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Many of you might know that have been following my facebook page and blog that I was contacted by Ryan Conscious after he took a video of a  Starship a week or so ago.  He was unsure of what race of  Star Family the ship belonged to and what they wanted with him. He, like so many others has been dealing with fear with direct contact with ET’s.

He contacted me because he knows I have had direct contact with many races of our Star Family and their ships. There is also a connection between myself and Ryan, we are both very much intertwined with the Pleiadians. ( More about this later) I was able to tell Ryan the starship he encountered was Pleiadian, he already felt this but did not tell me. I have had a few conversations now with Ryan about his encounter, one being a almost 3 hour skype call.  The first ship I consciously saw was 14 years ago and also Pleiadian. This was the  first ship I saw directly, in the daylight as I talked about on my past blogs. I have had many physical interactions with their ships and all different races of star beings. These ships and their occupants are conscious of who they make contact with. None of this is random as I explained to Ryan. He is at a point now in his consciousness to be able to see them directly as I do and interact with them as I do if he chooses to. The one factor that has stopped him is fear. As I told Ryan the ship he saw was cloaked so he could only see it through his camera, they allowed him to see as much as he did of it. This is standard operating procedure for them as I was to learn through my own interactions with them in the past 14 years of  encounters of their ships. There are many ships in the sky over Earth all the time, it is just that they are cloaked. No one needs to go out into the night sky and look for them, they are very much out during the day time too, it is just a matter of raising your vibration high enough to see them.

The Pleiadians want to make contact with Ryan and he needs to meet them half way. This was the point of the encounter to prepare him for contact.  Just like others, he is working to release his fear about seeing them face to face. This is not easy as I explained to Ryan because all fears ultimately come from the fear of death. Once a person understands there really is no death, then it is much easier to cross this barrier to contact and all that this entails. There has also been a fear instilled into people from the media, who wants us to view other races outside of Earth as a threat. This programming takes a conscious effort to release since that is what it is,  programming. Remember there is an agenda to making people of Earth think we have something to fear from outside races.
When we make contact with ships and beings from other dimensions, our consciousness automatically raises because we have now encountered interdimensional beings. There is no going back after this.  When it takes place in the physical realm, this is a jumpstart to a new human. Our DNA has then been transformed to allow more light, just by encountering them. They are ready to make contact with Ryan and this was their way of showing him  that, he just needs to continue to do his part and he is ready to do this.  It takes raising our consciousness high enough to interact with them. Ryan will now go through a cleansing process on his own, as he works to remove his fears about physical contact with them, and this was part of what this contact was all about.

Ryan and I will be working together on more things concerning Et’s in the future, as this was part of the reason this all came together the way it did. Nothing happens randomly or without a reason. Our Star family knows every move they make and why and there is always a reason.

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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.

I have decided to include a Part 2 and  in this series of how to make contact with our Star Family, as I have had so many requests for more information.  

Many of our Star family can exist inter dimensionally, which means they exist in other dimensions and realities. They can also come into this reality and this is how we can see them, meaning they come into a persons reality. There are also dimensional Star family , with inter dimensional capabilities.

When a person wants to have contact with them, one of the first things they should do is to set parameters as to how this contact will take place. ( I talked about specifics in making contact in Part 1 ) This is no different from  interacting with the spirit world which I do on an almost daily basis. I set up guidelines of what I will accept and what I will not accept in the way of experiences and contact. This is crucial as all beings operate with boundary systems.

Many years ago   I saw (consciously) my first UFO in broad daylight. It was a HUGE mother ship that was bigger than a water tower that was next to it. It came out of nowhere and just appeared. There was no noise or any sound at all. (The picture I have included looks something like it and yes it was huge like this ) I knew immediately it was conscious of us watching it and had chosen us to see it.

There is a feeling of timelessness when we see these inter dimensional objects because we are now partially in their dimension just by being able to see them. ( This also happens with me when I see spirits or get  visual messages from other dimensions) . After watching it for a few minutes, we turned away  and when we looked back a cloud was in the exact location of the ship.  This cloud is their cloaking device that is used to shield themselves from being seen.  MANY times when we look up and see a cloud , this is not a cloud at all. We were chosen to see this and  other people in the city that could have seen it were just seeing a cloud. Our Star family are conscious of everything they do and every move they make. They know who sees them and who does not.

When we see an inter dimensional ship, our consciousness immediately starts to expand. This is because we have now seen and interacted with something not from our dimensional plane. This is the jump start many people need and use to expand their consciousness. The person can then take this experience and use it to develop themselves even further, or make a choice to discard it as if it is nothing. It will depend on the person’s state of consciousness at the time they have this experience what choice they make.

