Accept the new energy as it comes in and process what needs to the processed when it comes in. Do not put it off or think it can be done another day. When these energies arrive the inner world of spiritual progress then needs attention.
You can find my recent interview with Charlotte View where I go into much more detail about the Total Solar Eclipse. on my website here
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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.