Upgrade/ Activation, Healing with Archangel Metatron Into The New Era of Light Full Moon Event
Blessings Soul Tribe,
Join us for a profound and transformative meditation as we gather under the radiant energy of the Full Moon in Leo on February 12, 2025.
This powerful cosmic event marks the beginning of a profound shift, ushering us into a New Era of Light and Ascension.
Guided by the angelic wisdom of Archangel Metatron, we will explore the vast potential of this moment, using the Full Moon to accelerate our spiritual evolution and align with the higher frequencies that are now available to us.
Archangel Metatron, the cosmic scribe, guardian of ascension, and guide to higher realms, will assist us in navigating this powerful portal.
Through his loving energy, we will clear old karmic imprints, raise our vibration, and step into the new light codes that are awakening humanity to its higher potential. This evening will be a deep journey of healing, activation, and spiritual expansion.
Archangel Metatron is often associated with helping individuals on their spiritual journey, especially when it comes to ascension, which is the process of evolving to higher states of consciousness. Metatron’s role in this process is multifaceted:
Guiding Higher Knowledge: Metatron is considered the archangel of divine wisdom and knowledge. He is often seen as a spiritual teacher who helps individuals access higher levels of understanding, particularly when it comes to the mysteries of the universe, sacred geometry, and the divine order of creation. This knowledge can assist with personal growth and spiritual development, which are key components of ascension.
Helping With Integration: Ascension often involves integrating higher frequencies of light and energy into one’s being, which can be overwhelming at times. Metatron helps individuals process and adapt to these higher energies, ensuring a smoother transition into more elevated states of consciousness. This includes helping to release old patterns, limiting beliefs, and emotional blockages that can hinder spiritual progress.
Activating Light Codes: Metatron is associated with the activation of sacred geometrical patterns, or “light codes,” which can facilitate spiritual awakening and ascension. These light codes are thought to activate dormant aspects of the soul, helping individuals to tap into their higher selves and divine purpose. Meditations and energy work involving Metatron can assist with this activation.
Support With the Merkabah (Light Body): One of Metatron’s most well-known associations is with the Merkabah, or light body, which is said to be an energetic vehicle that allows the soul to transcend physical boundaries. Metatron’s energy can help people align their light bodies with their higher consciousness, making ascension a more tangible, physical experience.
Helping with Emotional Healing: Ascension often brings up emotional and psychological challenges as individuals let go of old attachments. Metatron provides healing through the heart chakra, guiding individuals through emotional healing and transformation. This healing helps raise the vibrational frequency of an individual, allowing them to align more closely with their higher self and spiritual truth.
Connecting to Source: As a powerful intermediary between humanity and the divine, Metatron helps strengthen individuals’ connection to Source energy. This deep connection to divine love and light is essential for anyone going through an ascension process, as it helps to maintain balance, inner peace, and clarity.
Create a Sacred Space: Create a peaceful and quiet space where you can sit or lay down comfortably. Light candles nearby.
Clear Your Mind: Before the event, take a few moments to clear your mind. Let go of any stress or distractions so you can fully embrace the energy of the full moon and archangel Metatron.
USE HEADPHONES to receive the full power of the meditation and energy healing Diane will be sending.
Experience the power of collective energy as we come together to amplify our collective raising of consciousness into the NEW ERA OF LIGHT
Diane’s assistant will confirm your payment and this will be the confirmation of your payment.
Mark the date and time on your calendar so you do not miss this important event.
Contact Diane’s assistant for any other questions, email below.
February 12th Mediation Event
Connection Times Diane will be connecting all participants to Archangel at 8pm EST time on February 12th. You can join in, but participation is optional and not required. Click below to purchase your ticket to the paid event. Instructions for the event will be sent a few days prior to the event to the address on file with Paypal. If you would like them sent to a different email address please include that in the notes with the payment. All participants who have registered will be connected and healed whether they attend at the times listed or not. If you are purchasing as a gift for someone else, please include their name with your payment. Only those with a ticket will be sent the instructions and connected. Contact assistanttodiane@gmail.com with any questions to talk to Diane’s assistant
Required Reading For All Participants:
This is a remote/long distance UPGRADE/ACTIVATION AND HEALING event. It will take place from the comfort of your own home.
HEADPHONES ARE REQUIRED for the meditation and to maximize the energy Diane is sending to heal.
All are welcome worldwide including friends and family who may be in the 3D reality and need a little help 🙂 Purchasing for another person is absolutely welcome. All we need is their name to heal them.
Send an email to assistanttodiane@gmail.com for the person(s) names you want to add to the event. Be sure a ticket is purchased for them. Check back to this page for instructions above.
Check your PayPal email, this is where all confirmation from us will be sent for the EVENT.
Do not contact Diane she will be offline for this event
Channeled Message from Archangel Metatron
20 Minute Psychic Reading with Diane