I became somewhat obsessed after this encounter because although I am a psychic clairvoyant and see things  from other dimensions daily, this was the first time I was consciously aware of my Star Family and they confirmed for me that I had been interacting with them since childhood.  This was one of the messages I was given by them on that day. I was told there would be many more interactions and there has been. More on this later.

As my journey continued, I continued to call them to me. This resulted in another experience not too long after, with the Et’s known as the greys. I saw all kinds of them, there are all different species of greys. I will go into this experience in Part 3 and what is needed before encountering our Star Family.

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 Copyright © Diane Canfield. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.

Many people who follow me know that I have had contact with many different races of our Star Family. Physically seeing and connecting with them. Some of these include the Greys and the Pleiadians. I have also had contact with other races that are not well known, the Altairs and the Blue Ray Beings and the Lumerians.  The Blue Rays of the 12th dimension were my last encounter. I was taken in their vehicle from my house 3 nights in a row (more about this later). I actually see them (in the physical world)  and connect with them energetically as I do their ships. Many of them are interdimensional, meaning they can travel back and forth between dimensions. We do this too but many humans are not conscious of it yet. Others have hovered over my house for days at a time and then appearing to me just as they they are leaving. 

The way to have contact  will include steps to be taken to open the persons consciousness enough that the ET’s can be seen. The first step is to remove all fear based thinking from your heart about making contact with them. Be open to all races, genders, beings on this planet first. Which includes to have unconditional love for all forms of consciousness because EVERYTHING on planet earth is alive, it has just changed form in some way or another. Yes, I do mean everything. 

This means do not judge others by how they look, ugly or beautiful, disabled or not, gender biased, same sex preference, hetrosexual, whatever they are or how they look. Work to accept everyone, the homeless, the mentally ill ( the society term; really they are just plugged into another reality), in any condition the being appears. When we judge others in this way, we are setting up a system of not letting other realities and beings that look different from us into our consciousness. This in itself will raise a persons vibration when we go beyond how someone looks,  their life preferences or life path they have chosen for themselves in this lifetime.

The second step is to work to bring our Star Family into your awareness, This means accept the fact that they are here and have always been here. They have had a hand in human beings evolution. They have helped us from the beginning. It is not enough to just realize they are here, you will need to bring the concept fully into your consciousness and accept it as a fact. This is what opens up the floodgates for the ET’s  to make contact with us and appear  as they have done with me and will continue to do so. To bring something into your consciousness means that you fully accept something, a new concept or reality with no resistance. This takes practice for those that have never done this. This creates a reality change within yourself, as you are now aligning more and more in TRUTH. This means you take this reality into the CORE of your being, and now you are in a NEW reality.

The third step is raise your vibration and awareness. This can be done in many different ways and it will speed the process to open the third eye and keep it open. How will you know if your third eye is open? You will see or communicate with beings from other dimensions.  How to will raise your vibration is to not focus on anything negative at all and work to only keep and maintain your focus on positive outcomes and scenarios. Do not look at any fear based material or doom and gloom type of information.  Do not buy into any time frames as time is not a factor in other realities. There is never any fear that needs to be felt, if you work to eliminate fear from your reality, your vibration will instantly raise on it’s own.  Any form of violence will lower a persons vibration, this means engaging in  arguments, looking at violent pictures or movies, playing violent video games. Stay away from anything that would make you loose consciousness, as the goal is to raise it, not lower it.

Et’s and our Star family vehicles can appear in broad daylight, as they all have done with me. The Et’s themselves have appeared right in my house. There is no need to go outside and look at the bright stars at night, they are here just as much in the morning and the middle of every day. Time is much better spent making sure we are raising our vibration so that they can connect with us. We can open up to the reality that they are here, and just waiting to make contact with more humans, so more and more humans will accept them. We do not need disclosure. We know they are here, and the more humans can accept them for who they are and remove the fear based thinking towards them, the more they will make themselves known. 

As I have said many times, Ascension, Psychic awareness and ET’s go hand in hand. This is because they all include accessing other dimensions. The more we can make progress in one area, the more we will make progress in others as well. We are Multidimensional beings, now we can see that, we can  make contact with more and more races of our Star Family. This then lets us raise the consciousness of not only ourselves but all of our brothers and sisters. We choose to accept all beings exactly as they are, unconditionally loving them, without resistance.

Love Diane 

To keep up with all my latest updates, be sure and follow me on Facebook Copyright © Diane Canfield. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

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Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium who Communicates with those that have passed over in her client sessions and also gives psychic readings and healings. She is a Prophetic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Diviner Catalyst for change, not only in people's lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She psychically tunes in and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown. She is in constant communication with higher realms of consciousness and beings who reside there.