December 21st Dimensional Upgrade/ Light Codes Activation and Meditation/ The Great Awakening

December 21st Solstice Dimensional Solar Center Upgrade Activation and Meditation EVENT/ The Great Awakening

Blessings Soul Tribe,

Please join us for The December 21st Solstice Dimensional Upgrade Light Codes Activation and Meditation Event on December 21st 2020. 

December 12th through December 21st a Portal will open to allow for THE GREAT AWAKENING TO OCCUR.  Light codes will be arriving all throughout this time. Some will call this the Solar Flash or Dimensional Upgrades that will propel every person on the planet into the Great Awakening and the building of the New Earth.

Diane will capture these Dimensional Upgrades and light codes and transmit them to every participant of this event. This will happen on December 21st. A Meditation will also be included.

ON DECEMBER 21st Saturn and Jupiter will align at 0 Aquarius marking the beginning of a new cycle. It has been centuries since these 2 planets have aligned this closely. They align in the sign of Aquarius bringing in the New Age of Aquarius we have all been waiting for. This rare conjunction holds new energy for all of Planet earth and it’s inhabitants. This energy has been foretold for the Great Awakening to the place.

In the sign of Aquarius this will spark new advances world wide. Humanitarian issues will come to the forefront for many decades to come. This is the Time of the New Earth and the Raising of Consciousness of every being on the planet. 

Diane will be activating each person that registers for this event with Dimensional Upgrades/ Light codes that will be coming in from the solar center within each one of us. This is vital in the formation of the New Earth which is being built for all of us to inhabit. 

Diane will be opening and activating the portal of the Great Awakening.  This will take place for every participant, though participation is not required. 

A meditation by Diane will be included along with the light code activation.

Diane will be activating each participant with light codes at 12pm EST and 8pm EST time on December 21st. You can join in, but participation is optional and not required.

Click below to purchase your ticket to the paid event. Instructions and the meditation for the event will be sent a few days prior to the event to the address on file with Paypal. If you would like them sent to a different email address please include that in the notes with the payment.

All participants who have registered will be activated whether they attend at the times listed or not. If you are purchasing as a gift for someone else, please include their name with your payment.

Only those with a ticket will be sent the instructions and healed.

Contact with any questions Diane will be off line before and for the event

Required Reading For All Participants:

This is a remote/long distance light code ACTIVATION event. It will take place from the comfort of your own home.

All are welcome worldwide including friends and family who may be in the 3D reality and need a little help 🙂 Purchasing for another person is absolutely welcome. All we need is their name to activate them.

Send an email to with the names you want to add to the event. Be sure a ticket is purchased for them.

Check your PayPal email, this is where all correspondence from us will be sent for the EVENT. Be sure your PayPal address is checked for ALL instructions of the event. Instructions are sent out a few days before the event takes place.

Number of Tickets

If the buy now button above doesn’t work for any reason, please use this link to send $20 payment.

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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.